Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 256: Namikaze Minato's leadership qualities

In the depths of the dense forest, there is a small valley covered by towering giant trees. A stream passes through the valley. The water in the stream is so clear that you can see the smooth pebbles under the water.

On the valley, countless thick green vines connect the giant trees together, like a city's traffic arteries, inhabiting countless small animals, insects, squirrels, birds, and even the thick boa constrictor motionless The ones hang on the branches and wait for the prey to come to the door. The weak are prey to the strong but they are full of vitality.

The troops led by Namikaze Minato were stationed in the small valley.

The arrival of Fenghuo attracted the crowd of all ninjas.

Most of these ninjas came from the first battlefield in the Land of Rain. They used to be Orochimaru's subordinates. Now Orochimaru is serving as a guide in the village. Namikaze Minato has taken over these people. Judging from the current situation, he has successfully established himself. prestige.

"Master Feng Huo, it's good if you come!"

"With you here, our mission will definitely be completed!"

There is no doubt that Yun Nin is powerful, especially good at physical skills, close combat is very terrifying, and the number of people is far larger than them, so during this period of time, they are in fear every day.

But with the arrival of Fenghuo's combat power, their sense of security instantly increased. Thinking of the huge demon **** in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain that day, they wished to directly attack Yun Nin's large army!

"Lord Fenghuo, you did a great job in the Battle of Kikyo Mountain!"

"I was also on the battlefield at the time. If Lord Fenghuo hadn't charged Kikyo Mountain alone and defeated the Sand Ninja line, the battle would definitely not have been so easy to win!"

Feng Huo looked humble, but he was a little embarrassed. At that time, he was surrounded by Ebizo and fifty Sand Ninja Anbe elites. He only opened up for self-preservation. All he wanted was to kill Ebizo and the others, but he didn't think about attacking the front line. of.

Therefore, Fenghuo thinks that this credit should be awarded to Ebizo. If it wasn't for Ebizou who ran towards Kikyo Mountain by himself, Fenghuo wouldn't have rushed up to kill him. He broke the sand ninja line by mistake and defeated their fighting spirit. .

Ebizo is really selfless.

good man.

Namikaze Minato smiled and relieved Fenghuo: "Okay, everyone, hurry up and rest, this war cannot be completed in a day or two."


Afterwards, Namikaze Minato took Fenghuo to a secluded place to chat.

"Has the post-war compensation for Hidden Sand Village been negotiated?" Namikaze Minato asked nervously, "The Yunin army is overwhelming, this compensation is very important to us."

Feng Huo nodded: "When I left Shayin Village, I had already talked about it, Brother Hai can handle it."

"That's good." Namikaze Minato smiled again, "What about you? Did Danzo-sama make things difficult for you after returning to the village?"

Feng Huo shrugged: "This guy doesn't like others, but it's a time of war, Hokage-sama won't let Danzo touch me."

Namikaze Minato patted him on the shoulder: "Don't think so, Danzo-sama is after all the elders' advisor in the village and has made great contributions to the village."

Feng Huo snorted, "It's just a fig leaf for him to cover up his ambition."

"Ambition." Namikaze Minato said: "I heard Mr. Jiraiya mentioned that Danzo-sama really meant to compete with Hokage-sama back then, but later the second generation directly appointed Hokage-sama. After so many years, Danzo-sama Haven't given up yet?"

Feng Huo hurriedly said: "Of course, Brother Minato, think about it, Mr. Mito Menyan and Mr. Zhuanju Xiaochun, the elder advisors of our village, which one of them has a powerful organization like Gen under their hands?"

Namikaze Minato shook his head, indeed not.

"But Danzang did, why? Why did he establish such an organization comparable to Anbu?" Feng Huo asked back.

Namikaze Minato frowned.

"Brother Minato, look at the current situation. The situation in the village is so tense. Hyuga, Uchiha and other powerful families have all entered the battlefield, and Hokage-sama's Anbe is also generously dying, but look at Danzo and his roots. In the village, his purpose of doing this is to preserve his strength so that he can compete with Hokage!"

Namikaze Minato squinted his eyes, feeling a slight chill in his heart.

"If that's the case..."

"Brother Minato, your biggest rival for Hokage is not Orochimaru, but the conspirator Danzo!" Feng Huo said directly, "The reason why he wants to make things difficult for me is actually to attack you by taking advantage of my mistaken killing of my companion, so that you will be able to get rid of me." Your reputation has been damaged, if Master Hokage hadn't settled those family members, no matter how great your achievements on the battlefield are, it would be useless!"

Namikaze Minato pondered for a while, finally sighed, looked up at the vines, branches and leaves above his head, and said with a smile: "I still hope that this world will be less dark. Fenghuo, no matter what you say is true or not, we cannot Disrespectful to Danzo-sama."

Sealing the fire is puzzled.

Namikaze Minato said: "Fenghuo, we can't deny the contribution that Master Danzo has made for the village, just like we are now risking our lives to fight against Yunnin, no one can deny the significance of these things, even in the past hundred years! He is Senior is even Hokage-sama's companion, even if he has a stalemate with Hokage-sama and even wants to replace him, it is only because of his political differences. If he wants to display his ambition, he can only compete with Hokage. If we attack him because of this, then we will stand in the future What will happen in his position? Perhaps our next generation will treat us the same way we treat Danzo-sama."

Feng Huo opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, don't think too much, no matter whether Danzo-sama really wants to compete with Hokage, I won't admit defeat!"

Namikaze Minato's sky blue pupils exuded a brilliant light, confident and firm, Feng Huo felt infected at the first glance, and his heart was full of motivation.

He had to admit that Namikaze Minato seemed pure and weak, but he had a convincing temperament that made people follow him willingly.

Feng Huo looked at the light in his eyes, and thought that Hiruzaru Sarutobi chose him as his successor, and probably he also saw this.

Namikaze Minato has a leadership quality!

Whether it's Danzo or Orochimaru, they don't have this kind of temperament.

Before Namakaze Minato~www.readwn.com~ Sarutobi Hiruzawa was the shortest guy and chose Orochimaru as his successor, but as Namikaze Minato gradually grew up, his leadership qualities became stronger and stronger, Sarutobi Hiruzawa Unknowingly, the balance in my heart tilted towards him day by day.

This time Sarutobi Hiruzen put Orochimaru in the village as a guide johnin, and sent Namikaze Minato to the battlefield, which is actually the result of the tilt of this balance.

Only by making more achievements and being convinced by more ninjas and commoners can Namikaze Minato successfully ascend to the position of Hokage as a commoner ninja!

After thinking about this clearly, Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief.

But soon he raised his heart again.

Because when Namikaze Minato boarded Hokage, the Nine Tails Rebellion that followed was another hurdle that he couldn't get past!


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