Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 306: Jonin assessment

After leaving Hokage, Danzo immediately wrote two letters and sent them to the Mist Ninja battlefield.

Uchiha Fugaku, the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and Hinata Matsuho, the patriarch of the Hyuga clan, read the letter, and immediately rushed back with their cronies.

On this day, Konoha's Jonin assessment officially began.

During the war, special affairs are handled specially, and the Jonin assessment is also the same. Those empty-headed examinations, tasks, etc. are all discarded, and everything speaks with strength!

The ninjas participating in the assessment first need to draw lots, conduct two-two confrontation and be eliminated, and then continue to draw lots and continue to be eliminated. Finally, Hiruzaru Sarutobi personally presides over it.

The rules are simple, violent, but very practical.

Because most of the tasks Jonin accepts are very difficult and life-threatening at every turn, so the requirements for the overall strength of the individual are very strict. Ninjutsu, illusion, physical skills, and even Chakra must be strictly tested, and fighting is the ultimate test. Good way!

There are ninjas who are proficient in illusion, but average in taijutsu and illusion. For example, Kurenai Yuhi in the original book is good at illusion, but not good in taijutsu and ninjutsu, so he is just a special jōnin.

But if you practice physical skills to the peak like Dai, you can also become a Jonin.

There are nearly 73 people who participated in this Jnin assessment, including 58 Chunin and 15 Special Jnin.

Both Fenghuo and Kakashi participated, becoming the youngest two people in this assessment, and the name of genius once again resounded through Konoha.

Moreover, Fenghuo has made a lot of achievements in the past few years, and he is the founder of the Konoha Newspaper, so he often appears in newspapers, and his popularity in the village has already surpassed Kakashi.

However, recently Sarutobi Hiruzen supported Namikaze Minato, and except for Minato, there were basically no other people in the newspapers.

Seeing Kakashi again, this guy's dead fish eyes seem to be getting worse, and he looks lazy like the whole world owes me eight million.

"Kakashi." Feng Huo walked over, and unexpectedly found that Lin and Obito were also there.

"Fenghuo, you bastard..." Obito burst into tears when he saw Fenghuo, rushed over and wanted to hug and hold him high, so frightened that Fenghuo kicked him away.

"Beautiful kick." Kakashi put his hands in his pockets, and said coolly, "This guy is really annoying. Obviously, I am taking the Jōnin exam, so I have to come along to join in the fun."

"Damn it, Kakashi, you bastard, don't think it's great to take the Jonin Exam, you will fail anyway!" Obito turned to Fenghuo viciously, "Fenghuo, if you meet this guy in the exam, you must pass He was disabled!"


Speaking of this... Feng Huo's eyes suddenly looked up and down when he thought of this.

I really planned to beat the remnants of Obito before, so as not to be blackened by Uchiha Madara.

However, now that Uchiha Madara regards himself as the "executor" of his plan, will he find Obito again?

Feng Huo touched his chin and thought.

"Fenghuo, what are you thinking?" Lin patted Fenghuo on the shoulder, with a smile on her face, and asked, "How is Hong now?"

"Ah, she's fine, don't worry." Feng Huo said.

"It's almost time, let's go." Kakashi turned around coolly.

Onlookers are not allowed to watch the Jonin exam, so Obito and Rin can't follow.

Feng Huo glanced at Obito, and saw that this guy's eyes were full of longing, obviously very, very much looking forward to becoming a Jonin.

"I will definitely follow you, Kakashi, um, there is also Fenghuo!" Obito was a little unconfident at the end, after all, Kikyo was famous in the battle of Fenghuo in the last battle. Jonin.

‘If only my Sharingan could evolve sooner. '

Obito was very distressed. Ever since he accidentally opened Shan Gouyu's Sharingan in the ninja school, his Sharingan was still Shan Gouyu after a few years, and he was extremely aggrieved.

He planned to go to learn scriptures after the end of the Fenghuo Jonin exam, to see if there was any shortcut.

When Fenghuo and Kakashi entered the examination room, Uchiha Fugaku, Hyuga Matsuhiro and others also returned to the village.

The Uchiha clan.

"Dad." The four-year-old Uchiha Itachi had a tiger head and a tiger head, and looked very cute. He opened his two fleshy hands and threw himself at Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Shisui stood on the side, bowed respectfully and saluted: "Master Fugaku."

Uchiha Fugaku was very majestic as a father, and he didn't pamper his lovely son too much. He just reached out and touched his head, asked a few words, and left.

Uchiha Itachi was very wronged, turned his head to look at Uchiha Shisui, and wanted to cry: "Brother Shisui."

"Master Fuyue is very busy because of the war, Itachi, let's not disturb Master Fuyue, okay?" Shisui said with a smile.

Itachi Uchiha blinked his eyes twice and asked, "What is war? Why is there a war?"

Uchiha Shisui immediately began to 'brainwash' him, cough, to instill correct world outlook, outlook on life and values, Uchiha Itachi didn't feel bored, he listened with relish, absorbing Shisui's thoughts.

On the other side, Hyuga Matsuho took the two brothers Hyuga Hyuzu and Hyuga back home.

"Nichizu, Nisai, from now on the Hyuga Clan will be handed over to you."

Hinata Matsuka coughed lightly, and a trace of sweetness rushed into his throat, which he swallowed abruptly.

This time in the Mist Ninja Battlefield, he fought several times with the patriarch of the Kaguya Clan, Kaguya Zao Tsubaki. It has to be said that the bones of the bones are strong. At this time, Hinata Matsukura's internal organs have been severely injured, and his life is not long. .

"Father, you should take a good rest and leave the affairs of the clan to the eldest brother." Hinata Hizai said with concern.

"Yes, father, you should take good care of your injuries at home and stop working hard." Hinata Hyuzu also persuaded with concern.

Matsuka Hyuga shook his head slightly: "This matter must be done by me, and, ahem, this should be the last thing I can do for the Hinata family."

"But father..." The two brothers are filial people, and they couldn't bear to see their father working so hard for the Hyuga clan.

Hyuga Matsuka was very relieved, interrupted them, and said: "Nizuru, although Nisashi has become a branch because of the clan rules, you must remember that you are brothers, and you must not forget this."

"I see, father!" Hinata Hinata nodded earnestly.

After chatting for a few more words, Hinata Matsuka waved the two brothers away, turned and left.

Alone in front of Hokage Tower~www.readwn.com~ Hyuga Matsuhiko saw Uchiha Fugaku who had been waiting for a long time.

Hinata Matsuka's heart sank slightly.

On the battlefield, although Uchiha Fugaku has been hiding his clumsiness, Hinata Matsuhura can feel his strength, especially those sharing sharing eyes, which give him a particularly evil feeling!

But the two are on the same front now, so naturally they won't be dirty with each other.

After a simple greeting, the two walked up to the Hokage Tower hand in hand.

Sarutobi Hiruzen was sitting in the office, and Anbe had already informed Uchiha Fugaku and Hinata Matsuhiro of their whereabouts. He smoked his pipe silently and waited for their arrival.

At the same time, the Jonin assessment officially began.

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