Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Cloud ninja invaded the country of soil

In the northwest of the Land of Earth, Fenghuo soared high in the sky in the second form of a chaotic round dance, his face full of helplessness.

Ohnoki was ruthless this time, chasing and intercepting with a large number of perception ninjas and seal ninjas, acting as if he would not stop until he was killed.

Although the Chao Rondo Brothers can escape from the air, Onoki's dust escape is really terrifying, and he will shoot up from below suddenly. After several times, the Chao Rondo Brothers will almost become frightened.

‘It would be great if the second form and third form of the Chaolun Dance mastered the reverse spirit technique. '

It's a pity that although the two Snow Eagles have developed their intelligence and even initially mastered Fengdun, there is still a huge gap between such 'advanced' ninjutsu.

"Dust escape - the art of stripping the original world!"

Onoki's voice came from far below.

In the second form of the Super Rondo Dance, it flapped its wings and danced wildly like a conditioned reflex.

However, there was no movement at all below.

"This old man is getting more and more wretched."

After sealing the fire to appease the Chao Rondo II, he found that it seemed to deviate from the previously planned flight direction.

That's right, Onoki is using this despicable method to 'adjust' the flight path of the Chao Rondo Brothers.

"Uchiha seals the fire, you can't escape the palm of the old man!"

Onogi stood in mid-air, and the perception ninjas behind him had spread in all directions in the direction of Fenghuo's departure. Once they sensed him, these people would surround him again.

At the same time, the third generation of Raikage took more than a hundred elite jounin on a boat for half a month, detouring the country of iron, and finally came to the territory of the country of earth.

Three generations of Raikage stood at the bow of the ship, full of vigor.

"Hahahahaha, Onogi, welcome to the surprise I prepared for you!"

Amid wild laughter, more than a hundred elite jounin disembarked like wolves and tigers, and then they all fell down, lying on the territory of the land of the earth, and vomited wildly.

The third generation of Raikage had black lines all over his face.

Although Yunin is good at martial arts and has a great physique, it has nothing to do with seasickness.

Third Raikage gritted his teeth, his face ashen.

By the time they finished vomiting, they were exhausted and had no choice but to order the Third Raikage to rest for half a day.

By the time they all regained their strength, the big sword in the hands of the third generation of Raikage was already hungry and thirsty, and he screamed and led them to formally invade the land of earth!

These people are not a fire seal, but whether you are an ordinary person or a ninja, anyone who stands in front of them will be killed without mercy!

Slaughtering cities and towns, killing people, and blood flowing like rivers!

This is not just a war of aggression, but revenge!

In the second Ninja World War, Yun Yin Village and Yan Yin Village faced off and forged a big feud. The three generations of Raikage have never forgotten the grudge!

Of course, the third generation of Tsuchikage Ohnoki did not forget, otherwise he would not have left nearly ten thousand ninjas in Yanyin Village. These ninjas are guarding against his third generation of Raikage!

in a few days.

The third generation of Raikage was so cruel that he slaughtered a town again. The terrifying Lei Dun killed an unknown number of people. Blood flowed in the town and covered several streets!


A huge rain of rocks appeared without warning. The rainwater was mixed with blood transpiration, and a red blood mist slowly filled the air.

"Lord Raikage, there are four towns nearby with a lot of people, and we can't hide our actions. The news will reach Yanyin Village tomorrow at the latest." Yun Ren, who was in charge of exploring the road, came back against the rock rain report.

The third generation of Raikage sneered: "Just to let that old man Onogi know, hehehehe, my lightning shield has been completely perfected, and I am going to try his dust escape!"

"Keep killing!" the third Raikage ordered.

The hundred elite Jonin who were on standby immediately rushed to a nearby town and started killing!

Following the frantic killing, Yan Ren discovered their movement, and when the news was sent back, Yan Yin Village suddenly aroused violent anger.

"Damn cloud ninja, he went to war without declaring it!"

"Kill the civilians of my Land of Earth, the cruel executioner of the Third Raikage!"

"Leave them in the Land of Earth!"

"Kill all cloud ninjas!"

Yanren in the village couldn't sit still anymore. Originally they wanted to go to the front line of the rain country to fight Konoha, but the third generation of Tukage Reng held them down in the village, and each of them was already angry. When it was heard, their anger immediately turned into boiling killing intent, and they couldn't be suppressed!

Elder Iwanin hurriedly came forward to tell everyone to calm down, saying that the information had been passed on to the third generation of Tsuchikage, please wait for Tsuchikage's order.

But there are too many Iwanin who can't wait, at least five thousand. These people can rebel directly when they get together, so they don't care about the elders' request. At that time, they left the village in a mighty way and killed Yunin.

Fortunately, there are still more than 4,000 Iwashinobu calm-headed, staying in the village to wait for the order of the third Tsuchikage Ohnoki.

At this time, Ohnoki and his people have pushed Fenghuo to the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Snow.

Going forward, there is a world of ice and snow, and the country of snow with a cold climate.

Onoki was about to make persistent efforts when a news came back from the village.

"Master Tukage, it's not good, the third generation of Raikage invaded our country with Yunnin and slaughtered several of our towns!"

Onoki was stunned, his red nose twitched, and the murderous intent in his eyes instantly became violent.

"Three generations of Raikage...Damn it..." Onogi roared, "Send everyone in the village out, and kill all the cloud ninjas for me, without dying!"

The third generation of Raikage invaded, so he couldn't care less about Uchiha sealing the fire, and immediately led his people back.

Feng Huo flew into the Land of Snow on an eagle, and when he looked back, Onoki didn't catch up, what about wool?

He's a little uncomfortable. You've been chasing me for so long, but you stopped chasing me halfway through. Who do you take me for? !

Feng Huo hurried back without saying a word, and the speed of Chao Lunwu II was very fast, and he quickly caught up with Ohnoki and others.


Under the threat of Fenghuo's hair-plucking, Chao Lunwu II greeted Onogi and the others in fear, its eyes flickered, and it was very worried that Onoki's dust escape would suddenly come.

Feng Huo looked down, but found that he couldn't see clearly.

He was in a bad mood.

"Go down." Feng Huo said to the second chaotic round dance.


The second form of Chaolun Dance pretended to be stupid, and could not linger at high altitude.

The speed of Dust Dungeon is extremely fast, if it is too close, the danger is too great, and the second chaotic round dance is not a stupid bird, how can it do such a dangerous thing?

Seal the fire and start plucking.


Chao Rondo II screamed, flapping its wings and performing a 360-degree infinite roll at high altitude.

Feng Huo clutched its feathers tightly, furious.

"Uchiha seals the fire!"

Suddenly, Onogi's voice came from below.

Chao Lunwu No. 2 Form had a conditioned reflex as soon as it heard the sound, fluttering its wings and flying high in a hurry.

Feng Huo was so angry that his stomach hurt, and he had no choice but to vent his anger on Ono Mumu: "Master Tuying has been chasing after my **** for so long, why did he leave without saying hello? In a hurry, this is rushing to reincarnate Or send the clock?"

"..." Onoki's face darkened, and he silently folded his palms together, "Dust escape - the technique of stripping the original world!"


A cube of white beam of light flashed away from under the little Ding Ding of the Chao Rondo II.

"Beeping!" The second chaotic round dance was frightened, and piles of bird feces fell down.

"Uchiha seals the fire, the old man has something urgent to deal with, so I will let you go today!" Ohnoki said with a dark face.

"If you say let it go, let it go? Have you asked my family about the second form of the chaotic round dance?" Feng Huo was not happy.

"Hey!" Chao Lunwu Ershi said that he had already asked ~www.readwn.com~ Uchiha Fuu, although you are hateful, but you entered the country of earth and did not kill, I want to thank you for that! Ohnoki snorted, "But if you continue to provoke, don't blame the old man for being merciless!" "

Feng Huo noticed the abnormality as soon as he heard it. The old man was chasing and beating him fiercely before, but now he pretended to be generous and wanted to let him go. It was obvious that there was something tricky!

Could it be that something happened to Yanyin Village?

Four-tailed Jinzhuli rampage?

Someone rebelled?

Hey, wouldn't it be the third generation of Raikage who came to visit relatives?

The more you think about sealing the fire, the more likely it is.

In the original book, the third generation of Raikage was besieged by Wanming Yannin in order to cover the retreat of his companions in the third Ninja World War, and finally died of exhaustion.

However, the original book did not specify the specific time, so although Feng Huo had thought of it before, he didn't care.

Now, it seems, probably, maybe...

This can't be missed, the three generations of Raikage fight Wanming Iwanin, you must go for a soy sauce!

Thanks to book friends Yaoye 1993 and Xiao Tang Ren 1 for their support!

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