Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 370: right arm transplant

"Hong, are you awake?"

In a ward on the top floor of Konoha Hospital, Kakashi, Rin, Obito, Kai, Asma and others stood beside the bed nervously, looking worriedly at Kureni Yuhi who slowly opened his eyelids.

"Where am I?" Yuhihong's delicate cheeks were slightly thinner, and even her big red eyes had lost their former brilliance.

"Great, you'll be fine when you wake up."

"Take a good rest, Hong!"

Kurenai Yuhi blinked her eyes twice, and gradually recalled the picture she saw before she fell into a coma.

"It's Sharingan, someone used Sharingan to make me lose consciousness!" Yuhihong's eyes widened, "What happened, and what happened after that?"

"Red, don't ask, the most important thing for you now is to have a good rest!" Kakashi said in a low voice, "As for other matters, we will handle them, so you can rest assured."

"But..." Xi Hihong looked around, but she didn't see Feng Huo's figure. She was startled and asked, "Where is Feng Huo? Where is he?"

Several people looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

"Lin, tell me!" Yuhihong asked nervously.

"He, he seems to have a mission out of the village, and he hasn't come back yet." Lin stumbled and said, her face was already red with just one sentence. Lying is really not her strong point.

Xi Hihong looked at her quietly and didn't speak.

Lin hurriedly looked at Kakashi and Obito for help.

"Hong, don't worry, that guy who sealed the fire will be fine!" Obito jumped out.

His right half of his body was smashed to pieces. Although it was repaired by Uchiha Madara with white cells, if he was hit violently, his right half of his body would be smashed like muddy water, which seriously affected Obito's practice. Although Konoha's medical class It can be repaired, but it is powerless to solve this problem fundamentally.

"Shut up, Obito, what are you talking nonsense about?" Kakashi rolled his difficult eyes, and said to Kurenai Yuhi, "Don't listen to his nonsense, Fenghuo is just looking for the fourth generation, and he should be back soon gone."

"Is that so." Yuhihong asked again, "Why did he go to look for Sidai, did Sidai disappear?"

Several people scratched their heads, and then suddenly realized that they still had a lot of things to do, so they said goodbye and left in a hurry.

Xi Hihong sat angrily on the hospital bed and was sullen all by herself.

At the same time, Danzo came to the secret research base of Orochimaru after getting rid of the surveillance of Anbu.

"You stay outside."

Danzo ordered the root ninjas A, B, and C, and then walked in alone.

Orochimaru's research base has always been dominated by darkness, and with the sinister candlelights on both sides of the dark passage, it's too infiltrating.


A few white poisonous snakes were walking on the ground, and they were not afraid when they saw Danzo approaching. They circled him twice, and then guided him to the laboratory where Orochimaru was.

"It's amazing!"

Orochimaru looked at the experimental data in his hands with bright eyes, then he turned his head slightly, and said in a voice as hoarse as sand and iron rubbing, "It's really timely, Danzo."

"How is the arm research going?" Danzo asked.

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and monkeys are called kings.

After the disappearance of the fourth generation, the most powerful people in the village are the real elders like Danzo, so before Hiruzaru Sarutobi could not react, Danzo took out the right arm through the root ninja and handed it to Orochimaru for research.

"Hehe, this right arm will not reject any transplanted tissue, and it does meet your requirements." Orochimaru said.

Danzo finally showed a smile, and hurriedly said: "Quick, transplant it to my body!"

Orochimaru was not hypocritical, and directly performed a transplant operation on Danzo, and transplanted this right arm from Uchiha Nobuo to Danzo.

"By the way, how was today's meeting?" Orochimaru asked while packing up the surgical knives.

"Hmph! Hiruzaru Sarutobi wants to come out of the mountain again when Minakaze Minato disappears!" Danzo said angrily, "His attachment to power exceeds our expectations!"

"In this case..." Orochimaru's golden vertical pupils revealed a faint killing intent.

Danzo said sharply: "We can only use some tough methods!"

The two looked at each other, seeing the murderous intent in each other's eyes.

It's night, Hatake's house.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hugged Naruto with a worried expression on his face.

One day and one night passed, Minakaze Minato, Kushina, and Fenghuo were still missing.

During the search during this period, Anbu not only scraped the mountain three feet away, but also spread it for hundreds of miles in all directions, but still nothing was found.

Hatake Sakumo speculates that Namikaze Minato used Hiraishen to take away Kushina and Fenghuo. Of course, it is also possible that Namikaze Minato and Kushina were taken away by Fenghuo with the pupil technique of Sharingan.

But no matter what, Kushina should be dead.

Jinchuriki loses the Tailed Beast, this is a situation recognized by the ninja world as a doomsday situation! There were no exceptions. They didn't dare to expect Kushina to live, but they all looked forward to the return of Namikaze Minato.

"Lu Jiu, Ding Zuo, and Haiyi have already led the ninja army to the north. With Lu Jiu leading it, it shouldn't be a problem to resist Yun Nin."

When Hiruzaru Sarutobi was discussing with Danzo, Koharu and Mitomon Yan, Shikaku Nara set off for the north. The invasion of Yunin was no joke, and Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not dare to underestimate it in the slightest.

The two talked about the Uchiha clan again.

Hatake Sakumo said: "This evening, the Uchiha clan has begun to relocate as a whole. The patriarch Uchiha Fugaku is also very cooperative and has no complaints. It seems that he does not have much resistance."

"Have you found any suspicious Uchiha people?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi asked.

Hatake Sakumo sighed and said: "Having a Sharingan comparable to Fenghuo, even the huge Uchiha clan is rare, and the most suspicious one is naturally the patriarch Fugaku Uchiha, but his right arm is not injured, so... for now So far we haven't found anything substantial."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned: "Could it be that Uchiha came from outside the village?"

"One more thing, Sandai, that right arm was taken away by the ninja at the root!" Hatake Sakumo said suddenly.

"Danzo did it. After his right hand was cut off by Fenghuo, he has been refusing to transplant a new arm. Now...forget it, just one arm can't affect the overall situation." Hiruza Sarutobi teased Naruto with his head down.

Naruto stretched his calf, opened his mouth and let out a yell.

Hatake Sakumo hurriedly called the nanny to come over and take Naruto down to nurse him.

"Sandai, are you going to see Daimyo tomorrow?" Hatake Sakumo suddenly became serious.

After Danzo left Hokage, Anbe followed, but unfortunately, he was discovered by Gennin halfway through, and then lost Danzo's trace.

Hatake Sakumo felt that Danzo was sneaky and might take risks for the position of Hokage!

Hearing Hatake Sakumo's guess, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes gradually became sharper. He now has no evidence to prove that Danzo colluded with Kumo Shinobi. Taking Danzo rashly will only cause civil strife in the village and lead to a series of unimaginable consequences, but If Danzo really dared to send someone to assassinate him, based on the real evidence, he could use this to cut off all of Danzo's hands and feet!

But in that case, you will risk yourself.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette calmly.

Hatake Sakumo Road ~www.readwn.com~ Just in case, Sandai, send more Anbu to protect you. "

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook his head: "Now that the cloud ninjas are invading, the village must have enough Anbu to prevent Danzo from jumping over the wall. As for my protection, I can just let Kakashi's team of ninjas come."

"Three generations, your safety..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen interrupted him, and said solemnly: "That's the decision! Also, when I'm not around, Naruto will be counting on you, absolutely don't let anything happen to him!"

Hatake Sakumo nodded: "Don't worry, I will protect him."

The two chatted for a while before Hiruzaru Sarutobi got up and left.

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