Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 280: 3 generations of soil shadow VS 3 generations of Raikage

"Master Tuying, since you thank me, why don't you invite me to Yanyin Village?"

Feng Huo said with a smile on his face, "By the way, let me introduce another distinguished guest of yours."

Onogi slowly floated up, standing in the air: "Uchiha Fuenhuo, you...won't be colluding with Yunin, right?"

"Hahaha, Lord Tuying, you're not playing on yourself." Feng Huo said with a smile, "I wasn't sure before, but now, hehe."

"Cunning brat!" Ohnoki hated secretly.

In his eyes, the threat of Uchiha sealing the fire is far greater than that of the third generation of Raikage.

After all, Fenghuo is still young and has great potential in the future, and the third generation of Raikage is already at its peak, and its strength will inevitably decline in a few years, but the terrible thing is that the third generation of Raikage has started killing and massacring the civilians of the land country. As the leader of Yanyin Village , Onoki must not sit idly by.

"Lord Tuying leave me alone, just go straight." Feng Huo laughed.

Onoki breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to say a few words: "You..."

"I will follow behind you quietly, and I will never get lost." Fenghuo said.

"..." Onoki's face darkened even more.

"Master Tukage!" came the voice of Yan Ninja from below, "The information just came that five thousand ninjas in the village left the village without authorization to surround and kill the invading cloud ninjas."


Onoki was terrified.

Wuqianyan Shinobu sounds very exciting, but the third Raikage is a tailed beast in human skin!

'The Strongest Spear' Hell Spike - Four Hands!

'The strongest shield' lightning shield!

Coupled with the terrifying physique and speed, the third generation of Raikage can easily tear apart any defense of Wuqian Yannin, coming and going freely!

Give him enough time to kill five thousand rock ninjas!

Originally there was Four-Tails Jinchuriki Lao Zi, but because Lao Zi went out of the village without authorization to kill Uchiha to seal the fire, Ohnoki directly put him in confinement in order to punish Lao Zi, and no one could get close to him!


Onoki was so angry that his eyes turned white, and he stared at Fenghuo fiercely, "Uchiha Fenghuo, you, get out of here!"

Feng Huo smiled and said nothing, but wondered in his heart: Could it be that the three generations of Lei Ying wiped out Yanyin Village? Or spoiled Onoki's granddaughter? It made Onoki so groggy.


Feng Huo frowned: It seems that Onogi's granddaughter hasn't been born yet.

"Master Tukage?"

The rock ninja below is urging.

Helpless, Onoki could only choose to ignore Fenghuo and rush back quickly with his people.

But he chased and intercepted the Fenghuo Siege all the way, and he had already chased to the border between the Land of Earth and the Land of Snow, far away from Yanyin Village?

By the time they returned to Yanyin Village, seven days had passed!

Feng Huo was still sitting behind them in the second form of chaotic round dance, and the third form of chaotic round dance was also psychicized by him, and he was wandering around a hundred miles nearby, in charge of vigilance.

Ohnoki didn't have time to seal the fire, so he released Lao Zi as soon as he returned to the village.

"Onoki, you stupid old man!" Lao Zi lost his temper when he regained his freedom, clamoring for a duel with Onoki.

How could Onogi have such a mood: "Shut up! Three generations of Raikage have led people to invade our country, and you still have the mind to fight now?!"

Lao Zi was stunned, and then became even angrier: "It's not your fault, if you hadn't locked me up, I would have killed the third Raikage long ago!!"

"Damn it, you have the guts to mention it?! Why did I lock you up? You don't know why?!" Onoki's fiery temper also came.

"Old man with a big nose!"

"Red-haired monkey!"

The two of them stared at each other, but they were anxious to hurt Iwanoshi who was next to him.

"Lord Tuying, Master Lao Zi, let's stop arguing, shall we?"

"Killing Yunin out is the most important thing right now."

Only then did Ohnoki restrain himself, and asked, "What's the situation now?"

"Lord Tukage, there were heavy casualties." Iwanin said with tears, "We found Kumonin, but, but the third generation of Raikage is too strong, no one can stop him at all."

The most worrying thing still happened!

Ohnoki is worried, so many ninjas are the background of the village, and he still expects these people to dominate the ninja world!

"What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and kill that old man of the third generation of Raikage!" Lao Zi roared angrily.

Onoki didn't quarrel with him this time, and immediately set off with Lao Zi, heading towards the place of battle.

Onoki suddenly raised his head and looked back, and he saw a snow eagle hovering high in the sky.

Seeing his appearance, Lao Zi couldn't help but look back.

"That's... Uchiha Sealing Fire?" Lao Zi stared at Onogi in disbelief, "Old man, you didn't kill him!"

Onogi snorted, "This guy keeps running with the psychic beast and doesn't fight me at all. How can I kill him?"

"Hmph, the excuse is that you are too old to move your hands?" Lao Zi disdainfully.

"Damn it!" Onoki really wanted to kill him directly, but in front of the enemy, he could only hold back his breath: wait until this matter is over, and see how I can punish you!

The two galloped, followed by the remaining four thousand rock ninjas in Yanyin Village, and walked all the way, and soon came to a mountain range, where the peaks stood tall, the terrain was towering, and huge rocks abound.

Wuqianyannin has been killed by the three generations of Raikage and the others for more than a thousand, and the loss is not to say that it is not heavy.

"It's Master Tukage, Lord Tukage is here!"

"Master Lao Zi is here too, that's great!"

"Yun Nin is dead, avenge his companion!"

Onogi floated in the air with a serious expression on his face. On a mountain opposite, the figure of the third generation of Raikage stood against the wind.

"Onoki, you are finally here!"

"Bastard, you actually shot at civilians, the third Raikage, as the shadow of a village, you have no shame!" Lao Zi suddenly rushed out, wearing a magma-colored tailcoat, and grinned at the third Raikage.

"Four-tailed Jinchuriki?" Third Raikage frowned slightly.

Relying on his strong physique, terrifying attack and invincible defense, he is not afraid of Onogi and Four-Tails Jinchuriki joining forces, but the hundred elite jounin behind him are in danger.

In the previous battle against Wuqianyannin, the third generation of Raikage has always been at the front, blocking most of the attacks with the lightning shield, which allowed the hundred elite cloud ninjas behind him to survive, but if he fought against Ohnoki and Nishou Jinchuriki, he would not Maybe he will be distracted to protect his subordinates again.

However, if you think about it carefully, they may not have no chance of winning.

The five thousand rock ninjas on the opposite side have been killed by him for more than a thousand, and the morale of the rest is low, and most of them are middle and low ninjas. On his side, they are all elite ninjas. Fighting and retreating are enough to wear down these ninjas!

"Da Yemu, the background of Yanyin Village is indeed amazing, but, hahaha, it stops here. Today, the old man will avenge World War II and kill you bastards!"

The momentum of the third generation of Raikage is soaring~www.readwn.com~ The electric glow bursts all over his body, extremely cold, "Hell stab-four hands!!"


In an instant, there was thunder on the ground, and a purple lightning flashed from the top of the opposite mountain, and in the next instant, a violent wind pressure had already landed head-on, immobilizing the rock ninja within a radius of 100 meters!

Onoki narrowed his eyes slightly, and clasped his palms together: "Earth escape - the art of earth flow wall!"


A 100-meter-thick city wall rose from the ground, blocking the lightning in an instant.


In the next moment, the purple thunder and lightning directly penetrated the 100-meter city wall, unabated, and pointed directly at Onomu.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Lao Zi jumped up, and the magma-colored Chakra turned into four thick tails, rolling up a huge force and smashing towards the third generation of Raikage. Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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