Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 255: Fame

After leaving the orphanage, Feng Huo did not go home, but set off directly to the Yunin battlefield to avoid meeting Danzo.

Danzang received the news the next day and was furious.

He wanted to use Yao Shidou to threaten Fenghuo, but once Fenghuo left, how could he still threaten?

And more importantly, knowing that the pharmacist was in his pocket, Feng Huo still left as soon as he said it, what does this mean?

It shows that the weight that the pharmacist holds in Fenghuo's heart may not be as important as he thought!

In this way, Yao Shidou was like a tasteless food to him, and it would be a pity to eat it without using it.

‘Kill him directly? '

Danzang looked at the terrified Pharmacist in front of him and sneered. It's better to train him to be a spy, maybe he can bring him unexpected surprises in the future!

However, the pharmacist's pocket is still too young and needs to be cultivated for a while.

Danzang casually called a root ninja guide pharmacist Dou, and then left.

Fenghuo left the village and headed north all the way, and then psychic out the Chaolunwu brothers on their way, not only fast, but also able to condense chakra on their spacious backs, killing two birds with one stone.

Seven days later, Fenghuo arrived at the battlefield smoothly.

Because the cloud ninja is powerful, the ninjas brought by Namikaze Minato are not enough to fight head-on, so no camp was established.

When Fenghuo found them, they were attacking a Rock Ninja troop.

Namikaze Minato's Hiraishen cooperated with Rekinaru to kill countless people on the battlefield of the Land of Rain, but facing Yunin is a bit stressful.

Yunin is good at lightning escape, both in nerve response and physical instinct. It is a bit difficult for Namikaze Minato to kill chickens and dogs like he did in the land of rain.


The Snow Eagle under the fire-sealing seat suddenly screamed with excitement, flapped its wings and landed on the battlefield below.

"No, it's Ninja Hawk!"

"so big!"

"Is it Yun Nin's psychic beast?"

"Could it be Konoha's psychic fight? Both sides in the battle took a step back, staring vigilantly at the two huge Ninja Hawks that were rapidly descending in the air.

Namikaze Minato looked at Ninja Taka's platinum and gorgeous eagle feathers, and his eyes shone brightly: Such beautiful eagle feathers!

Then he felt a little strange, because the eyes of these two ninja eagles were staring at him from the beginning to the end.

'Am I their target? Sure enough, it's Yun Ninja's... wait, that's...'

He saw the figure on the back of a Ninja Hawk. Although his face was not clear from a distance, his red sharing eyes were very clear.



Ninja Hawk...

"It's the second form of the chaotic round dance and the third form of the chaotic round dance!"

Namikaze Minato was overjoyed, "It has grown so big, my hunch was correct!"

Hearing his words, the ninja on Konoha's side was overjoyed: "Haha, it's our Konoha's psychic beast!"

"Kill Yunnin!"

The battle started again.

Feng Huo sat on the back of Chao Lunwu Sanshi, feeling very cool.

When the Chao Rondo brothers saw Namakaze Minato, they were like two little wolf dogs seeing their long-lost master, so they ran over to kneel and lick.

How could this embarrass him?

If he had known earlier, he should have stewed them, and then signed the psychic blood contract with two snow eagles.

I regret it.

The feeling of sealing the fire.



Two huge snow eagles landed, and the wind roared under the ten-meter spread wings, causing the nearby vegetation to sway and bow their heads, and Fenghuo took the opportunity to jump up.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

Namikaze Minato has a tacit understanding: "Fudun-Wen Wan!"

Two spiral pills that have added chakra property changes collided in the air, and a chemical change occurred instantly, forming a huge tornado with wind blades and flame tongues rotating at high speed.

Namikaze Minato blushed with excitement: "Super Daiyu Fenghuo spiral pill!"

Feng Huo looked embarrassed, what are you doing to **** the naming rights at this moment?

Can you be more mature?


The huge tornado destroyed all the way, the blades of wind and tongues of fire twirled wildly, swallowing seven or eight cloud ninjas in an instant, leaving no bones left!

"Damn it, it's Konoha's reinforcements, be careful!"

"Sharingan? It's the Uchiha clan!"

"Be careful with his eyes, don't fall into his illusion... Wait, why is this Uchiha so young?"

"His appearance...Damn it, it's Uchiha sealing the fire, retreat, retreat!!"

A group of Yun Ren recognized Feng Huo's identity, so they didn't dare to stay, they only hated their parents for losing a pair of legs, and rushed to escape quickly.


How could Minato Namikaze give up such a good opportunity, and immediately lead people all the way to chase him down.

Konoha is also full of surprises.

"It turned out to be Uchiha sealing the fire!"

"It's amazing, as soon as it appeared, it scared Yun Nin away!"

"Of course, he is a powerful ninja who defeated the entire front on the sand ninja battlefield!"

"I don't think there is anyone in Yunnin who is an opponent of Uchiha's seal fire unless the third generation of Raikage!"

"Idiot, call your lord!"


Feng Huo followed beside Minato Namikaze, hearing the compliments from these ninjas, he was also confused.

He looked at Namikaze Minato next to him.

Namikaze Minato explained softly with a smile: "Your name has spread throughout the ninja world after the Kikyo Mountain battle, congratulations."

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, it turned out to be like this, brother is also a full-name idol now?

After the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, Fenghuo entered Shayin Village as an envoy to negotiate compensation after the war. In Shayin Village, all he saw were resentment, hatred, and indifference. When he returned to the village, most of the people he saw were civilians. Like Yakushi Nonoyu and Tsunade, they wouldn't tell him these things specifically, and they didn't hold any hero commendation meeting, so until now, he didn't know that his "identity" was different.

This feels a little sour.

Chased and killed all the way, but Yun Ninjutsu was very good in physical skills, and he ran away from left to right, and they ran away a lot.


Seeing that the fight was over, the Chao Rondo brothers flew over with flapping wings, rubbing Namikaze Minato's cheek affectionately.

Feng Huo stood by and wanted to eat eagle meat.

"Haha, Fenghuo, they still remember me, that's great!" Namikaze Minato stroked Xueying's head with a smile on his face.

A Konoha ninja stepped forward curiously, looking at the snow eagle as tall as a floor, his eyes were full.

"What a mighty ninja!"

"It's so beautiful~ www.readwn.com~ Is it Lord Fenghuo's psychic beast? I really want to have one too."

"Master Feng Huo just came here on a Ninja Hawk!"

"Can fly, such a psychic beast must be very precious."

The Chaolun Dance brothers seemed to feel the amazing gazes of the ninjas around them, and couldn't help shaking their platinum eagle feathers, shining dazzlingly in the sun, absolutely bluffing people.

But after a while, the two guys were sweating profusely, like drowned rats.

The environment here is warm, and the eagle feathers on their bodies are too dense. Unless they fly at high speed, they cannot expel excess body heat.

So Fenghuo had to release the psychic and let them go back to the land of snow.

Thanks to the book friend Mollusk Foodies for their reward and support! To read the latest chapter, please pay attention to WeChat account: rdww444

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