Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 303: Danzo is doing something again

Konoha Village, Hokage Office.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at the information in his hand, his brows furrowed tighter and tighter.

Hatake Sakumo stood beside him without saying a word.

"What do you think about this matter?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi handed the information to Sakumo Hatake, with a rare look of anger on his face.

After reading the information, Hatake Sakumo also frowned: "The Uchiha clan colluded with Kirinin, this..."

You must know that the Uchiha clan and Mist Ninja have fought to death in the past two years, and the two sides have forged a big enmity. It is obviously impossible to say that the entire Uchiha Clan and Mist Ninja colluded.

Sarutobi Hiruzame also meant this.

"It's not difficult to control red with Sharingan, but it's rare to control Mitsuo Isoto." Sarutobi Hiruzen said, "If you want to control Tailed Beast, Sharingan..."

"Kaleidoscope?" Hatake Sakumo was taken aback, the entire Uchiha clan, only Uchiha Fuhuo had evolved Sharingan into kaleidoscope!

Could it be that he directed and acted on his own?

Hatake Sakumo and Sarutobi Hirazan looked at each other, then shook their heads in unison.

Mio Iso is in the country of water, separated by an ocean, there is no time to seal the fire, so it cannot be him.

"Is it Uchiha Fugaku?" Hatake Sakumo said solemnly, "I remember that there was a period of time before Uchiha Fugaku's Sharingan was always presented in the state of Sangoudama, which is the same as Fenghuo's current state."

"If it's really him..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was confused.

Uchiha Fugaku is now the patriarch of the Uchiha clan and the captain of the Konoha Police Force. He has a high position and authority. If he colludes with Mist Ninja, what is the difference between him and the entire Uchiha Clan colluding with Mist Ninja?

"This matter ends here, no further investigation!"

Sarutobi Hiruza said solemnly.

If we continue to investigate, isn't it going to force the Uchiha clan to rebel?

At this time when the cloud ninja army is overwhelming, the rock ninja is entangled endlessly, and the fog ninja is ambiguous, it is really inappropriate to do so.

But when the war is over, Uchiha must have a say in this matter!

As for the three tails.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi had a headache.

It was already very helpless for Kurenai Yuhi to become Sanwei Jinchuriki, but Fenghuo actually got up and sealed half of Sanwei into his body, which is simply unreasonable!

Hatake Sakumo seemed to see that Sarutobi Hiruzen was troubled, and he couldn't help persuading him, "Master Hokage, I think it's better to let Minato handle these matters."

Sarutobi's eyes lit up, yes, these things happened under Minato's nose, it's obviously better for him to handle them.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi showed a relieved smile, and said, "Sakumo, the Jnin assessment is coming soon, let Fenghuo and Kakashi come back."


On the other side, Danzo was teaching A to practice Mudun with a gloomy face.

The first generation of Mutun was recorded in the sealed book in Sarutobi Hiruzen's hand, and it was impossible for outsiders to get in touch with it. But for the village's elder advisor and Danzo who had the root, it was really easy to get Mutun.

"Wooden escape - four-pillar prison!"

Jia's hands formed seals, chakra gushed out, and four gray logs instantly grew in the ground, and then, there was nothing more.

Danzo remained silent. He had seen the first generation use this ninjutsu, which could directly form a huge wooden prison cell and directly imprison a tailed beast, which was extremely powerful.

But in A's hands, this ninjutsu is really...

"Continue to practice." Danzang said coldly.

"Yes!" Although A was sweating profusely from cultivation, he didn't dare to relax in the slightest, his immature face was full of determination.

At this moment, a root ninja suddenly appeared behind Danzo: "Master Danzo, there is information from the cloud ninja battlefield."

"Give it to me." Danzo stretched out his left hand.

The true identity of each Gennin is top secret, and no one else knows except Danzo.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi would not know that there is Gennin in his Anbu.

After reading the information, Danzo showed a solemn expression on his face.

‘Uchiha Fuuho and Yuhi Kuren became Three-Tails Jinchuriki? '

'It turns out that tailed beasts can be divided! '

Danzo's eyes shot out with crazy greed!

In the village, there is a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. If Kyuubi is split in half, Kushina will still be guarding the village as a Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, while attracting the attention of other ninjas from Hidden Village, while he himself...

His heart was beating like thunder, and he was so excited.

"A, you continue to practice alone, don't slack off." Danzang hurriedly left after giving orders.

There is a spacious training ground in Orochimaru's mansion, where Mitarai Anko is practicing.

Orochimaru leaned lazily beside him, squinting his eyes and thinking about something.

Suddenly, his eyelids lifted, revealing golden vertical pupils, and he hummed softly, "Master Danzo, what's the matter?"

"Do you want to talk to me here?" Danzo's voice came from the dark place behind, hoarse, gloomy, and a little impatient.

Orochimaru lowered his eyes, turned and walked into the darkness.

The two came to a secret room, Danzo showed the information to Orochimaru, and said coldly: "Three tails can be divided, and nine tails should be able to be divided too!"

"So that's how it is." Orochimaru understood Danzo's intentions. He took a fancy to the Kyuubi in Kushina's body, and wanted to **** half of it before Namikaze Minato returned!


Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, but he also coveted Kyuubi in his heart.

"Master Danzo, to divide the tailed beast, I'm afraid I need to rely on the sealing technique of the Uzumaki clan." Orochimaru smiled slightly, "I don't know much about the sealing technique."

Danzo frowned, which is why he came to Dashewan.

After the Uzumaki Village was destroyed, the sealing technique of the Uzumaki Clan was gradually lost, and in the entire Konoha Village, only Kushina and Namikaze Minato were proficient in it!

In normal times, Danzo can use his own rights to intimidate Kushina, but now that Minato Namikaze is about to be promoted to Fourth Hokage, what can Danzo use to threaten him? So I can only find another way.

"Oshemaru, I believe you have a way to divide the tail beast!"

Orochimaru directly refused, and sneered: "Sorry, no."

Danzo stared at him coldly.

Orochimaru changed the subject and said, "Compared to this matter, doesn't Danzo-sama think Mitsuo is more important?"

Regardless of what happened to Fenghuo and Yuhihong~www.readwn.com~ But it is undeniable that Sanwei is the tail beast that the first generation gave to Wuyin Village in order to balance the strength of each hidden village. Come ask for Sanwei!

When the time comes, what will Sarutobi Hiruzen, or the future Fourth Namikaze Minato, pay back?

Is it Uchiha sealing the fire, Kurenu Yuhi, or both of them handing over?

The articles here are enough for Danzo to stir up the wind and rain.

Danzo narrowed his eyes slightly, a little interesting.

Then he turned and left, and a hoarse voice came slowly: "Whether it's Sharingan or Nine-Tails, don't covet things that aren't yours, just like Hokage, Orochimaru, you know what I mean."

"Hehe, is Danzo-sama threatening me?" Orochimaru said disdainfully.

Danzo was noncommittal, and his figure slowly disappeared into the darkness.

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