Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 245: Leaving Sand Hidden Village

Underground root headquarters.

Danzo and Orochimaru faced each other, staring at each other expressionlessly.

Only half the salary, Danzo said slowly: "Uchiha's eyes, I want it!"

Orochimaru shrank his eyes and pupils, and then said calmly: "Oh? You haven't waited to see Uchiha all this time."

"Although the Uchiha clan is an evil clan, there are some merits in their blood succession limit boundary." Danzo said lightly.

"Hehe, I really want to study it too, Danzo, it shouldn't be a problem to get me a few pairs of Sharingan, right?" Orochimaru chuckled.

Danzo stared at him firmly, and said half-paid: "Of course, but don't forget, the first generation of gene transplant experiments must not stop!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Dashewan's mouth: "You can start at any time, but you have to provide better experimental materials."

"You don't have to worry about this!" Danzo suddenly sneered a few times, "By the way, you should have received the news, hehe, some time ago your teacher sent him to the front line of Yunin, if this continues, Nai Fengshui The meritorious service established by the door is enough to compete for the position of Hokage."

Orochimaru showed a mocking look: "Don't you want to? Don't use such inferior methods in front of me. If you want to deal with him, you can do it yourself!"

Danzo showed a playful look: "I have already made a move."

Orochimaru showed a sneering smile, Danzo's move was already expected by him, and he even guessed what method Danzo would use, so he deliberately leaked it to Fenghuo, the purpose is to make Namikaze Minato and Danzo conflict , so that he can reap the benefits of being a fisherman.

Kaiichi Yamanaka and Fenghuo negotiated post-war compensation in Hidden Sand Village, and sent the results of the negotiation back to the village from time to time, Hiruzaru Sarutobi has been paying attention.

"Speaking of this level, it is almost the limit that the Kingdom of Wind can bear."

Sarutobi Hiruzen finally showed satisfaction after receiving the latest negotiation results.

‘This batch of resources can alleviate our urgent needs. '

But more importantly, it can liberate Fenghuo.

Kaleidoscope, Susano, and the combat power of Fenghuo became famous in the ninja world following the Battle of Kikyo Mountain. To 'waste' such combat power on trivial matters such as negotiations for a long time, to Konoha at this time, it is a kind of Great waste.

If Danzo and the others hadn't insisted on investigating Fenghuo's mistaken killing of his companions, and the family members had made trouble, Sarutobi Hiruza would have let Fenghuo come back long ago.

Now Namikaze Minato is leading a group of ninjas to harass Yunin in the north, and it is very difficult to stop the opponent's invasion speed, so Fenghuo just came back to help Minato!

Shayin Village is still full of yellow sand, dry and hot ghost weather. After the initial boredom and a little confusion, Fenghuo finally settled down and began to practice seriously. Progress slowly.

On this day, Yamanaka Kaiichi came over and told Fenghuo the latest order of Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"That is to say, we are going back?"

Feng Huo stretched his waist, and the bones all over his body rang violently.

"Yes, Feng Huo, with your current strength, I believe you will be sent to the battlefield again soon." Yamanaka Hai said with a smile.

Feng Huo's face is bitter, now there are three battlefields, there are three generations of Tsuchikage Onogi in the Iwa Ninja Battlefield, there are not many people in Konoha on the Cloud Ninja Battlefield, and the Uchiha Clan is the main force in the Mist Ninja Battlefield, no matter which battlefield you go to, He will suffer.

"When are we leaving?" Feng Huo asked.

"I still need a few days here, if you are in a hurry, go first." Yamanaka Hai said with a smile.

Feng Huo said: "Then I'd better go first, the environment here is too bad, you have to queue up to take a shower!"

"Okay, then you should pay attention to safety on the road." Yamanaka Kai said, "By the way, when you go back, let's talk to Sidai Kazekage and the others."

Fenghuo followed good advice and immediately went to the Fengying office building, greeted his family with gentle words, and then proposed to leave early.

Luo Sha is overjoyed, Fenghuo has been in Shayin Village these days, he has not been able to sleep peacefully every day, and every two days he dreams that Fenghuo uses Sharingan to abduct one of their guarding cranes, making Jiaruo feel uncomfortable. Going to sleep with him soon.

"Why don't you stay for two more days, I still want to find a chance to compete with you, ha ha."

He was happy in his heart, but Luo Sha still tried to persuade him a few times, with a look of reluctance.

Feng Huo saw his pretentious appearance, and immediately gritted his teeth: "Since you have said so, if I don't stay for two more days, I will not give you face, I..."

"Ahem!" Luo Sha suddenly coughed desperately, blushing and said while coughing, "Okay, since you've already made up your mind, I won't keep you, go and go."

Feng Huo squinted at him, with the expression of seeing a ghost.

Luo Sha looked left and right, and the image of wind and shadow accumulated so hard instantly collapsed.

"Hehe, hehehe." Feng Huo sneered.

The corner of Luo Sha's mouth twitched, and he pretended to deal with official business as if nothing had happened, treating the fire as transparent.

Afterwards, Fenghuo brought enough food and drink, and left Shayin Village.

At the same time, the news of his departure spread to the Iwanin Camp of the Land of Rain at an extremely fast speed.

After the three generations of Tukage Onogi came to the battlefield in person, the battles in the second battlefield were anticlimactic. Every time the front was very exciting, and then Onogi appeared on the stage, the Konoha ninjas scattered, and then Hatake Sakumo appeared, and Iwanoshi coaxed And then they broke up. In the end, Onoki and Hatake Sakumo confronted each other, and each played a few big moves, and then went back to their respective houses to find their respective mothers.

The war was fought in a fresh and refined manner.

On this day, Onogi once again went back to camp with Hatake Sakumo, and saw Huang Tu rushing up with red eyes.

"Father, Uchiha Fenghuo has left Sand Hidden Village!"

"Huh? Has the information been confirmed?" Ohnoki's eyes flickered ~www.readwn.com~ It has been confirmed! Huangtu was so excited that he handed over the information in his hand, and said at the same time, "Father, let me follow!" "

Onogi snorted, "If we all leave, what will we do here? Huang Tu, you have to stay here honestly!"

"Father, then you can bring some Anbu over there." Huangtu was a little worried. If it was before, he would naturally not be worried, but now the Battle of Kikyo Mountain has made the Uchiha seal fire famous in the ninja world, and some people even secretly put him and Konoha Baiyaqi Mu Sakumo is tied, and Konoha Baiya's strength has been proven in these few battles. In such a situation, how can Huang Tu not be worried?

"No need, enough people are needed here to deal with Hatake Sakumo!" Onogi waved his hand disdainfully, "Uchiha seals the fire, I alone... ouch hiss... my waist!!"

Huang Tu was in a cold sweat: "Father, you...are you really okay?"

Onoki rubbed his waist and landed slowly, glared at him dissatisfied, and then looked at the information.

He recalled the borders between the Land of the Wind and the Land of Rain, and then shot straight into the sky.

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