Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 289: turbulent misty village

"Shut down the fire, is the barbecue delicious?"

The unhurried voice of Nara Deer came from behind.

Feng Huo was very depressed, because he suddenly found that he couldn't move anymore, he glanced down, and saw that his shadow was actually held by Nara Shikaku!

‘Damn it, it’s too bad! '

Fenghuo couldn't laugh or cry.

Shikahisa Nara walked over slowly, and the shadow had already withdrawn.

Feng Huo sighed, then turned around and said, "Brother Lu Jiu, let's talk about what's going on after we finish eating. I just happen to have something to report."

He hasn't had time to tell him about the third generation of Raikage.

Shikahisa Nara shook his head, and said softly, "Let's talk while eating."

Feng Huo raised his eyes, which made Nara Shikajiu 'anxiety' like this, it seems that the matter is not small.

Nara Shikahisa said again: "Let's talk about your business first."

Feng Huo nodded, and then told the story of the third generation of Raikage.

After listening to Nara Shikahisa's whole person was Smecta.

"Fenghuo, you didn't lie to me, did you? Three generations of Raikage fought ten thousand names of Iwanin for three days and three nights, and more than two thousand Iwanin fought to death?" Nara Shikahisa's eyes widened, and his breathing began to become short of breath.

Feng Huo nodded: "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes!"

It took a long time for Nara Shika to come back to his senses, and he couldn't help clapping his hands and praised: "It's great, once this news spreads, it will definitely affect the morale of Yun Nin!"

Cloud ninja morale?

Feng Huo was stunned, and asked, "Brother Lu Jiu, Yun Ren started to attack?"

Nara Shikajiu Ning nodded: "Yes, even the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki has appeared on the battlefield. The pressure on Minato is very high, and I have asked the village for help several times."

Then he changed the subject, "But now the third generation of Raikage died in the land of the earth, if we use it well, we can provoke a war between cloud ninja and iwa ninja!"

Feng Huo thought about it. In the original book, in the third ninja world war, Yannin and Yunnin did not fight!

He thought carefully, although the third generation of Raikage died in the Land of Earth, but for the senior management of Yunyin Village, the interests of the village were always put first, and the enmity of the third generation of Raikage was obviously not as good as the temptation brought to them by the Land of Fire!

Immediately afterwards, Nara Shikahisa's face changed again: "Wait, you just said Wanming Iwanin?"

He reacted.

Three generations of Raikage fought to death more than 2,000 Iwanin, and there are still more than 7,000 Iwanin left!

If these people go to the battlefield, then he's going to play a fart, just surrender!

It is rare for Fenghuo to see someone with such a high IQ as Shikaku Nara lose his composure, and he couldn't help laughing: "Don't worry, the hundred elite jounin brought by the third generation of Raikage also killed nearly Qianyan Shinobu, and the rest are also exhausted. It is impossible to go to the battlefield in a short time!"

"Even so..." Shikahisa Nara's head grew bigger. In this way, the pressure on his side will be greater than that on Minato's side.

No, I have to write to Hokage-sama and ask him to send reinforcements!

As for sealing the fire, alas, he can only go to the cloud ninja battlefield to solve Minato's urgent needs first.

High-end combat power is still too little.

When Feng Huo heard Sarutobi Hiruzen let him go to the cloud ninja battlefield, he was overjoyed, he wished to leave this ghostly place, recently he was a little distracted, and always felt that Uchiha Madara was silently watching him from behind.

After the celebration banquet, he did not linger, and after bidding farewell to Nara Shikahisa, Yuhi Makoro and others, he directly psychic out of the second chakra lun dance style and walked back on an empty road.

The land of water. Fog Hidden Village!

At this time, the village was in chaos, and the streets in the village were extremely bleak. A few pedestrians were in a hurry, their eyes dodging, for fear that a ninja would jump out from the corner and hack them to death.

Since the news of the death of the leaders of the powerful clans such as Minazuki Sora and Haya Tsubaki came back, the village has not been peaceful, especially when some "gossip" about the murderer came, many conservative ninjas who originally opposed the war jumped out to accuse the third generation of water. Shadow, and at the same time unite to put pressure on the powerful families such as Minazuki Clan and Kaguya Clan.

After several days of chaos, Minazuki, Kaguya and other wealthy families with powerful blood successors were all driven out of Wuyin Village!

After leaving Wuyin Village, how could these wealthy families be willing?

One and two are secretly gathering their clansmen, preparing to counterattack Wuyin Village and regain power!

But at this stage, their general situation is over, they can only hide and wait for the opportunity.

When the news reached the front line, Mizukage Mizukage couldn't sit still anymore, and immediately went back to the village in secret, and then became furious at those conservative ninjas, and even killed two elders on the spot!

At this point, the conservatives and hawks in Wunin Village have completely broken up!

The Hawk faction headed by Mizukage Mizukage had the support of Mizuki and Kaguya before, so they have always held the power in the village. With no suspicions of Yuekong and Kaguya Satsubaki, it is impossible to clear up the previous suspicions. Therefore, after this breakup, the conservative ninjas have the upper hand and overwhelmed the three generations of Mizukage and other hawk ninjas.

When Fenghuo rushed to the north of the Land of Fire, the conservatives and hawks in Wuyin Village were fighting for the power of the village!

For the hawks, since the war has been fought, they have no way out, and they are not willing to let power go.

So the Hawk Faction headed by Mizukage Mizukage set their sights on the Tailed Beast!

The war in the north was tense, and Fenghuo went up without even returning to the village.

At the beginning of Konoha's 47th year, he finally reunited with Minato.

At this time, the "good deeds" that Fenghuo has done in the land of earth have gradually spread. Namakaze Minato and his companions saw Fenghuo again, of course they were pleasantly surprised.

"With Lord Fenghuo here, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Being able to draw with the Four-tailed Jinchuriki of Yanyin Village, the Eight-tailed Jinchuriki should be no problem!"

"They have brothers ab, and we also have... er, what's it called? Brothers fire and water?"

Feng Huo's head was full of black lines, and he returned the water and fire brothers, and I returned the gourd seven brothers!

Feng Huo looked at Namikaze Minato, and found that this guy had a serious face, needless to say, he must be thinking of the name of the group, he interrupted hurriedly, so as not to make a long name and be laughed at.

Namikaze Minato who was interrupted was not angry, and introduced his companions to Fenghuo with a smile: "Fenghuo, this is Akidodo Tou, and this is Inuzuka Gazette, both of my contemporaries."

"It's the first time we meet, please take care of me!" Qiu Daodang said with a smile, "Speaking of which, my younger brother has mentioned you in front of me more than once."

Feng Huo was taken aback, Qiu Daotang Dong?

"North of Qiu Dao Hall?"

Fenghuo remembered that the fat man Tangbei had mentioned to him that his brother and Namikaze Minato were at the same time, and they used to study together under Jiraiya's school.

"Ah, that's him, haha." Qiu Daotang laughed.

"I saw you at Claw's wedding before, but you were young at that time, so I probably didn't remember it." Inuzuka also came over with a smile.

"Wow!" A big dog behind him rushed over, sniffing around Fenghuo, as if recognizing someone.

"Hello, please take care of me!" Feng Huo was very solemn~www.readwn.com~ Not to mention the relationship between Namakaze Minato, but Qiu Daodoubei's kindness to him, he had to be respectful to Qiu Daodoudong.

Besides, he has a friendly relationship with the Akimichi clan and the Inuzuka clan, so of course he should make good friends at this time.

At this time, a sharp whistling sound suddenly came from a distance, shaking everyone's eardrums crazily.

"This is..." Feng Huo listened carefully, "Enemy attack?"

"Enemy attack!" Namikaze Minato shouted, "Everyone, retreat quickly, I and the queen of Fenghuo Palace!"

"Eh?" Feng Huo looked surprised, shouldn't you form a three-person team with your two contemporaries to be the queen?

Why me?

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