Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 319: name of yellow flash

After getting Obitama's Ergoudama Sharingan, Kakashi was revived with full blood, coupled with the anger and hatred in his heart, he rushed out of the stone house immediately, staring at the Iwa Shinobi not far away with murderous intent. .

Kakashi slowly drew out the short blade behind him, leaped into the sky and slashed at Huoguang fiercely.

"It's really hard to deal with." Iwanin Hikari sneered and swung his two swords. Chakra poured in and cut off the short blade in Kakashi's hand with one blow.

"Hehehe, die, brat!" Huoguang laughed wildly, and the two swords stabbed wildly at Kakashi who had lost his weapon.

Kakashi closed his right eye and quickly formed a seal with his hands: "Thunder Dun-Chidori!"

Although Namikaze Minato had reminded him not to use this trick again, after getting Sharingan, Kakashi, who has dynamic vision, can already offset the vision problem in the fast state, and using Chidori is no longer a problem.


Kakashi's right hand flickered with thunder, like a thousand birds chirping, and pierced into the belly of Iwanin Hoko like lightning and flint.

At the same time, there was a burst of intensive footsteps in the distance, apparently Yan Nin's support was coming quickly.

Kakashi hurried back to meet Lin: "Obito, Lin..."

"The enemy's reinforcements have arrived, Kakashi, take Lin out of here, and go quickly." Obito withdrew his left hand that was held by Lin, urging her to leave him quickly.

Although he liked Lin to death from the bottom of his heart, he would rather die here alone in a life-and-death crisis, and he didn't want Lin to suffer any harm.

"Kakashi, Lynn will leave you alone."

"Obito." Kakashi was also in great pain. He knew that Obito liked Lin very much. Under this situation, he must be very painful.

"Earth escape-crack the earth and turn the palm!"

At the same time, Yan Ninja's reinforcements finally arrived and launched an offensive without saying a word.


The ground cracked, and several huge cracks spread crazily towards the stone house. As the ground roared, the stone house collapsed at a terrifying speed, and soon the soil would cover it.

At the critical moment, Kakashi grabbed Lin's hand and quickly jumped away, avoiding the danger of collapse.

But their situation is ten dead but no life.

All around, dozens of Yannin surrounded the two of them, staring at them coldly with indifferent eyes.


Kakashi gritted his teeth, his eyes full of hatred swept across the surrounding Iwanin, and then formed the mark of Chidori, "Lin, let me stop these guys, run away!"


"Obito entrusts you to me, and I will protect you even if I sacrifice my life!" Kakashi's tone gradually became firmer, and he even said what Obito had never confessed, and then resolutely rushed towards Iwanin.

In the ancestral land of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku stood in front of the stele, reading the records on the stele with the kaleidoscope in his eyes wantonly venting his pupil power.

Although it was not the first time for Uchiha Fugaku to come, he still read with great interest.

After half a day, he slowly put away the kaleidoscope.

"It's almost time to go back."

After being slashed by Hiru Sarutobi, Uchiha Fugaku came here, not asking about world affairs, in order to vent his dissatisfaction.

But after so many days, he missed his lovely son and his gentle and beautiful wife very much.

Thinking of his wife Uchiha Mikoto, Uchiha Fugaku couldn't control how much he sent, and his lower body stiffened slightly, paying tribute to Uchiha Mikoto from afar.

Afterwards, Uchiha Fugaku returned to Konoha non-stop.

Then he hugged his son Uchiha Itachi, entrusted Itachi to Uchiha Shisui, and then took Uchiha Mikoto's little hand to do shameful things.

Thanks to the battle with Mist Ninja, the reputation of the Uchiha clan in the village gradually improved. In addition, after they returned from the battlefield, they took over the police force and were active in every corner of the village. Therefore, the reputation of the Uchiha clan gradually improved. After climbing to the top, they even surpassed the Hyuga Clan and became the largest wealthy family recognized by Konoha villagers since the Senju Clan.

But the Hyuga clan is quite bleak.

After the patriarch Hinata Matsuka persisted for a while, he finally couldn't stand it anymore, his injuries broke out, and he died overnight.

The next day, the ninjas of the Hyuga Clan gathered together, weeping bitterly, and then Hyuga Hyuzu became the new patriarch with the support of all the clansmen, and as for Hyuga Nizashi, he became the head of the Hyuga Branch Clan!

At this point, the two brothers Hyuga Hyuzu and Hyuga have firmly grasped the Hyuga clan.

Afterwards, the Hyuga clan held a funeral ceremony for Hyuga Matsuki, and buried him in the Martyrs Cemetery in the name of heroes.

In addition to a large number of civilians that day, even Sarutobi Hiruzen personally showed up to show respect.

As for the Uchiha clan, only two children attended the funeral, Uchiha Shisui, and Uchiha Itachi who was entrusted by him.

This made the two brothers Hinata Hyuzu and Nichiza very dissatisfied.

"Our two clans fought side by side. I didn't expect that after the death of my father, they would send two little ghosts to the funeral. It's too much!"

"Nisa, don't talk about it, the relationship between our family and the village is not very harmonious now, one more thing is worse than one less thing, let them go." Hinata Hinata sighed, "I hope that after the fourth generation will come to power, we will not embarrass us Hinata Family."

"Brother, do you mean Namikaze Minato?" Hinata Hinata said, "I heard that Namikaze Minato has a very good reputation and is a very kind person. He shouldn't embarrass our family."

"It's impossible to tell! Once a lot of things involve huge interests, you will be involuntary. Forget it, it's nothing to do. Why mention him?" Ah, this time we retreated from the battlefield without authorization, which is considered to have offended Lord Hokage. Even with the Uchiha clan at the front, we can no longer show our sharpness. Let the people who are separated from the family be more peaceful, and practice soft boxing at home if there is nothing to do , don't go out and cause trouble!"

"I see!" Hinata Hinata nodded solemnly.

The next day, the flashing yellow daimyo blew past like a typhoon, setting off turbulent waves on the calm sea.

After Hiruzaru Sarutobi got this information, he waved his big hand with a smile, and Konoha Newspaper immediately went all out, frantically reprinting, reprinting and reprinting, so that every civilian in Kimura could buy a newspaper.

"Have you heard? Minato-sama single-handedly killed fifty jounin in Iwagakure Village in an instant!"

"The name of the yellow flash has spread throughout the ninja world!"

"As expected of Master Minato!"

"It's such a blessing to be born in the Land of Fire~www.readwn.com~ There were Konoha White Fang and Sannin in the last war, but this time there are Minato-sama and Fenghuo-sama, the victory must belong to our Fire Land!"

The news gradually spread in all directions.

The country of earth, the country of thunder, the country of water, the country of wind, and even other small countries were frightened by this record of Namikaze Minato.

Killing 50 jnin in an instant is even more cruel than Konoha Baiya!

The yellow flash was instantly on the 'blacklist' of the hidden villages. Dafangfang said that if you encounter Namikaze Minato during the mission, you can give up the mission unconditionally, and put your life first!

It was at this time that the news reached Feng Huo's ears.

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