Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 287: Fight AB Brothers

Chapter 287 Fighting AB Brothers (Page 1/1)

Facing the galloping Ai, Minato Namakaze stood motionless, not even frowning.

When Ai was close at hand, he slowly opened his mouth: "Because I also carry a lot of things, so..."

Flying Thor, activate!

Ai stepped on the ground almost instantly, stopped forcibly, then turned around and looked around Kunai: where, where? !

"So, I can't fail!"

The voice came from the front. At this time, Minato Namikaze had appeared behind Kirabi, and the characteristic Kunai in his hand was exuding terrifying Chakra fluctuations, only an inch away from the back of Kirabi's head!

Ai was overwhelmed with horror.

A cloud ninja behind Kirabi didn't understand what happened, but when he saw Namikaze Minato, he took a half step back stiffly, and then he saw the special mark on the broken tail behind Kirabi representing the flying thunder god.

"It's war, you've realized it!"

Although Kirabi's forehead was covered with cold sweat, his reaction was not slow. He had already held a short sword upside down in his left hand, and it reached Namikaze Minato's abdomen. "Be quick, stab each other! Bageyalu, crying Geyaro!"

"Although you are an enemy, I appreciate you very much." Namikaze Minato said seriously.

Ai looked gloomy: "Namikaze Minato, let go of Bi! I'll let you go!"

Namikaze Minato smiled, didn't say anything more, and left directly with the instant body technique.

"Huh!" Kirabi put away his dagger and let out a long sigh of relief, "As expected of Namakaze Minato, the speed is far faster than our brothers."

"Bi, it's all my fault, I was careless." Ai blamed himself very much, thinking that he had not protected his younger brother well.

"Next time, we must kill Namikaze Minato, Bageyalu, and Crying Geyalu!" Qi Rabi had a big heart, and quickly put the matter aside.

On the other side, after Namikaze Minato and the others left, they met at a stronghold in the rear.

"What happened?" Namikaze Minato looked solemnly at the ninja who sent the signal.

"Mizumon-sama, it's not good. We found a large number of cloud ninjas entering the country of fire, and the vanguard troops in the cloud ninja camp have also begun to wipe out us. More than a dozen brothers have been killed by cloud ninja!"

Namikaze Minato's face turned serious, thinking of Ai and Kirabi he just met, he said solemnly: "It seems that Kumo Shinobi has already made up his mind. Everyone, please don't act alone in the future. If you find Kumo Shinobi, please notify me immediately!"

"Yes! Minato-sama!"

"Damn it, it would be great if Lord Feng Huo was here."

"With Fenghuo-sama and Minato-sama, I can definitely defeat Ai and that Eight-Tails Jinchuriki!"

"Mizumon-sama, can you ask Hokage-sama to transfer Fenghuo-sama again?" A ninja from the Akimichi family asked with a bitter face.

Namikaze Shuimen said: "Fenghuo should be on the battlefield of the Land of Rain at this moment. I have to discuss this matter with Master Hokage."

As more and more cloud ninjas invaded the land of fire, the pressure on the north was increasing. Namikaze Minato sent messages back to the village several times, hoping that Hokage-sama would send reinforcements.

Konoha Village, Hokage Tower, Sarutobi Hiruzane's office.

Hatake Sakumo read the request letter sent by Namikaze Minato, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was sitting by the side smoking a pipe. Ever since Hatake Sakumo was transferred back from the Battle of the Land of Rain, he has relaxed a lot.

"Sakumo, what do you think?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked softly, and the question in his words was naturally about reinforcements.

Hatake Sakumo said: "Indeed, if you want to fully suppress the combination of Ai and Eight-tailed Jinchuriki, the combination of Minato and Fenghuo is perfect. However, Fenghuo is performing a mission in the Land of Earth at this time, and I'm afraid it's not easy to get back in time." possible."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded slightly: "Fenghuo is making a lot of noise in the Land of Earth. I heard that even Onogi, a stubborn old man, has a headache?"

Hatake Sakumo smiled: "That's right, not long after Fenghuo entered the Land of Earth, there was news of a battle between him and Four-tailed Jinchuriki. Onoki should be furious."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi nodded in satisfaction, and then murmured: "There seems to be a big change on the Kirinin battlefield. There hasn't been any major battles in this period of time. Do you think it's possible to let the Uchiha and Hyuga clans go for reinforcements?" Watergate?"

Hatake Sakumo's eyes flashed, reinforcements?

I'm afraid it is hoped that Namikaze Minato can subdue these two powerful families in the battlefield.

But as a powerful family, Uchiha and Hinata have their own pride, especially both of these two families are interested in the position of Hokage, let them fight with Minato... It can only be said that risks and opportunities coexist.

Seeing that Hatake Sakumo didn't speak, Hiruzaru Sarutobi already understood what he meant, sighed, and asked again: "Is there no news about that idiot Jiraiya?!"

Hatake Sakumo smiled wryly: "He went to look for the whereabouts of the three disciples of the Kingdom of Rain, and he has lost contact with us."

"This bastard!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi lamented, there are too few top combat powers in the village that can compete with Ai and Yatsuo Jinchuriki, Jiraiya abolished the public for personal reasons at this time, which made him very angry.

"Oshemaru..." Hatake Sakumo said slowly.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was startled, yes, there is still Orochimaru in the village.


Hiruzaru Sarutobi hesitated, before he had been cultivating Orochimaru as Hokage, and even sent a signal several times to pass the position of Hokage to him, but now he prefers Namikaze Minato, for Orochimaru, it might not be a A kind of 'betrayal', and now Orochimaru is going to risk his life to help Minato, this...

Even though Sarutobi Hiruzen talked about the will of fire every day, he was not sure that he could persuade Orochimaru at this time.

"Let Fenghuo come back." Sarutobi Hiruzen said finally.

When Sarutobi Hiruzen's order was quickly transmitted to the Land of Rain through a secret channel, the battle between Raikage, Lao Zi, and Wanming Iwanin finally came to an end.

Feng Huo soared high in the sky in the second form of chaotic dance, gnawed on a shriveled chicken leg, and took out a few pieces of jerky from the sealing scroll from time to time to feed it to the second form of chaotic dance.

Onoki on the opposite side also took out Bingliangwan to take out his clothes with a cold face, his face collapsed, and he could faintly see a trace of tiredness that was well concealed.

In the three-day battle, even Feng Huo, a young physicist, couldn't help but fight with his eyelids, let alone the old and decrepit Onoki, but Onoki didn't dare to leave, let alone rest~www.readwn .com~ Otherwise, Uchiha Fenghuo will definitely take the opportunity to attack Iwanin.

Below, the third generation of Raikage was extremely tired, his eyes were bloodshot, his forehead was bruised, and his hands were trembling faintly. It was obvious that his physical strength was close to the limit.

But to everyone's amazement, the lightning shield on his body was still jumping weakly, resisting countless attacks for him.

"Kill him, he's dying!"

"His physical strength is close to the limit, if you kill him, you must not let him go!"

In order to besiege and kill the three generations of Raikage, Wanming Iwanin not only killed or injured more than two thousand Iwanin, but even died of exhaustion, the price he paid was not insignificant!

And now, they finally saw victory!

Thank you book friend "Xiaoyao Fighting God" for your reward and support!

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