Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Go for it, turn a bicycle into a motorcycle?

The scorching magma sea lies there quietly like a calm swamp. From the perspective of Fenghuo, it looks like a huge colorful red cloth, brilliant and dazzling.

Immediately after the magma sea burst, countless huge magma flame pillars scrambled to shoot at him.

Fenghuo didn't dare to be careless, Susano almost swung two copper hammers round, spun wildly, and destroyed all the huge pillars of flames that shot over.

But the nearby air was gradually distorted by the high temperature. As the magma flame column became more and more dense, the surrounding magma sea rose higher and higher, as if it would completely submerge Susano.

Lao Zi stood on the sea of ​​magma, his huge orangutan's face was full of ferocity, he opened his mouth, and countless chakras gathered from all around, quickly forming a huge black-tailed beast jade in front of him!

Feng Huo sensed the crisis, so how dare he hide his clumsiness.

As soon as the kaleidoscope in the right eye turned, the shadow of the tomb of the wheel was immediately aroused.

In the next moment, the shadow in the tomb of the wheel also turned into Susano, and directly opened to the fourth form! Swinging the copper hammer round, he crazily rushed towards Lao Zi.

The double Susano in the fourth form almost drained the chakra in Fenghuo's body, and his right eye was directly covered with red bloodshot eyes, which soon overflowed and flowed down his cheeks.


After Lao Zi had finished gaining momentum, he roared and was about to spray out the Tailed Beast Jade.

Leng Buding's tailed beast jade with a radius of ten meters suddenly rolled back and poured into his mouth, and at the same time a violent and brutal force followed.

Strangely, Lao Zi inexplicably felt that this powerful impact had a slight sense of familiarity.


The Tailed Beast Jade was hit hard and twisted in an instant, and a terrifying explosion occurred just as the terrifying power leaked out.

"Monkey King!!"

Lao Zi was terrified.

At this time, the Four Tails in Lao Zi's body also knew that at the critical moment, there was no room for talkativeness, so it shouted: "Don't resist!"

Then its whole body turned into magma-colored chakra, rushing out along Lao Zi's body.

boom! !

The Tailed Beast Jade finally exploded, and the terrifying power directly blasted out a huge 'crater' with a radius of one thousand meters!

The aftermath of the explosion swept the entire sea of ​​magma into the sky.

Feng Huo immediately untied the shadow of the tomb, and stepped back while covering his right eye tightly.

It hurts, it hurts!

It was as if someone was poking his eyeballs with needles.

"It shouldn't be that easy to die." Feng Huo gritted his teeth.

Sure enough, a stream of magma suddenly overflowed from a small hole in the crater, more and more, and then the magma boiled, soaring into the sky, turning into a huge orangutan.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

The orangutan roared up to the sky, and it could be seen that it was very excited, and it had a sense of sight of turning over and singing.

Fenghuo's heart skipped a beat.

"You... are Monkey King with Four Tails?"

In the original book, when Orochimaru launched Konoha's collapse operation, One Tail Jinchuriki Gaara released One Tail Shukuru, and the situation he encounters now seems to be similar.

"Huh? How do you know my name?"

The Monkey King with Four Tails shook his four tails, staring fiercely at Susano who sealed the fire.

"Hehe, I have admired my name for a long time, Monkey King."

Feng Huo laughed dryly. If Renzhuli is the container of the tailed beast, then the Four Tails at this time has got rid of the restriction of the container and can fully exert its full strength.

For Fenghuo at this time, this is not good news.

"Uchiha clan, Sharingan, roar!!"

The four-tailed Monkey King's eyes were red, but he wandered there cautiously, and did not attack immediately.

Feng Huo was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that his kaleidoscope was an extremely terrifying existence for the tailed beast.

However, he will consume too much pupil power, and it is difficult to control the four tails with the kaleidoscope.

Do you want to give it a try?

In case of success, the bicycle can be turned into a motorcycle.

But he quickly dismissed the idea.

Because once it fails, Siwei will definitely see through his own reality, and then he will really be immortal.

Fenghuo is not in good condition now, saying that he doesn't want to fight with Siwei.

He manipulated Susano to step back step by step, while the Monkey King with Four Tails was grinning there, but he did not launch an offensive.

After retreating far away, Feng Huo immediately put away the kaleidoscope, and then channeled the three chaotic round dance poses, and quickly left on the eagle.

"My eyes hurt so much!!"

Fenghuo was so sad that she shed tears.

This time, two Susanoos in the fourth form were turned on at the same time, which greatly depleted the power of the pupils, and he clearly felt that his eyesight had dropped a little.


Chao Lunwu Sanshi is in a good mood, carrying the sealing fire and spreading his wings, and the white and golden feathers stretch and close to release the excess heat, leisurely and contented.

'Let's find a place to rest your pupil power first. '

The battle between Feng Huo and Lao Zi was really too loud, the land was cracked, the sea was dry and rocks were rotten, and it could be seen even hundreds of miles away.

Therefore, the news spread to Yanyin Village very quickly, and the third generation Tukage Ohnoki felt ominous, rushed to Lao Zi's house in a hurry, and found that the other party was not there.

"It really is this red-haired monkey...Damn it!!"

Onogi was shocked and angry, for fear that Uchiha Fuu would use a kaleidoscope to bring disaster to the four tails.

He didn't dare to stay, and immediately flew into the sky, heading towards the place where they fought.

When Onoki flew there, he saw that the hundreds of miles there had been covered by the red gas, and there was no life, and the vegetation withered. If you look carefully, you can still see the terrifying scene of landslides and ground cracks under the red gas, and the earth sinking.

"Damn it!"

Ohnoki knew that this was the poisonous gas left behind by the Monkey King with four tails after the battle. If he didn't deal with it, no one would be able to get close to it within a radius of a hundred miles, so he clasped his palms together, "Wind escape-big breakthrough!"

Hoo hoo!

The hurricane blew wildly, but compared to the crimson poisonous gas within a hundred miles, this wind was not strong enough at all.

Helpless, Onoki had no choice but to turn around and call some rock ninjas to clear the poisonous gas.

Then he continued to search, and soon found the traces left by Monkey King with Four Tails.

Searching all the way, Onoki came to a volcano.

The crater is full of smoke, and red magma spews out from time to time, creating a scene of a volcanic eruption.

Ohnoki checked with sensory ninjutsu and found that it was the Monkey King of the Four Tails playing in the magma pool of the volcano to make the movement.

"Could it be that this idiot, Lao Zi, is already dead?"

Onoki had a headache.

Although he is very displeased with Lao Zi's character, he has to admit that Lao Zi is a qualified Renzhuli, who can restrain the four tails and prevent them from going berserk. If the old Zi dies, the new Renzhuli doesn't know if he can hold down the Four-Tails Monkey King.

But these are things to come~www.readwn.com~ The top priority is to capture Siwei back!

To deal with tailed beasts, reasoning will not work, only fists can be used.

Onoki looked at the crater, clasped his palms together: "Earth Dungeon-Earthquake Core!"


The calm volcano suddenly boiled, and a violent force surged from the ground, squeezing the entire volcano into twists.


The Monkey King with four tails inside reacted in an instant, furious, and roared to the sky, the magma in the crater burst, turning into a torrent and rushing into the sky violently.

The four tails stepped on the magma, clenched their fists with both claws and hammered their chest fiercely, and roared, with great momentum.

Thank you book friend Xiao Tangren 1 for your support! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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