Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 286: My God, you are going to post it!

In fact, Feng Huo didn't want to come back, and he couldn't afford the medical bills if he got angry with Ono Mu endlessly.

But there is no way, once he leaves, Onogi and Four-tailed Jinchuriki Lao Zi will join hands to kill the third generation of Raikage, which is not in Konoha's interest.

So he had to stay here to contain Ohnoki, so that the third generation of Raikage could fight Wanming Iwanin with peace of mind.

In the original book, he died of exhaustion after fighting for three days. In three days, with his terrifying defense and attack, it is not a small number to kill two thousand rock ninjas!

At that time, the three generations of Raikage will fight to the death of thousands of Yannin, which is the scene that Fenghuo and Konoha are most willing to see.

Onogi is old and cunning, and has already seen the purpose of sealing the fire, but now he is very passive, in a dilemma!

Onoki is aggrieved.

Below, the three generations of Raikage and Lao Zi have already fought hard for no less than ten points, and the thunder and lava were so violent that they swept through ripples, but fewer and fewer rock ninjas were affected.

Feng Huo couldn't help but rolled his eyes and looked at him repeatedly: Has this guy trained his muscles into his brain?

He hurriedly shouted: "Three generations of Raikage, four-tailed Jinchuriki is very difficult to kill, you might as well start with those rock ninja, kill one is enough, kill two to earn one, kill five to earn four, if you kill two thousand , My God, you are going to send it!"

Onoki was so angry that his heart was about to twitch: "Uchiha Fuhuo, you despicable bastard!"


The third generation of Raikage is as good as he is, and after a hard fight with Lao Zi, he turned around and killed Iwanin.

"Damn it, three generations of Raikage, you coward!" Lao Zi followed closely behind Lei Guang, but it was a pity that he couldn't catch up with his speed.

The third generation of Raikage killed silently, and quickly killed dozens of rock ninjas, bleeding all over the ground.

After sealing the fire, he nodded in satisfaction.

Onoki trembled all over, and couldn't help but want to attack Fenghuo again.

Feng Huo hurriedly stopped him: "Lord Tuying, if you dare to sneak attack me, hehehe...you have to consider the consequences."

Onogi had no choice but to stop, and said coldly: "Uchiha Fuu, as long as you leave here, I can promise you one condition!"

"Conditions?" Feng Huo rolled his eyelids, "Why don't you teach me the dust escape?"

"..." Onogi's eyes twitched slightly, "Impossible!"

"Let me see your underwear?" Feng Huo stared at Onogi's bottom with malicious intentions.

Onoki's face darkened. If no outsiders were present, it would be no problem to be able to bend and stretch, but now in front of so many Iwanin, especially the **** Lao Zi, how could it be possible for Uchiha to seal the fire... Well, he can't afford to lose that person !

"Why don't you give me the five tails from your village?" Feng Huo's eyes lit up.


"You hate Lao Zi so much, why don't you give him to me?" Feng Huo laughed strangely.

"Don't sow discord here, Uchiha seals the fire!" Onoki took a deep breath to suppress the surging anger in his heart.

The discussion above was intense, and the fighting below was even more heated. The third generation of Raikage is worthy of being the strongest Taijutsu ninja in the ninja world. The destructive power of every move is the greatest. Except for Lao Zi, no one can block his blow.

But with such a crazy killing, the chakra and physical strength of the third generation of Raikage are constantly being consumed. Once exhausted, he will undoubtedly die!

In the northern part of the Land of Fire, in a dense forest, the tense atmosphere is spreading crazily.

Ai and Kirabi met unexpectedly with Namikaze Minato and others!

"With this yellow hair and the blinking technique, there is no doubt that he is the yellow flashing Namikaze Minato, so we should run away?" A cloud ninja saw Namikaze Minato, remembered his record, and felt guilty.

Standing at the front, Ai said coldly, "That's right, he is Namikaze Minato."

Namikaze Minato held the special quality Kunai in his hand, and stared at the opposite side: "You should be Ai, the son of Yun Yin's third generation of Raikage, I heard that you are very fast!"

"Hmph, as long as my elder brother and I are here, I will definitely kill you, Bageyalu, crying Geyalu!" Qi Rabi stepped forward slowly.

Namikaze Minato's face was solemn, he could feel the strength of Ai and Kirabi, and the companions around him would never be their opponents, so he solemnly asked: "Everyone, don't move, I will deal with them!"

As he spoke, he took out a handful of special kunai from his bag and threw it out.

Ai's eyelids were lifted, and the whole body was suddenly radiated with lightning. It was the lightning shield of the third generation of Raikage!


With a flash of thunder, Ai instantly came to Namikaze Minato and punched him hard.

But at this time, Namikaze Minato didn't even blink his eyes, as if he hadn't recovered yet.

'Successful! ’ Ai felt disdainful, but Namikaze Minato was nothing more than that.

But in the next moment, his eyes suddenly blurred, and he lost Namikaze Minato's figure in an instant.

‘Can you escape my limit speed? ! '

At this time, Ai, who was at extreme speed, had time to roll his eyes, and Minato Namikaze had appeared behind him, and the special quality Kunai in his hand was fiercely chopped off!

'Nani? '

Ai wanted to turn around, but he rushed too fast before, and now he couldn't even dodge under the inertia!

At the critical moment, an octopus' tail got into the game violently and saved Ai.

But as a price, the tail of this octopus was cut off by Namikaze Minato!

"This is..." Namikaze Minato was startled.

At the same time, Ai has turned into a thunderbolt and returned to the starting point.

"Sorry, Bee, is it okay?"

Kirabi was panting, and a tail was cut off, but he lost a lot of chakra!

"This little injury is nothing!" Kirabi stared at Namikaze Minato who was facing him closely, "Hachio is a rap master, Mr. Kirabi!"

"This guy…"

"Could it be Eight Tails Jinchuriki?"

When Konoha saw this tail, their faces changed drastically.

At this moment, there was a sharp whistling sound in the distance, which was a signal to retreat.

The ninja on Konoha's side hurriedly called Namikaze Minato to retreat.

Namikaze Minato turned around slowly, and said at the same time: "You are very heroic, regardless of your being Yatsuo Jinchuriki, as a ninja, you seem to have great things!"

As soon as Ai heard that he even praised his brother, he couldn't help being arrogant: "Hmph, this guy is above me in terms of talent!"

Namikaze Minato shook his head lightly: "No, I didn't mean that! You already have something more important than talent, Ai, you have a good brother, and I...so do I."

A warm smile appeared on the corner of Namikaze Minato's mouth.

Ai Leng snorted ~www.readwn.com~ and was about to speak when Minato Namikaze suddenly said with a serious face, "Anyway, the next time we meet, we should have a duel in the name of shadow!"

This time when Minato Namikaze returned to the village, Hiruzaru Sarutobi had made it clear that he was positioned as the heir, so Minato Namikaze dared to speak like this.

Ai looked unhappy, and wanted to speak again, but Minato Namikaze said that he didn't finish: "What is the most precious thing to your brother, if you don't notice it as soon as possible, I'm afraid he will become neither Jinjuriki nor Humans no more."

The corner of Ai's mouth twitched, and he finally had a chance to speak: "Don't think that I will let you escape after saying a few words to fool people!"

Ai's eyes swept back and forth on the special kunai around him, secretly thinking that as long as he avoided the positions of these kunai, and at the same time attacked the position where he teleported with extreme speed, he could defeat him!

Thinking of this, Ai was so excited that his whole body was full of lightning, and once again turned into a thunderbolt and rushed towards Namakaze Minato!

Thank you book friend Xiao Tangren 1 for your support! Please pay attention to the latest chapters

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