Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 371: renewed ambition

The relocation of the Uchiha clan was not finally completed until early in the morning, and the busy night made all the civilians and ninjas of the Uchiha clan exhausted.

Moreover, although the place where they originally lived was not the most prosperous part of the village, it was also very good. Now, under the order of Sarutobi Hiruza, they can only run to a corner of the village in despair, live with the clan, and have a great future They deserve to be imprisoned.

The Uchiha clan is naturally very dissatisfied, and their complaints can be heard everywhere.

"Third generations are trying to keep us as prisoners?"

"It's too much. The three-tailed rampage has nothing to do with us at all. They made such a decision indiscriminately. They didn't regard us as themselves at all!"

"Why didn't the fourth generation speak out? Didn't he promise that during his time in power, he would never introduce any policies against our Uchiha clan?"

"I heard that the fourth generation has disappeared."

"Hmph, the third generation hasn't come back yet, why is it targeting our Uchiha clan like this?"

Since only members of the Uchiha clan lived here, and no outsiders were present, their complaints gradually became louder and more unscrupulous. Zhong Daquan.

After Uchiha Fugaku heard about it, he sent people to suppress the anger of the tribe, but at the same time he was elated and bubbling with beauty.

In fact, when Namikaze Minato promised that he would not target the Uchiha clan again, he was really moved, and he did curb his ambition and desire, planning to follow behind Namakaze Minato, but he did not expect that in Kushina Before giving birth, someone actually contacted him secretly.

Uchiha Fugaku's ambitions and desires, which were finally suppressed, were provoked almost instantly. Coupled with what he did to the Uchiha clan when the previous three generations were in power, Uchiha Fugaku quickly changed his position.

So on October 10th, not a single Uchiha tribe could be seen in the huge Konoha Hidden Village!

"It's really a big deal."

First, the three-tailed runaway, then the nine-tailed runaway, and now even the fourth Namikaze Minato, the nine-tailed Jinchuriki Kushina, and the three-tailed Jinchuriki Uchiha Fenghuo are all missing, and Uchiha Fugaku has to feel the madness of those guys.

However, he is also very curious at this time, who actually has the pupil power comparable to that of Uchiha Fenghuo. Uchiha who hides in the dark.

Uchiha Fugaku closed his eyes and pondered.

Now that the third generation is about to come back, they have begun to persecute the Uchiha clan again. Although this practice has damaged the reputation of the Uchiha clan, it has made them a united enemy!

Uchiha Fugaku believes that if he climbs up and shouts, the people behind him will definitely respond!

Moreover, the life and death of Sidai, Jiuxinnai, and Fenghuo are all uncertain. Under such circumstances, he believes that a certain guy who has been hiding in the dark will never sit idly by.

Even, that guy is very likely to have a closer connection with the person who made the tail beast rampage!

"Shimura Danzo, don't let me down!"

Uchiha Fugaku is betting that Danzo will assassinate Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Once Danzo's assassination is successful, he can stand up and kill Danzo, and avenge the three generations. With this righteousness, coupled with the Uchiha clan who are united as one, with the right time, place and people, Uchiha Fugaku believes that he can definitely go on in life peak!

Sitting on the promenade of the new mansion, he looked up at the dimming moon in the sky, his heart was surging.

The cry of the youngest son Uchiha Sasuke came from the back room. Children are prone to hunger and would wake up from hunger every two hours. Fortunately, the eldest son Uchiha Itachi is sensible and took on the important task of taking care of the child at a young age.

Sure enough, the next moment came Uchiha Itachi's gentle voice, followed by the trivial voice of him frantically bubbling milk to feed Sasuke.

Uchiha Fugaku showed a faint smile: It's perfect!

Root HQ.

Danzo summoned the outstanding ninjas, and then gave the order to assassinate Hiruzaru Sarutobi!

Of course, the reason has to be found, why is he coveting the power of Hokage, why is he deliberately not wanting to get back the fourth generation, dirty water is splashed on him.

But these reasons are better for himself than for these ninjas who have been brainwashed by him.

After all, they have been friends for so many years, but in the face of absolute power, this friendship has finally dimmed.

A stood in the Gennin with a mask, and like other Gennin, he did not disobey Danzo's order at all, even if he went to kill the third generation!

Danzo waved them to get ready, but left Jia alone.

After A took off his mask, he revealed an immature face. He was about ten years old. Although he was young, he was already Danzo's capable man by virtue of his hard-working Wooden Ninjutsu!

"A, there is no room for failure in this shot, but you must be prepared to fail. Once your ability is leaked, it will definitely attract the attention of the village. At that time, you must be mentally prepared!" Danzang said.

"Master Danzo, I will never leave Gen!" A knelt down on one knee and said loudly.

"Very good, I believe you will become the thickest root among the roots!" Danzo smiled.

"Yes!" A was encouraged and couldn't help being elated.

"Go, get ready, we'll be out at dawn!" Danzo waved his hand.

At the same time, Hiruzen Sarutobi, who returned home, did not get a moment's rest.

Sarutobi Asma once again quarreled with Sarutobi Hiruzen.

"Father, you really don't want to part with Hokage's power. I'm so disappointed that you come back impatiently after the fourth generation disappeared!" , I think there is no need for Hokage to exist at all!"

"Asma, what are you talking about?!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said angrily, but his wife just died, and he also knew that the child was a little irritated, so he didn't dare to beat the brat.

"Just one piece of jade is enough. Since the Kingdom of Fire is famous, why do we need Hokage? It's not necessary at all, it's not necessary at all!!" Asma roared, "Without Hokage, this country can develop better. Only the people of the country can live happily together!"

As the words fell, Asma ran away in tears.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so angry that his endocrine became out of balance.

There are so many things happening in the village in the past two days, and he was exhausted. He didn't expect that when he returned home, Asma looked like a child again. You know, Hiruzaru Sarutobi's wife also died in the Tailed Beast Rebellion. !

Even the so-called strongest Hokage~www.readwn.com~ At this time, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally showed a state of depression, as if he had aged ten years in an instant.

However, thinking of the responsibilities he shouldered, Sarutobi Hiruzen had no choice but to cheer up.

It didn't take long for Kakashi and Anbu to arrive.

He looked outside, and it was dawn.

It's dawn, it's time to vote for recommendation!

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