Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 273: Fight against 4 Tail Jinchuriki!

On this day, the sky was high and the clouds were clear, and after the fire was sealed off and another town was harmed, he was happily flying in the sky in the second form of a chaotic round dance.


The scorching sun in the sky and the strong wind blowing in front of him made Fenghuo feel sore all over his body, as if he was driving a Ferrari in the field.

But in the next moment, without warning, a terrifying sense of crisis suddenly descended like an abyss.

The crazily screaming of Chao Rondo II caused the wings to cramp in fright, and the entire eagle body began to bump up and spin around a thousand meters above the sky.

Fenghuo was horrified.

‘Could it be that old man Onoki is here? '

The last time there was such a terrifying life-and-death crisis, it was when he was locked by Onoki's dust escape.

And now, this strong feeling reappeared!

He looked around, but there was no sign of Onoki at all.

who is it?

What is it?

He tightly grasped the platinum-gold eagle feather of the Super Rondo II to prevent himself from falling, and at the same time tried his best to comfort it.

"Hold on, don't wave, we can win!"


The Super Rondo II glides stiffly in the air, flying lower and lower.

At the same time, Feng Huo finally saw clearly that a strange black ball on the ground below was getting bigger, and it looked like a black hole from a distance, devouring the surrounding light.

"that is?"


The second chaotic round dance screamed, and then turned into smoke with a bang. It turned out that he had dispelled the psychic spell and ran back to the land of snow.

Feng Huo blinked his eyes twice, and fell down from a height of nearly a thousand meters with a whoosh.

"Banana, you bastard! I'll cook you in the stew pot later!"

Sealing the fire opened his mouth, and the violent wind poured in, making both mouths and cheeks bulge.

But he also happened to be a blessing in disguise, he landed freely at a high altitude, and his speed was extremely fast, just avoiding the lock of the ball.

Feng Huo observed there while maintaining his figure in the air.

Then he rolled his eyes.

'Old Zi? ...grooving, tailed beast jade? ! '

Seal the fire without saying a word and open the kaleidoscope.



When the fire was sealed off a hundred meters from the ground, the fourth form of Susanoo was born out of nowhere, like a mountain range pressing across the earth, the rocks split instantly, a majestic air flow swept in all directions, and countless rocks and gravel turned into dust storms far away diffusion.

Feng Huo stood on Susano's head, and the kaleidoscope of black and red pentagrams stared at Lao Zi who was re-adjusting the direction of the tailed beast jade not far away.

At this time, Lao Zi was wearing a magma-colored four-tailed coat, and a huge orangutan was looming behind him!


In the next moment, a huge tailed beast jade with a radius of five meters turned into black light and shot towards it.

"Well done!"

Fenghuo let out a loud roar, the pupils of the kaleidoscope boiled, and Susano held up the copper hammer and smashed it down violently.

The copper hammer rubbed against the air, and countless flames rose up against the wind and wrapped around it, turning into a meteor hammer, which hit the tailed beast jade heavily from top to bottom.



The violent explosion was like the first opening of the world, and the colorful colors made the surroundings gray and black, and then circles of invisible explosion ripples turned into terrifying air waves and spread in all directions.

Susano thumped back three steps in a row before forcibly pushing down the aftermath of the explosion.

It can be seen that there are seven or eight damaged marks on the Wutengu armor on Susanoo's body, but under the power of Fenghuo and the infusion of Chakra, these damaged places recover instantly with a burst of deep purple light come over.


Fenghuo spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Then he strode forward, leaping hundreds of meters in three or two steps to come to Lao Zi, raised the copper hammer high, and violently smashed it down.

Lao Zi is wearing a magma-colored four-tailed coat, and his chakra is as violent as an atomic bomb, ready to explode at any time.

"Sea Needle!"

Lao Zi remained calm in the face of danger, concentrated the magma all over his body in his hands, turned it into a huge columnar needle, and shot directly at Susanoo's head.

Feng Huo sensed the danger and hurriedly moved the copper hammer sideways.


The magma exploded like fireworks, spreading to a radius of 100 meters, completely covering Susanoo's upper body.

Lao Zi took the opportunity to retreat crazily.

At the same time, the four-tailed Monkey King in Lao Zi's body emerged from the magma sea, and the huge orangutan's face was full of solemnity.

"Old Zi, this guy is from the Uchiha clan, don't fall for his illusion."

Lao Zi looked solemn: "Sure enough, I am very strong, but it is impossible to defeat me!"


How can this kind of thing be useful to him? He is a super determined ninja, and it is impossible for illusions to work on him.

"I'm going up!"

Lao Zi frantically borrowed the four-tailed chakra, and the magma coat appeared on his body again, and it became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into a huge orangutan with a size of 100 meters!

"That's the only way to be interesting." After Feng Huo blocked the seabed needle, the Wutiangou armor on his body was damaged again, and after spending some time repairing it, he rushed forward brazenly.

"Ho Ho!"

Lao Zi's whole body turned into a beast with tails, kicked on the ground with two thick hind legs, and immediately leaped high, and his four magma-colored tails spun in the air like an electric fan, adjusting the direction.

Feng Huo squatted slightly, and violently raised two huge copper hammers from bottom to top, and blasted at Lao Zi.


There was another terrifying explosion in the air, and the aftermath sank the ground and shattered the mountains. The terrain within a radius of ten miles was completely reduced to tofu.

Feng Huo let Lao Zi hang down, without stopping, swung the copper hammer round, and smashed the hammer on Lao Zi's body frantically.

Lao Zi was also polite, his four tails were whipping on Susanohu violently like a python, and his two huge thick forelimbs were tearing fiercely at the Wutengu armor on Susanohu's body.

"Ahhh! How could I not even be able to beat the Four-Tails Jinchuriki!"

With pupil power boiling, Feng Huo frantically raised the copper hammer and slammed it down heavily.


The air was completely exploded, and a layer of air ripples exploded and pressed Lao Zi to the ground. The ground couldn't bear it, cracked inch by inch, and Lao Zi was smashed into the ground like a wooden stake.

Roaring wildly, Feng Huo slammed down with a hammer, until he smashed Lao Zi completely into the ground and refused to give up, continuing to smash like a maniac.

The earth was shattered by the copper hammer, and then tamped by the copper hammer. Numerous cracked ground fissures spread densely like spider webs, and it was extremely terrifying from a distance.

Old Zi, who was deep in the ground, gritted his teeth and resisted. The terrifying force from above invaded his body all at once, shaking his bones all over his body to make teeth-grinding sounds.

Inside his body, Monkey King of the Four Tails bared his teeth and grinned: "What a terrifying pupil power, the Uchiha people are all perverts, Lao Zi, you idiot are going to die!"

"Damn it, if he kills me, you won't be much better off!"

Lao Zi was heartbroken, "Give me more power!"

Sun Wukong looked at him and said nothing.

Lao Zi anxiously said: "Don't forget that we have been together for more than 30 years, you don't want to be put into another strange container again!"

Only then did Monkey King wag his four tails proudly: "It's good that you know, in my eyes, you are just a container, um, a container that has been together for more than thirty years."

In the next moment, the terrifying chakra gushed out of Sun Wukong's body, and the magma sea under its feet boiled instantly, setting off a terrifying magma wave and submerging Lao Zi.


The terrifying chakra fluctuations are beating in the ground~www.readwn.com~ The earth seems to have a heart, and it starts to vibrate.

The cracked ground was shaken wider and wider, and the soil compacted by the copper hammer gradually softened, and a terrifying aura quickly came out from inside.

Feng Huo will wake up now, and back away in a hurry.

In the next instant, a layer of ground seemed to be lifted from the ground in front of it, and it swelled outward crazily, getting higher and higher.

"Huaguo Mountain!"


The bulging ground burst instantly, and the magma surged like a thousand rivers returning to the sea, instantly submerging the surrounding area of ​​more than ten kilometers, turning it into a scorching magma sea.

Thanks to the book friends Xiaoyao Fighting God£ and autistic for their reward and support! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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