Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 244: Orochimaru arrangement

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: (Apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! The life in Shayin Village is very single-handed, and Sand Ren hates him. No one wants to chat with him. The shops and gambling houses are closed down, even playing dice Nowhere.

Half a month later, Fenghuo was really bored, so he decided to find some excitement.

"I want to see Luo Sha!" Feng Huo said to Ma Ji.

"No! Master Fengkage is very busy, so I don't have time to see you!" Maggie flatly refused.

In the past half month, he and Kaiichi Yamanaka have negotiated and confirmed a series of post-war compensation, and both parties are quite satisfied, and Maji has therefore been valued by Luo Sha.

"I have something very important!" Feng Huo said seriously.

Ma Ji hesitated when he saw it, because the expression on Feng Huo's face was too serious, he had no choice but to nod reluctantly.

After reporting, Luo Sha met Feng Huo in his office.

"I heard from Ma Ji that you have something very important to see me, is that true?" Luo Sha was wearing a Fengying robe, sitting upright like Yue Linyuan, and her tall and tall aura had been honed to perfection.

Feng Huo was stunned for a moment, and then said half-heartedly: "That's right, this matter is very important!"

Luo Sha subconsciously sat up straight, nodded for Feng Huo to speak.

Although he has not been taking over Fengying for a long time, his every move has gradually taken on the posture of a superior.

"I want to see..." Feng Huo leaned slightly towards Luo Sha with his upper body.

Luo Sha also cooperated with her upper body and leaned over: "You want to see me?"

"Rinjuriki who guards the crane with one tail." Feng Huo said solemnly.

"Nani?" Luo Sha was confused.

"I've been a little bored recently, what do you think about finding a fight with Shuhe?"

The corners of Luo Sha's eyes, eyebrows, and cheeks began to twitch crazily: "You... say it again?"

"Ahem, that's it!" Feng Huo sensed that Luo Sha's expression was wrong, so he hurriedly changed his expression, "Lord Kazekage, after more than half a month of friendly negotiation, I found that our relationship has passed smoothly. In the honeymoon period, don’t look at me like this, don’t you think so? You see, since this is the case, in order to promote a more harmonious, stable and sustainable development of our relationship, it is imperative to develop sports competitions Not much! So the question is, what is sports competition?"

Feng Huo was talking like a river, Luo Sha had already recovered, and his whole face was faintly blue.

"Enough! Uchiha Fenghuo, I will never agree to your request!"

Let Uchiha seal the fire and see Izuzuru Jinchuriki?

Make fun of your sister's Konoha!

After becoming Kazekage, Luo Sha already knew many secrets, such as Uchiha Madara once used Sharingan to control the big tailed beasts!

If Uchiha Fenghuo intends to imitate Uchiha Madara, then...

and many more!

Luo Sha's eyes narrowed slightly, and now the situation in the ninja world became tense again with the declaration of war by Konoha. Especially for Konoha, they need to fight one against three again, and the situation is in dire straits. At this time, the third Naruto Sarutobi Hiruzen is very likely to give Uchiha the order to seal the fire, let him find a way to take them out of the hidden sand village. The Shouhe snatched away!

The more Luo Sha thought about it, the more she felt that this possibility was very high, and her face darkened.

"Hey, it's just a friendly discussion, don't make such a stinky face." Feng Huo complained.

Luo Sha looked at Feng Huo coldly: "If you can't do it, you can't do it, you should give up your heart!"

"No need to discuss?" Feng Huo's face became fierce.

Luo Sha suddenly thought: This guy won't just grab it, right?

"It's not negotiable!" Although he had no idea in his heart, his momentum could not be suppressed by Fenghuo.

Luo Sha stared at Feng Huo: "If you dare to move the orc Zhuli, we will not hesitate to start another war!"

"You can still fight now?" Fenghuo pouted, the Battle of Jigeng Mountain had already wiped out all the supplies in Shayin Village, and it was impossible for them to start another war in a short time.

Luo Sha remained silent.

"Okay, okay, really, I've never seen such a stingy shadow, alas, the world is getting worse, people's hearts are not old, think about it carefully, it seems that we Konoha gave you the one-tailed crane, squeak, people's hearts Ah, people's hearts."

Feng Huo walked away shaking his head.

Luo Sha's face was ugly, and he forced himself to suppress the burning impulse in his heart.

‘No, you must put the blessings in a safe place, and you must not be found by the **** Uchiha Fuhuo! '

Luo Sha went out in person and sent the one-tailed Jinzhuli Fenfu to the most heavily guarded prison in the village and imprisoned him.

Fenfu is very old, his eyebrows and beard are already gray, and he doesn't look like he will live long.

"Master Kazekage, Fenfu's health is deteriorating, and I'm afraid he won't live for a few years." Anbu ninja who was in charge of monitoring Fenfu reported softly.

Luo Sha nodded, thinking that it would be difficult to find another honest person like Fen Fu.

But immediately he remembered the disastrous defeat that the village had just experienced, and felt unwilling again.

‘If Jinchuriki could be unleashed in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, maybe the result would have been different! '

Faintly, an idea flashed through his mind, but when he thought about it again, he couldn't remember it.

The leaves of the country of fire.

As the coach of Kikyo Mountain, Orochimaru finally came back today, and the civilians in the village rushed out to pay their respects to the hero.

"Is that Master Orochimaru?"

"very handsome!"

"As expected of the legendary Sannin!"

Listening to the praises of the common people, Orochimaru was as cold as ever, and went straight to the Hokage Tower with his cronies.

Danzo, Koharu and Mitomon are all in Hiruzaru Sarutobi's office, waiting for Orochimaru's return.

"Hi Zhan, where do you plan to arrange for Orochimaru next? To fight against Yunnin, Iwanin, or Mistnin?" Zhuanju Xiaochun asked.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi didn't answer immediately~www.readwn.com~ After pondering for a while, he said: "Oshemaru has been away for three years, and it's hard to come back, so let him rest more. It just so happens that there will be a batch of ninja school soon." When the graduates come, let him pick a few students and teach them well."

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun raised his eyebrows, and retorted: "The war is not over yet, and you are idling with a combat power like Orochimaru, Hiruza, you know what you are doing!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi smoked and remained silent.

Danzo, who was sitting on the side, was startled: Orochimaru was left idle, and Namikaze Minato was assigned to Kumo Shinobi, so that he could continue to make meritorious deeds. Could it be that Hiraku's favorite candidate is really Namikaze Minato? !

He was about to test, when the voice of Orochimaru came from outside the door.

"Teacher, I'm back."

"Oshemaru, come in." Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was impatient and spoke first.

Orochimaru came in, his golden vertical pupils swept across them instantly, and his eyes stopped on Danzo.

"Oshemaru, thank you for your hard work!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Let's rest for a while now."

Orochimaru nodded noncommittally: "I see."

"Although it's a rest, don't do nothing. Speaking of which, both Tsunade and Jiraiya have already taken students. You can go to the ninja school to find a few students to teach them well, right?"

"Really? Well, I agree." A bit of interest flashed in Dashewan's eyes.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun was very anxious: "Oshemaru, the war is not over yet, how can you stay in the village!"

Orochimaru chuckled and said, "Wouldn't it be better for the village to cultivate a few elite disciples?"

"You!" Turning bed Xiaochun was furious, the emperor was really not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry, she snorted coldly and turned her head away and stopped talking.

Danzo gave Orochimaru a look without a trace, then his eyelids were slightly closed, and his mind wandered away.

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