Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 375: unspoken information

Hidden Leaf Village, root headquarters.

In the dark underground space, Danzo stood at the top, staring coldly at the ninja kneeling on the ground in front of him.

The plan to assassinate Hiruzaru Sarutobi failed!

And two root ninjas were caught on the spot!

Danzo clenched his fist tightly with his left hand and gritted his teeth.

With Anbu's torture method, even if these two can't bear to speak at all, they can still get information from their minds!

At that time, Sarutobi Hiruzen will never let him go, new and old.

'The root data must be transferred before he comes back! '

Danzo squinted his eyes. In the past few years, the research on the roots has become more and more taboo, such as cell transplantation, human experimentation, research on the limit of blood succession, and even the chakra monster 鵺, how ruthless it is!

Danzo knew that once these materials fell into the hands of Sarutobi Hiruzen, his hard work over the years would be in vain, and he might even die because of it!

Danzo pondered for a while, and immediately summoned most of the elite of the roots, staggered the above-mentioned experimental materials, and handed them over to them for storage in batches, and then ordered them to turn from the dark to the bright, and be active in the village as ordinary ninjas. According to the order, everyone is no longer allowed to call themselves Gennin.

Then he took out the roster and erased all the names and information of these people, erasing their traces of existence at the root.

As for the remaining people at the root, it is dispensable, and Danzo doesn't care about their life or death.

‘Everything is for the village! '

Danzo put an excellent label on his face, then found Orochimaru, and told him the news that Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not dead, so that he could prepare early.

Orochimaru squinted his eyes, calm on the surface, but he was already scolding Danzo's mother in his heart.

He thought that Hiruzaru Sarutobi would die, so he obeyed Danzo's words and went straight to the village, capturing a few ninja for human experiments. Compared with the Tailed Beast riot and the death of the fourth generation, these are just trivial matters, but the lessons learned from the past, the lessons of Beiliuhu are still vividly before our eyes!

Orochimaru was expressionless, staring at Danzo coldly.

Danzo was thick-skinned, and looked around Orochimaru's laboratory as if nothing had happened, and said: "Once the third generation comes back, I'm afraid I will have to liquidate my roots, and I can't help you."

"That's right, what a pity." Orochimaru lowered his head slightly, his eyes flickering.

"Don't worry, as long as your hands and feet are clean, I won't implicate you here." Danzo comforted.

"Three generations of shrewdness should have noticed the relationship between me and you. While cleaning up the roots, I will not be spared. At that time, only the village will be betrayed." Orochimaru said coldly.

"If that time really comes, I will find a way to help you escape from the country of fire!" Danzang said, "You can go to the country of Tian, ​​I have planted a spy in that country, you can join him, get him You have information on the daimyo of Tian Zhiguo and those ministers in your hands, with these, with your talents, controlling that country is easy!"

"Tian Country? That small country sandwiched between the Iron Country and the Tang Country?" Orochimaru stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his eyes, showing a hint of interest, "I remember that small country didn't have Shinobi Village."

"That's right, you can flex your muscles in that country and build your own ninja village!" Danzo bewitched, "At that time, you can do any experiment you want with peace of mind."

"Hmph, hum..." Orochimaru sneered sinisterly.

Rushing back to Konoha Hidden Village in a hurry, Hiruzaru Sarutobi sent Kakashi to call Fenghuo with a sullen face, and at the same time handed over the two prisoners who were assassinated this time to the Anbu Torture Department. He wanted to get the mastermind behind the scenes in the shortest possible time. Iron proof!

At this time, Fenghuo was shopping with Yuhihong hand in hand.

Because Fenghuo stepped forward during the Tailed Beast Rebellion, Yuhi Zhenhong didn't die that day, and Yuhihong naturally didn't start drinking too much, becoming the woman who loves to drink shochu and vodka in the original book.

"Wow woof!"

Suddenly, a dog barking interrupted Fenghuo and Xihihong's sweet journey.

"What a cute puppy!" Seeing the two palm-sized wolfhounds, Xi Rihong's eyes sparkled, and she knelt down and wanted to hug her.

Feng Huo hurriedly stopped her, and said vigilantly: "Don't, be careful that it bites you, a single dog can't bear other people's show of affection!"

"Eh? Is that so?" Yuhihong blinked her eyes twice, but a blush appeared on her face.

The dog couldn't stand this scene, and pointed to a forehead protector on it with its dog's paw, which was Konoha's ninja forehead protector.

Yes, it is an excellent ninja dog!

Belongs to Hatake Kakashi!

In the next moment, Kakashi rushed here with the blink technique.

"Finally found you, Feng Huo, the third generation is looking for you, come with me." Kakashi looked dignified.

"It's really in the way, didn't you see that I was shopping with Hong." Feng Huo was very dissatisfied.

Kakashi snorted, "It's about Minato-sensei, you have to get out of the way of shopping!"

Yuhi blushed and let go of Fenghuo's dog paw, saying: "In this case, Fenghuo, go see the third generation."

"All right."

At the same time, the two prisoners who participated in the assassination of Sarutobi Hiruzen were also sent to the Anbu Torture Department.

Because it has been confirmed 100% that these two people are born in the root, and they must bear the curse seal, so the torture department did not talk nonsense, and directly recruited the jounin of the Yamanaka clan to search for information from their brains with fine occult techniques.

The information was then converted into text and passed on to Sakumo Hatake.

Hatake Sakumo got the information and immediately went to Hokage to find Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Just happened to run into Fenghuo and Kakashi.

"team leader!"

During office hours, Kakashi faced Hatake Sakumo and other members of Anbe, and only called him captain.

Hatake Sakumo nodded, and walked into Sarutobi Hiruzaru's office with the two of them.

After returning from the Land of Fire, Hiruzaru Sarutobi seemed to be a few years older, his temples were already graying, and patches of age spots began to appear on his face.

He first read the information handed over by Sakumo Hatake, and then ordered the arrest of Danzo and all the root members!

After Hatake Sakumo was ordered to leave, Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved Kakashi to leave again, so that only he and Fenghuo were left in the office.

"Fenghuo, come here." Hiruzaru Sarutobi beckoned.

Feng Huo was a little hesitant, wouldn't this old guy become perverted after his wife died?

He shook his head: "I won't go."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi trembled with anger, and snorted coldly: "The death of the fourth generation must have been passed on by you!"

Feng Huo nodded: "Yes."

"Is he really dead?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared closely at Feng Huo's eyes, as if trying to see through the deepest thoughts in his heart.

Feng Huo nodded his head, his expression was a little sad, a little sad, a little confused, it can be said that his eyes were full of drama.

In fact, people came to ask him this question every day these days, and his facial expression was already conditioned.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi clenched his hands into fists: "I want to know the whole story!"

Feng Huo sighed, and said: "That day, after Nine-Tails was broken, Brother Minato transferred Nine-Tails, which consumed a lot of Chakra, and with the injury on his chest, it was already the end of his battle~www.readwn.com~ I found him At the time, with his last breath, he sealed Nine-Tails into Naruto's body, and then, then..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's eyes were flushed, and his knuckles were turning white: "Where is the fourth generation's corpse!"

Feng Huo said: "According to Brother Shuimen's last wish, he and sister Jiuxinna were buried together in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers."

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at Fenghuo, and said word by word: "No, he must be buried in the village's martyrs cemetery!"

Feng Huo shook his head: "Brother Minato said that he was tired and only wanted to stay with sister Kushina after death. I respect his last wish, so I won't say where he is buried!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi gritted his teeth until his teeth became sour, but his eye sockets became more and more red.

"He... is really dead?"

Shunhuo closed his eyes and nodded.

He knew that Sarutobi Hiruzen could be trusted, but he couldn't guarantee that the wall would have no ears.

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen, Namikaze Minato, and even Hatake Sakumo couldn't detect Hei Ze's concealment ability. Once he sneaked into this place by possessing someone's body and sniffed out any information, the consequences would be too serious.

And aside from Heijue, there are Gennin in the village, and the supercilious eyes of the Hyuga clan. There are too many ways to obtain information from a long distance in the ninja world.

So he will never say anything about Namikaze Minato.

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