Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 290: watergate advice sought

Chapter 290 Seeking Watergate's Opinion (Page 1/1)

Qiu Daodangdong and Inuzuka Jaw had no objection, they patted Feng Huo's shoulder solemnly, with the appearance that all the important things are devoted to you.

Feng Huo smiled wryly.

After two breaths, all the people around had been evacuated.

Namikaze Minato has already taken out the special Kunai and arranged them around in advance.

Feng Huo followed behind and asked, "Brother Shuimen, have you fought against Brother AB?"

"Well, I have already fought once, and their attack speed is very fast. If you meet them, you must be careful!" Namikaze Minato said solemnly.

Feng Huo nodded, having seen the Taijutsu of three generations of Raikage, how could Fenghuo underestimate these masters of Taijutsu?

It's a pity that during the war, he could only maintain at most three of the eight Dunjia techniques, and it was impossible to go further, otherwise, he really wanted to compare his physical skills with Brother AB.

"Brother Shuimen, do you think it's okay for me to catch a tailed beast?" Feng Huo asked again seeing that the arrangement was almost done.

"Tail beast?" Namikaze Minato stared at him with wide eyes, remembering his time in the Land of Earth, and asked, "You mean four tails?"

Feng Huo shook his head: "We can't offend Four Tails, I want to catch Three Tails."

For Fenghuo, there are three problems in catching Sanwei. The first is his own strength, and the second is internal pressure. The pressure is definitely not small, and the third one is Uchiha Madara.

Among them, the first and second problems can be solved by Namikaze Minato. After all, he will soon become the Fourth Hokage, and he is powerful and proficient in sealing techniques. With his support, it is no problem to capture Mitsuo.

As for Uchiha Madara, Fenghuo's saying that he is not afraid is a lie. Even if Uchiha Madara's life is not long, but a thin camel is bigger than a horse, even if he is old, he will still be a powerful ninja standing at the pinnacle of the ninja world!

But if he refuses to take risks because he is afraid, then when his kaleidoscope pupil power is exhausted and he is completely blind, won't he regret it too late?

Namikaze Minato looked back at Fenghuo seriously, puzzled, and asked, "You want to be Jinchuriki?"

Feng Huo nodded, there was nothing to hide, and said: "After fighting against the Four-tailed Jinchuriki of Yanyin Village, I found that my Chakra is too little. Once I fall into a protracted battle, I will definitely lose."

Namikaze Minato pondered: "This matter is of great importance. If you really catch Mitsuo, Wuyin Village will definitely not give up, and..."

And if this matter gets out, other hidden villages will definitely unite against Konoha in order to prevent the tailed beasts in their own villages from being caught.

Regarding this point, Fenghuo also knows, he believes that if he dared to do so in peacetime, it would definitely cause strong reactions from the other four hidden villages, but it is different now, it is a time of war, no matter what he does is 'reasonable' , the arrest of Sanwei can be declared to the outside world to force Kirinin to surrender. As for after the war, they can completely cooperate, for example, to win over a few allies, and then transfer some benefits. Anyway, the living can't be suffocated to death by urine, can't they?

As soon as Feng Huo said these words, Namikaze Minato fell silent and began to think about whether it was feasible.

Hoo hoo!

At this moment, a cloud ninja with a dark complexion jumped into the arena like a shooting star, staring at Feng Huo and the others vigilantly.

"Yellow flashing Namikaze Minato, Uchiha seals the fire!"

"The difficult guys got together!"

"Pay attention to Namikaze Minato's instant body art!"

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato were back to back, watching more and more cloud ninjas around them, but they didn't care.

"Brother Shuimen, besides Sanwei, Wuyin Village also has Liuwei. They won't fight us for Sanwei." Feng Huo continued.

But Minato Namikaze suddenly asked: "Fenghuo, have you discussed with Hokage-sama?"

Feng Huo said: "Master Hokage will definitely not agree."

"Why are you so sure?" Namikaze Minato asked.

At this time, the cloud ninjas around launched an attack.

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

"Thunder Dun-Grassment Wave!"


Thunder light is like a waterfall, sweeping from all directions.

Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato were activated together, dodging and counterattacking at the same time.

Feng Huo took the time to reply: "I think Master Hokage has changed from a ninja to a politician. He pays attention to balance, strategy, and other messy things, but he will not take risks. Capturing Sanwei is a risk. It's a gamble, so Hokage-sama won't agree to it."

"Lei Dun-Sanda Mu Liudou!"

Youyun Ninjutsu charged forward with the Thunder Dunning Ninjutsu, and the Fire Sealing Sangouyu Sharingan instantly turned into a black and red pentagram, and deep purple ribs stretched out from the void, directly blocking the opponent's bombardment.

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Wind escape - oppression!"

Feng Huo followed up with two wind escapes, blowing the surrounding thunder and lightning to pieces.

"Flying Thunder God!"

Namikaze Minato took the opportunity to reap the harvest and instantly killed five or six careless Kumo Shinobi.

"Speaking of this, Hokage-sama, you are getting bolder." Namikaze Minato laughed.

Feng Huo said: "As the shadow of a village, I think it is right for Hokage-sama to disapprove of me. If I were in his position, I would not agree, but..."

"But?" Namikaze Minato looked over.

"But I'm not Hokage, haha." Feng Huo laughed.

Namikaze Minato shook his head and laughed, and said in his heart: But I will be there soon.

Then he smiled bluntly, well, just treat it as the last time before becoming Hokage...crazy?

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

The two joined together and once again used a joint attack.


The Fenghuo spiral pill turned into a flaming tornado in the air, winding and whistling like thunder, swallowing the lives of seven or eight cloud ninjas in an instant.

"It's almost time for us to retreat." Namikaze Minato had already noticed the increasingly dense voices in the distance, and this time there were too many cloud ninjas.

Fenghuo immediately opened the eight-door Dunjia to the third door, stepped on the air and jumped directly into the air, and then psychic out the second form of Chaolunwu.

"Let's go!" Feng Huo yelled.

In the next moment, a handful of special kunai shot up from below.

Feng Huo hurriedly flew over in the second form of the Super Rondo Dance.

Fly Thor!

Namikaze Minato teleported directly from the ground to the sky~www.readwn.com~ and smoothly landed on the back of Chao Rondo II.


Chao Lunwu II screamed happily, looking back from time to time to show off at Fengshuimen, Fenghuo looked depressed, this is still not his own psychic beast! ?

Namikaze Minato touched the platinum eagle feather of the second form of the chakra dance, and squeaked in amazement, and then solemnly said to Fenghuo: "If it is before Kirinin surrenders, I agree to arrest Mitsuo!"

Feng Huo's eyes lit up: "Okay! That's the deal!"

"Yeah!" Namikaze Minato laughed, "But, if Mist Ninja surrenders, you have to shelve your plan!"

Feng Huo nodded without any pressure. Knowing the original work well, he felt that the matter was settled!

Thank you book friend Xiao Tangren 1 for your support!

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