Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 305: question

From the shadows, three figures slowly walked out. The leader was naturally Danzo, and the other two, a man and a woman, were the other two elder advisors in the village, Mitomon Yan and Zhuanju Xiaoharu!

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you are so courageous, you dare to capture Sanwei Isota from Wuyin Village without authorization, you want the two villages to form an eternal enmity!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun shouted angrily.

Mitomon Yan also had a serious face: "Uchiha sealing the fire, this matter is of great importance, you have gone too far!"

Feng Huo snorted coldly: "Several elders, if you think I'm wrong, you can go to Lord Hokage to complain. What are you doing here? Do you want to abuse lynching? Disregarding human life?"

"Bastard!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun said angrily, "Uchiha Fenghuo, don't think that you can be defiant just because you have made some contributions."

Mitomenyan even said in a tone of hatred: "Do you know how much the arrest of Sanwei will affect the village!"

Feng Huo rolled his eyelids: "Could it trigger a war between the two villages?"

"Of course!" Mitomonyan affirmed.

"The war with Mist Ninja has already broken out for two years. Two years ago, Sanwei was in the Land of Water." Feng Huo sneered, "It can be seen that the outbreak of the war has nothing to do with the Tailed Beast!"

Mito Menyan was stunned, and suddenly felt that what he said was very reasonable, and was speechless for a while.

Turning to bed Xiaochun was in a hurry, and was about to reprimand coldly, but was interrupted by Fenghuo.

"Several elders, it's better not to say it. You don't know each other well. How can you have so much to say? If you feel that my behavior has endangered the interests of the village, you will naturally have Lord Hokage to make decisions for you. Don't cry and act like a cynical person here. Yes, it's disgusting and disgusting."

After speaking, the three-gou jade in Fenghuo's eyeballs spun quickly, blasted the illusion with half a breath, and stepped away.

"Damn it, the Uchiha clan is really unreasonable!" Looking at Fenghuo's back, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was so angry that his endocrine became disordered.

Mito Menyan touched his chin and thought: "I think what he said makes sense. The purpose of sending tailed beasts to several hidden villages at the beginning of the year was to balance the power of all countries, but after thinking about it carefully, in fact, after the death of the first generation, In the several Ninja World Wars, Tailed Beasts have never played a big role."

Danzo frowned, and snorted, "Menyan, if a tailed beast enters the battlefield, it will inevitably cause terrible damage. Its power is no less than natural disasters, so the role of the tailed beast is mainly to deter! How can you even believe a kid? I don't even think about how old he is, how many wars he has experienced, what can he know?"

"This matter must not be left like this!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun narrowed his eyes, "Let's go find Ri Zhan!"

Danzang was instantly possessed by the golden man, with a worried face on his face: "How well Ri Zhan has defended this little devil, I'm afraid he will ignore the interests of the village and just sit back and watch."

"He dares?!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun was domineering, and immediately took the lead to walk towards the Hokage Tower.

Mitomonyan took a deep look at Danzo, then turned and followed.

"Hehe." Danzang smiled silently, and followed closely.

The three elder advisors came at the same time, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi was flattered: "Xiaoharu, Menyan, Danzo, why are you here?"

The three of them sat down in a tacit understanding, and then turned to Xiaochun and asked directly: "Hi Zhan, you already know about Uchiha's sealing of the fire!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes slightly: "Xiaoharu, what do you mean?"

He has bad thoughts in his mind.

The fact that Fenghuo and Yuhihong became Sanwei Jinchuriki is known to very few people, and it stands to reason that it is impossible to spread it, unless there are spies in Anbu!

Thinking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Danzo with less friendly eyes.

The old **** Danzo was there, sitting upright in that attitude of having nothing to do with himself, which made Hiruzaru Sarutobi angry and helpless.

"Uchiha Fenghuo arbitrarily arrested Mitsuo, and even became Jinchuriki, don't you know about this?!" Zhuanzhu Xiaoharu was full of anger, "Hizan, as Hokage, don't you even have the most basic judgment? Is it gone? Sanwei is the tailed beast of Kirigakure Village, let Kirinin know about this, and you know what the consequences will be!"

It really is this matter!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, and said: "Three tails were sent by the Mist Ninja to the Land of Fire to attack Fenghuo, but it wasn't that Fenghuo they went to the Land of Water to capture them on their own initiative. Even if Mistnin wants to blame, the responsibility is not on our side."

Speaking of this, Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a deep look at Danzo, and said, "And I plan to hand over this matter to Minato."

Danzo's hair exploded: "Are you kidding, Namikaze Minato is just a Jōnin, what qualifications does he have to deal with this matter!"

"I'm old and lack of energy, I've already planned to leave these trivial matters in the hands of young people." Sarutobi Hiruzen said, implying that Namikaze Minato would inherit his flame position.

Koharu and Mitomon Yan looked at each other. Hiruzaru Sarutobi visited them with Minato Namakaze before, so he naturally knew the tricks.

"If it's Namikaze Minato..." Mitomonyan has a good impression of Namikaze Minato. This young man not only inherited the will of fire, but also has strong strength, a gentle and tough personality, a big vision, and a commoner background. With a complicated background, it is rare that he is loved by ordinary people, so he is simply the perfect candidate for Hokage.

If you let him handle this matter, I believe there will be a satisfactory answer.

Although Danzo guessed it, he couldn't calm down when he heard Sarutobi Hiruzen say this so shamelessly, and immediately said coldly: "Hirizhan, the position of Hokage is very important, how can you grant it privately? Don't forget The Uchiha Clan and the Hyuga Clan!"

In order to drive Uchiha and Hinata and other powerful families to fight against Mist Ninja, Sarutobi Hiruzen seduced them with the position of Hokage, and promised them that "things will be done" and then resigned from the position of Hokage.

Although Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not expressly say that the position of Hokage will be passed on to them~www.readwn.com~ but that is what it means, and no one can deny it.

Now Sarutobi's "returning his promise" will definitely annoy the two big families, and Danzo's threat is self-evident.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi squinted his eyes, but felt unhappy in his heart.

Danzo has been coveting the position of Hokage all these years, how could Sarutobi Hiruzen not know?

As for the Uchiha and Hyuga clans, they are just bargaining chips in Danzo's hands. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen does not support Namikaze Minato, the position of Hokage will not eventually fall into the hands of the Uchiha Hyuga clan.

So Sarutobi Hiruza didn't care about his threat.

He said lightly: "Danzo, how can the position of Hokage be granted privately? Minato is just one of Hokage's successors, and the succession must be elected by the elders and villagers, and the daimyo's consent is required. I am not that old. Energy to manipulate elections."

Danzo gritted his teeth silently with a sullen face, feeling great hatred in his heart.

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