Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 302: Divide 3 tail rocks

In the early morning of the next day, after Yuhihong woke up, Fenghuo and Namikaze Minato asked her again about "dividing" Sanwei.

Xi Hihong nodded endlessly, without any objection.

Her pretty face was slightly red, and she peeked at Feng Huo from time to time, thinking that the three tails would be divided into two, her half and his half, she was inexplicably very happy.

Namikaze Minato and Fenghuo looked at each other, knowing that it was not too late, otherwise, when Brother AB rushed back after attending the funeral of the Third Raikage, they would not have that much time to spare.

Akidodo Higashi and Inuzuka Gazette led people to guard the surroundings to prevent anyone from disturbing them.

Yuhihong lay nervously on the ground, looking sideways at Fenghuo lying next to her from time to time.

"Well, here I go."

Namikaze Minato's hands transformed into an afterimage like a dance, and the speed of seal formation was a little faster than that of Fenghuo.

Then a series of sealing iron chains sprang out from behind Namikaze Minato, circled in the air, and violently blasted into Yuhihong's abdomen.

Yu Hihong was so frightened that she closed her eyes and screamed, but immediately realized that she was not in pain, and couldn't help opening her eyes slightly, and saw a miniature turtle in her abdomen being pulled out by several iron chains.


Misao Isota struggled frantically, three tails desperately tearing at the iron chain, one eye glared fiercely at Namikaze Minato, "Human, what do you want to do? Let me go, let me go, you **** human."

"Don't be nervous, relax, it won't hurt you." Namikaze Minato smiled softly.

His demeanor is already gentle, coupled with a pair of sky blue pupils, a confident and gentle smile, he is definitely a 100% warm man, Mio couldn't help being a little shaken when he saw it.

The next moment, Sanwei suddenly roared in pain.

It only felt that there was a strange change in its body suddenly, and the chakra in the body rioted uncontrollably, as if being manipulated by someone, and formed two distinct teams, one with yin attribute and the other with yang attribute.

Before Sanwei could react, the chakras of these two attributes started to rebel and separated from the left and right. From Kureni Yuhi's point of view, it happened to see the little turtle being torn in half by the iron chain from the inside to the outside.

'It's cruel. '

As soon as the little girl thought of this, she saw the tortoise 'corpse' that was divided into two halves turned into two chakras, and then the chakras moved for a while, and two little tortoises appeared, but they were a little smaller than before.

"Roar! Despicable humans!"

"Damn humans!"

The two little turtles spoke human words at the same time, and stared at Namikaze Minato viciously, but they were crushed by the opponent's sealing technique, unable to move at all, and couldn't help crying with grief and indignation.

"Fenghuo, Red's loss of half of the three tails may have some impact on her body, so next you have to suppress your three tails yourself!" Namikaze Minato solemnly said.

"I see."

Although Fenghuo's sealing technique is not as good as Namikaze Minato's, but with the kaleidoscope Sharingan, can it still turn the half head and three tails upside down?

Afterwards, Namikaze Minato blasted the yang-attributed Sanwei into Fenghuo's abdomen.

At this moment, Yu Hihong only felt a convulsion all over her body, as if someone had taken her life force away abruptly, she couldn't help crying out in pain, in just half a breath, her whole body was covered with cold sweat, and she was extremely weak.

Namikaze Minato didn't dare to be careless, and immediately put the remaining yin attribute Sanwei into Yuhihong's abdomen, and then used the sealing technique to suppress the Sanwei again, and then stabilized Yuhihong.

At the same time, in Fenghuo's belly, the yang-attributed Sanwei Isota was making a fuss, screaming and rebelling, and the terrifying Chakra turned into a pool of cold water, setting off a big wave, trying to poke a hole in Fenghuo's belly.

Feng Huo's eyes turned into black and red pentagrams, and the pupil power of the kaleidoscope swirled around Sanwei Isota.

The tortoise stopped moving immediately, its limbs were stiff, and its three spiny tails were fixed in the air like sculptures, and even the one eye didn't dare to blink.

Compared with being controlled by Sharingan and completely losing sanity, becoming a Renzhuli is not unacceptable.

Sanwei Isota is not really stupid, he is very clear about it.

After Fenghuo used a kaleidoscope to bluff Sanweijita, Shi Shiran got the seal.

"Four Elephant Seals!"

"Five elements seal!"

"Gossip to seal the fire!"

After a while, sealing runes appeared one by one on Fenghuo's abdomen, connected end to end, forming a circular shape.

Namikaze Minato carefully checked Xia Yuhihong. Although he was weak, his life was not in danger. He finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then he looked at the seal on Fenghuo's abdomen and said with a smile, "It's still a little bit worse."

Afterwards, he made seals with both hands, and several sealed iron chains blasted into Fenghuo's abdomen in an instant, entered the cold pool, and nailed Sanwei Isota's limbs.

Mio Isao didn't dare to resist, she was so wronged that she burst into tears, then she glared at Fenghuo viciously, and slandered: "Damn Uchiha, **** human, roar, I will eat you sooner or later!" '

After a while, the seal was finally completed.

Feng Huo smiled and looked at Sanwei Isota who was slowly sinking into the cold pool in front of him, and said with a smile: "Come, come, give me some chakra."

Sanweiji sank into the cold pool, only half of the tortoise shell was exposed and half of the head was smaller, the one-eyed was ups and downs in the cold pool, just looking straight at Fenghuo.

"Chakra Chakra!" Fenghuo looked at it with his hands on his hips, his eyes were not friendly. Is this guy pretending to be stupid or planning to play non-violent non-cooperation?

Mio Iso is still silent, his one-eyed blinks twice from time to time, just doesn't speak, doesn't give you chakra, just doesn't cooperate, what can you do? You hit me, you come to hit me?

Feng Huo got annoyed, rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward to hammer Sanwei.

Sanwei retracted his head, and continued to stare at Fenghuo silently.

Its whole body is covered with sharp thorns, and its defense is not weaker than Wutengu's armor, so it is not afraid of being beaten at all.

Fenghuo hammered for a long time, and found out that there was no way for Sanwei, and he was very angry.

But after thinking about it, even Naruto, the son of destiny, took a long time to subdue Kyuubi, and it took only half a day for him, and he was not arrogant, so it was normal for this big turtle to refuse to cooperate.

Thinking about it this way, it's easy to seal the fire.

Anyway, it has already fallen into my hands, there must be time to take care of you!

At the same time, the yang attribute Sanwei in Fenghuo and the yin attribute Sanwei in Xi Rihong are arguing in a strange way.

The yang attribute Sanwei said unhappily: "Damn it, I turned into two, are you the older brother or the younger brother?"

Yin Sanwei said proudly: "You are just my clone, don't steal my identity."

Yang attribute Sanwei Bucha: "Asshole, if you weren't controlled by Sharingan, how could I have ended up like this!"

The yin attribute Sanwei said angrily: "It's my fault for being controlled by Sharingan, bastard!"

The two turtles were arguing there, and Fenghuo's spiritual consciousness had returned.

"Huh." Feng Huo heaved a sigh of relief, and then looked at Yu Hihong next to him.

"Don't worry, she's fine, but she needs some time to recuperate." Namikaze Minato said to Fenghuo with a smile, "How does it feel to be Renzhuriki?"

Feng Huo got up from the ground, shrugged and said, "It would be great if Sanwei could cooperate."

Namikaze Minato solemnly said: "Fenghuo, tailed beasts may seem evil, but they all have their own thoughts and wills. You must not use them as tools!"

Feng Huo has read the original book and already knew this, so he nodded naturally and said, "Don't worry, I will explain the facts and communicate with Sanwei properly."

"Then I'm relieved." Namikaze Minato patted Feng Huo on the shoulder, then changed his tone ~www.readwn.com~ and said solemnly, "Then, let's have a good discussion about spies!"

"A spy?" Feng Huo was taken aback.

"Red and Mitsuo are both controlled by Sharingan. In the Uchiha clan, there must be someone who has secretly conspired with Kiriginin!"

Sealing the fire was a heartbeat.

Spies or something, they don't exist at all.

It is Uchiha Madara who controls Red and Sanwei!

Namikaze Minato squinted his eyes, and his brain opened wide: "The Uchiha clan colluded with Mist Ninja on the battlefield to help Mist Ninja control Sanwei! The purpose of letting Mizuo come to the cloud ninja battlefield is... I know, it's you! For Uchiha , Fenghuo, you are a traitor, and for Mist Ninja, the pressure on them will be much less if there is a change in the cloud ninja battlefield! That's right, that's it!"

Feng Huo looked at Namikaze Minato who was extremely excited, with black lines all over his head: I didn't realize that you have such a big brain.

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