Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 254: Orochimaru VIP

Fenghuo looked at Tsunade, the two of them stared at each other, and Fenghuo yelled at half the salary: "I've already taken off my pants and you just told me this?!"

Tsunade's eyes widened, and he kicked him out of Hokage Rock.

"Little devil, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will kill you!!"

"Ahem, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

After enjoying the free fall again, Fenghuo became honest.

"So, you already know this method?" Tsunade crossed her arms and looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, but her eyes were downcast, like a queen.

Feng Huo said: "There is a stone tablet in Uchiha's ancestral land, which records some things about the kaleidoscope."

Tsunade narrowed his eyes: "So, what are you going to do?"

Feng Huo looked at Tsunade, and his mind turned: What does Tsunade mean by asking this? Is she testing herself, testing herself? Or simply ask?

"As an upright person and a clean freak, I definitely won't accept other people's eyes. Hiss, I get goosebumps when I think of myself being someone else's eyes. Take a look, don't you?" Woke up?"

Tsunade pushed Fenghuo away with a look of disgust, and snorted: "You said no, who knows what you think in your heart!"

"Hehe." Feng Huo smiled awkwardly but politely.

"Okay, you can get out!" Tsunade waved his hand, his face was a little depressed, as if he remembered something sad.

Feng Huo looked depressed: You brought me here at night to entertain me, right?

"By the way, Nonoyu seems to be looking for you." Tsunade said again.

After Feng Huo heard it, could it be that something happened to the pharmacist?

When he thought of this, he couldn't sit still, so he jumped off Hokage Rock without saying a word.

"This brat..." Tsunade gritted his teeth.

After leaving Huoyingyan, Fenghuo went directly to Nonaiyu's orphanage.

The orphanage was very quiet in the middle of the night, only a few rooms were still lit, emitting a faint halo in the dark night.

"Feng Huo, it's you!"

After all, the pharmacist No Naoyu was born in the roots, and she was very alert, and she discovered Fenghuo just as he approached.

Feng Huo rushed into her room and said, "Sister Yaoshi, I heard from Tsunade-sensei that you are looking for me?"

Pharmacist No Naoyu looked sad: "Shut off the fire, take him away..."


Pharmacist bag?

"What happened to him?!" Feng Huo was very nervous.

Pharmacist Pocket has a lot to do with it, so nothing can happen.

"He was taken away by Lord Danzo." Pharmacist Nonoyu said in a low voice, "It's all because I'm useless, I can't stop him."

Yakushi Nonoyu went to find Tsunade, but when Tsunade came forward, he only brought back everyone except Yakushi Pocket.

Feng Huo frowned, and the first thought in his mind was to rescue Medicine Master.

But then he hesitated again.

Because he thought of a problem.

The one who can help him is the super spy Pharmacist Dou in the original book, the one who was trained by Orochimaru.

If he rescued Yaoshidou today, wouldn't it be clear that telling Danzo and Orochimaru that his relationship with Yaoshidou is not simple?

At that time, Orochimaru would still teach the pharmacist everything?

Fenghuo recalls the original work.

In the original book, Yao Shidou was also taken away by Danzo, and then he was active in various countries as a spy before being subdued by Orochimaru.

He can change the fate of the pharmacist Nonoyu, he can change the fate of Hatake Sakumo, but he can never change the fate of the pharmacist, otherwise, what is the meaning of the pharmacist to him?

Pharmacist No Naoyu looked at the contemplative Fenghuo, and asked, "Fenghuo, can you tell me why you value pockets so much?"

Feng Huo hesitated for a while, but still said: "I saw the extraordinary talent in him, and he will definitely become a great ninja in the future."

"Is that so? Then will you save him?" Pharmacist No Naoyu's eyes lit up.

Feng Huo was silent, not knowing how to explain to her.

Tell her that she will be blind, and the future pharmacist can help her?

If you want the future pharmacist to be able to help you, he must be taken away by Danzo?

Words like this will definitely be rubbed against.

"Sister Yaoshi, don't worry, even if Danzo sees the talent in Tou, he will appreciate it and won't hurt him." Feng Huo can only say this.

"But that's Danzo, if you let him enter the root..." Yaoshi Nonoyu couldn't bear it when he thought of his own experience, how could he let a child join such a cruel and ruthless organization?

'If you can, let me replace the bag. '

Pharmacist No Naoyu lowered his eyes and made a secret decision in his heart.

Feng Huo saw that Yaoshi Nonaiyu looked unwell, and remembered the scene of her and Yaoshidou falling in love and killing each other in the original book, he was horrified, and hurriedly said: "Sister Yaoshi, you don't want to go back to Danzo again, and exchange for Yaoshidou free?"

Pharmacist No Naoyu said embarrassingly: "How is it possible? I finally left the root, and I will never go back!"

Feng Huo pulled his face: You still have the face to say, isn't that what you did in the original book?

You are a person with a 'conviction', and you don't have any points in your heart?

But these words cannot be said, Feng Huo was shaking on his toes and didn't know how to persuade her.

"Sister Pharmacist, you trust me, you won't suffer a loss if you keep it to yourself, and I will pick him up when the time comes."

Pharmacist Nonoyu lowered his head.

"Sister Yaoshi, there are still many children in the orphanage who need your care. You can't give up the whole forest for a single grass, right?"

The words were rough and reasonable, Yaoshi Nonaiyu thought of other children, and his heart softened again, and his previous thoughts could not help but waver.

Fenghuo made a lot of promises again, expressing that he would guarantee the personal safety of Pharmacist Dou.

"Fenghuo, although Dou is from Shayin Village, he has lost his memory and is a blank sheet of paper. You must not give up on him." Pharmacist No Naiyu was finally persuaded by Fenghuo.

"Of course, I'll pick him up when Danzo has cultivated Dou to become a talent." Feng Huo patted his chest tendon, and said boldly, "I will also ask Anbu to come forward for those forbidden techniques that control people at the root. If you cancel it, nothing will happen to you!"

After finally appeasing the pharmacist No Naiyu, Fenghuo left the orphanage.

It's night, underground root headquarters.

Orochimaru was dressed in a kimono, pacing forward with his eyes squinted.

"I heard you caught a kid?"

Orochimaru opened his eyes slightly, and his golden vertical pupils fell on the darkness ahead.

Danzo slowly walked out of the darkness, and said in a hoarse voice, "Where did you get the information from!"

Orochimaru showed a mocking smile: "Do you really think your roots are invulnerable? You're so naive."

Danzo's killing intent increased instantly.

The root is his forbidden area, and no one will be allowed to touch or interfere. Orochimaru dares to send spies in his root, it is courting death!

But thinking of the first generation of cell transplantation experiments, he suppressed the boiling killing intent in his heart.

"This matter has nothing to do with you~www.readwn.com~ Orochimaru, your mission is the first-generation cell transplantation experiment, don't be affected by other things!" Danzang said coldly.

"Of course, but I also need an assistant for my experiment, the child you took away is good." Orochimaru smiled softly.

Danzo was silent, quickly analyzing Orochimaru's motives in his mind, his heart skipped a beat, and he said slowly: "You don't want to use this child to threaten Uchiha Fenghuo, do you? You... want his eyes too?!"

"This is just for the experiment, don't think too much." Orochimaru chuckled twice, as if mocking Danzo's suspicious.

"If it is necessary for the experiment, then I will send other people to assist you, hehe, this kid, I have other plans!" Danzang refused.

"Since you have already made up your mind, then I will take my leave." Orochimaru turned around and left, before the figure stepped into the darkness, he suddenly paused and turned his head slightly, "Danzo, I hope you will not regret it in the future, hehehehe .”

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