Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 285: I'm such a good person who thinks about you

Chapter 285 I am such a good person who thinks about you (Page 1/1)

Onoki carried the palms of both hands behind his back, the white light rose and dimmed, dimmed and rose again, but he couldn't find a chance to kill with one blow.

Then he rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Do you want to see sincerity? Well, now that Yun Nin is invading the Land of Fire, the old man is here to help you kill three generations of Raikage. As long as he dies, Yun Nin will lose his leader, and there will be civil strife. By the time…"

Ohnoki looked at Fenghuo solemnly, full of sincerity.

old fox!

Feng Huo found out that this old thief is really insidious.

The death of the third generation of Raikage will only make Yun Ninja feel the same hatred and become even crazier. How could there be civil strife?

'It seems that Onoki can't fool you. '

Feng Huo hurriedly sighed secretly, and then remained silent, but his tomb shadow was very diligent, holding two huge copper hammers and smashing non-stop. With this effort, nearly five hundred rock ninjas have been smashed to death and maimed by him. Looking around Looking at it, the earth is full of huge pits, cracked land, and muddy flesh and blood.

His silence made Ohnoki anxious, and he said loudly: "Uchiha seals the fire, are you satisfied with the sincerity of this old man?"

Feng Huo laughed loudly: "Satisfied, very satisfied."

"Okay, then please put away your 'clone'." Onoki narrowed his eyes.

Feng Huo had a reproachful expression on his face: "Master Tukage, this is your fault, as you said, Yun Ren invaded my country of fire for no reason, this enmity cannot be shared, so how can killing the third generation of Raikage save me? Don't worry, my 'clone' is on your side!"


There was another huge hole in the ground again, and more than a dozen rock ninjas did not escape, and died tragically on the spot.

"Of course, some accidental injuries are inevitable, please don't take offense, Mr. Tuying, hehehe." Feng Huo looked shy.

You look shy!

Onoki was so angry that his endocrine system was disturbed.

On the other hand, the third generation of Raikage realized that he was 'wrong' for Uchiha to seal the fire, and couldn't help but sneer: "Onoki, you old man can't even subdue a kid, you have lived to a dog at such an old age !Hahaha."

Feng Huo said coldly: "Shut up, San Dai Lei Ying, what is your intention to insult the dog like this, I won't allow you to say that!"

"..." Onogi was in a bad mood.

At this time, among the Iwanin army below, Monkey King of the Four Tails, who had been chasing the third generation of Raikage, was suddenly suffocated, and then the magma-colored Chakra retracted crazily, revealing a red-haired figure in an instant.

It was Lao Zi!

Onogi's eyes lit up, and he said loudly, "Lao Zi, you idiot finally woke up!"

Lao Zi snorted coldly: "What are you doing, Onoki? You let the third generation of Raikage kill your compatriots, you dereliction of duty **** old man!"

Ohnoki gritted his teeth, what can he do?

If you attack the Uchiha Sealing Fire, this guy will run straight away, if you attack the third Raikage, this guy will definitely attack Iwa Ninjutsu. Judging from the powerful destructive power of his ninjutsu just now, it is no less than the third generation Raikage's killing speed! So what he can do now is to stand here and 'lock' Uchiha to seal the fire, and at the same time wait for the opportunity to use Dust Dun to kill him with one blow!

"Old Zi, shut up and kill the third generation of Raikage!" Onogi yelled with a red face.

"Long-winded! It's up to you to say it!"

In his heart, Lao Zi said to Monkey King of Four Tails, "Wukong, give me strength!"

Half of the four tails sank in the magma, and the four tails kept shaking in the magma, snorting coldly: "Aren't you sure to kill him, why use my strength?"

How much chakra does Lao Zi have? Without borrowing the Chakra of the Four Tails, how could it be possible to do the third generation of Raikage?

He said a good word, and then let Siwei let go: "Go back and kill Onoki, and become Tukage yourself!"

"Okay, I promise you, I have long since disliked that red-nosed old man!" Lao Zi agreed happily.

In the next moment, huge Chakra poured into his body instantly.

"Melting chakra mode!"

Lao Zi yelled, his whole body was slowly covered by high-temperature lava, the water in the ground under his feet evaporated quickly, and then cracked inch by inch.

He walked towards the third generation of Raikage step by step, his speed became faster and faster, and finally turned into a hot red light to kill him.

"Well done!"

The third generation of Raikage is full of thunder and light, and he directly confronts Lao Zi!


Thunder light and lava collided crazily, time and time again, causing the air to ripple and oscillate endlessly.

Fenghuo and Onoki stared down closely, cheering for their 'team members'.

Afterwards, Onogi suddenly discovered that Uchiha's invisible 'clone' had disappeared.

He looked up, and found that Uchiha Fumuro's right eye was covered with bloodshot eyes, and even a trace of blood overflowed.

'That invisible clone should be the pupil art of his right eye! Being so powerful and weird, there must be huge restrictions, and even backlash against him! '

Onoki narrowed his eyes, and a white light floated again between the hands behind his back.


Chao Lunwu Sanshi screamed, and the frequency of flapping its wings was obviously much faster.

Onoki was furious: This Ninja Hawk is too sensitive!

Feng Huo rubbed his right eye, slowly put away the kaleidoscope, and said with a smile: "Onoki, since Lao Zi joined, I can put away my avatar with confidence."

'Little Fox! '

Onoki felt great hatred in his heart: It is obvious that you can't stand this pupil technique by yourself, but you sold it well in front of the old man, shameless!

"Look, I'm such a good person who thinks about you!" Feng Huo tried his best to put US dollars on his face, but he was extremely vigilant in his heart.

"That's right, hehe." Ohno Kopi smiled.


Suddenly, a terrifying explosion came from below, and layers of air rippled with the light of thunder and fire, spreading layer by layer. Nearly a hundred rock ninjas were affected by the aftermath, and they couldn't die anymore.

"No, he wants to run!"

Feng Huo let out a loud cry, and glided over in the third form of Chaolunwu. He had already twisted a Thunder Dun-Spiral Pill in his hand, and threw it towards the place where hundreds of rock ninja gathered.

Onoki looked at it, his eyes were red: "That's enough for Uchiha to seal the fire!"

With a push with both palms, a white light like a rainbow descended in an instant.

Chao Lunwu's three-style wings flapped, and the wind howled, and it moved three meters sideways in an instant.


The white light flashed away three meters away~www.readwn.com~ and then it was pushed across like a bulldozer.

Chao Rondo three moves scare **** and urine, **** and urine splash on the heads of a few unlucky rock ninjas.

Feng Huo threw Lei Dun-Xiang Wan at Oh Ye Mu without saying a word.


The thunder light exploded, like fireworks blooming, countless thunder snakes frantically devoured towards Oh Yemu in the air.

Onogi hurriedly lowered his figure, and at the same time continued to sweep the dust escape in his palm, but at this time Fenghuo had already seized the opportunity to escape by using the third form of Chaolunwu.


Onoki was so angry that he let go of his hands, and the next moment he saw Fenghuo flying back again, "It's not over, **** Uchiha!!"

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