Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 320: Fire escape - 0 years to kill!

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Unexpectedly, I wrote it first, hahaha!

"Haha, as expected of Minato, he killed fifty jounin in an instant. I'm afraid even Hokage-sama can't beat this record!"

"Now Minato is famous in the ninja world. In this case, his path to competing with Hokage will be much smoother."

On the cloud ninja battlefield in the northern part of the country of fire, Akidodo and Inuzuka were discussing Minato excitedly. As teammates in the same period, they were deeply proud of Minato's achievements. Then they saw Fenghuo next to him, a little absent-minded .

"Hey, what's wrong with you, Fenghuo?"

"Could it be because you're envious of seeing Minato's name shocking the ninja world?" Inuzuka jaw joked.

"Hey, don't talk nonsense, Fenghuo is famous in the ninja world before Minato." Qiudaotang laughed.

"Wow, woof." Inuzuka's Ninja Dog barked cheerfully as it lay at Fenghuo's feet, its tail kept rubbing against Fenghuo's leg.

It's just that Feng Huo's face at this time is not very good, it can even be said to be ugly.

After the Jōnin assessment, Fenghuo was sent by Sarutobi Hiruzen to the Mist Ninja Battlefield overnight to investigate the Mist Ninja's movements. After that, he returned to the Cloud Ninja Battlefield in the north without stopping. Feng Shuimen was called back to the village by Hiruzaru Sarutobi before he came, and then the brothers Ai and Kirabi launched an attack. After a big battle, when he got rid of the AB brothers and joined Qiudaotangdong and others again, he was closed. Here comes this information.

Fenghuo has a sense of powerlessness in falling into the river of the plot, even if he knows something is going to happen, he can only drift with the current.

This feeling is not the first time.

Is it because I am not strong enough?

Or should I be more ruthless and beat up the remnants earlier?

"Fenghuo, are you okay?" Seeing Fenghuo like this, Qiu Daodangdong was a little worried, "What happened?"

"Woohoo." Inuzuka's Ninja Dog stood up and circled around Fenghuo flatteringly, rubbing his tail against Fenghuo, looking at him pitifully.

Feng Huo stood up suddenly: "I'm going to the Battlefield of the Land of Rain!"

"Nani?" Qiu Daotang was taken aback, and hurriedly stopped him, "No, Fenghuo, it's not like you don't know the situation here, and you are the only one left with our cutting-edge combat power. No one can stand against Brother AB!"

Inuzuka smiled and said: "Fenghuo, are you worried that the third Tsuchikage of Yanyin Village will attack Minato? Don't worry, Minato is flashing yellow, even the third Tsuchikage's Dust Dun can't do anything to Minato."

Feng Huo smiled wryly, he couldn't explain to them, in the past, he would definitely pat his **** and leave, but now, he hesitated, not knowing how to make a choice.

These days in the north, he has formed a faint bond with the ninjas here, especially Qiudaotangdong, he is the eldest brother of Qiudaotangbei, and Qiudaotangbei is disabled because of saving Fenghuo, and he can no longer be a ninja for life benefactor.

If Qiudaotangdong was killed by Brother AB because of his departure, how could he be worthy of Qiudaotangbei?

The palm of the hand is flesh, and the back of the hand is also flesh.

How to do?

Feng Huo stood there stunned, at a loss for what to do.

When he first came to this world, he saw everything with God's vision, and he was able to do everything without his own concern, but at some point, he began to gradually integrate into this world, becoming a ninja, becoming a part of the village, Becoming a small group in this world, the ubiquitous fetters involve him, making any decision he can no longer be as arbitrary as before.

A breath of irritability boiled in his chest, wishing to tear apart all the fetters and destroy everything!

"Fenghuo?" Qiudaotangdong noticed that the chakra in Fenghuo's body seemed to start to go berserk, and hurriedly called the medical ninja to check.

"Could it be that he was caught in an illusion?" Inuzuka had learned the method of dispelling the illusion, and immediately tried it on Fenghuo, but unfortunately it didn't work.

At this time, at the seal in Fenghuo's body, Sanwei Isota had surfaced out of the pool at some point. Under the huge turtle head, the one-eyed smile was showing a thief, and traces of untraceable Chakra were coming from it. Slowly overflowing from his body, carefully avoiding the seal, and pouring into Fenghuo's body.

The Tailed Orc Churiki is not so easy to play, once the body is countered by the Tailed Beast, it will go berserk.

When Kirabi first became Jinchuriki, he was often countered by the eight-tailed bull ghost, and then went berserk. At that time, if the three generations of Raikage hadn't suppressed the eight-tailed ghost, the entire cloud hidden village would have been destroyed by the eight-tailed ghost!

But at this time, once Fenghuo is controlled by Sanwei, Qiudaotangdong and the others definitely don't have the strength to suppress Sanwei, and all of them will die at the hands of Sanwei who ran away!

"Uchiha's **** dared to manipulate me, today I will let you taste the taste of being controlled, hehehe..."

Thinking of his pride, Mio Isao couldn't help letting out a wretched laugh.

The wretched laughter awakened Feng Huo, and then his whole body became ill. While comforting Qiu Daotang Dong and Inuzuka Jaw, he activated the sealing iron chains in his body, and nailed Sanwei's limbs hard!

"Damn it, hate it!" Misao Isota yelled in pain in the pool, his voice was full of unwillingness, "It was almost, **** Uchiha!"

As soon as Fenghuo's spirit was projected here, he heard Sanwei's unwilling roar.

"Little turtle, if I don't show you some color, you really don't know how many eyes Prince Ma has!"

Feng Huo was so aggrieved that Sanwei dared to take advantage of this moment to rebel. He was looking for death. How could Feng Huo let him go?

He made seals with both hands, activated all the sealing iron chains, tied and straightened Isato's three tails, and then turned around and came behind Isato's buttocks.

"Fire escape - millennium kill!"

"Damn Uchiha, no matter what you do, don't let me beg for mercy. I'm Misao Iso, it's... oh, oh, oh oh~"

Jiji suddenly squeezed his throat and let out a scream, his voice was like a drake, shrill and piercing, with some indescribable and elusive taste.

Immediately afterwards, Isota struggled frantically.

But~www.readwn.com~ Its limbs are pinned by sealing chains, and its three tails are tied by sealing chains. not open.

"Bastard, despicable, shameless, nasty, **** of the Uchiha clan, go to hell, go to hell, I'm going to kill you! Oh~~~"

Isota's voice rose again.

After a hard pounding, Feng Huo finally vented the anger in his heart.

"Isota, you are good, very good!"

"..." Ji Tan sank his body to the bottom of the water, only a tortoise shell and half of his head were exposed, his one eye stared at Fenghuo dimly, "I will never let you go, I swear!"

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, clasped his hands together like a 'thousand-year killer', and said with a sneer, "Say it again!"

Jiji secretly thought that the turtle would not suffer the immediate loss, and immediately sank his head to the bottom of the pool, a string of bubbles popped out.

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