Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 376: Catch Danzo

As soon as the sky turned dark, a large group of unexpected guests came to the underground headquarters at the root.

The leader is naturally Konoha Baiya Hatake Sakumo.

Seeing him, Danzo didn't resist, and cooperatively signaled his friends to put down their weapons, don't struggle, and strive for leniency.

Hatake Sakumo didn't dare to be careless, and after arresting everyone including Danzo, he personally led people to search at Gen headquarters.

But it was a short move, Danzang had already transferred all those "fatal" materials, and what remained here were all the excellent materials of "loyalty to the emperor, patriotism, utter sincerity, and serving the country and the people" of Danzang.

Hatake Sakumo looked at these things and didn't believe a single punctuation mark.

"Captain, find a roster." An Anbu ninja handed over a booklet.

Hatake Sakumo flipped through a few pages, his face gradually gloomy.

Most of the ninjas on the roster are middle and lower ninjas, and there are only three of them at the top ninja level. It is clear that they are castrated rosters.

'It really is an old fox. '

Scrambling the ground to find nothing, Hatake Sakumo could only report to Sarutobi Hiruza with those excellent materials and the castrated version of the roster.

At this time, after confirming the death of the fourth generation from Fenghuo, Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not very interested, he looked at the roster, and said: "Clear all the curse marks on them, and bring the elite into the Anbu! Yes Now, don’t forget to interrogate first.”

"I see." Hatake Sakumo nodded.

"There should be a young man who can use Mudun at the root, find him, and finally..." Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes gradually shot a cold light, and said, "I want to interrogate Danzo myself!"

In front of Danzo's detention room, Turnan Koharu and Mito Menyan were already standing on both sides like door gods.

"Xiaochun, Menyan, why are you here?" Hiruzaru Sarutobi frowned when he saw the two of them, "Did Danzo notify you to rescue him?"

"Hi Zhan, what did Danzo do that you actually want to detain him?" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun asked.

"I heard that even the roots have been strangled, Hiraku, do you know what you're doing?" Mitomon Yan took a step forward.

Although both of them are on the side of Sarutobi Hiruzen in some major government affairs, it is undeniable that their relationship with Danzo is also very good. After all, they are close teammates when they are young!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes and said, "I will personally interrogate Danzo later, and you can watch it from outside!"

After speaking, he went straight past them, opened the door and entered the interrogation room.

Zhuanzhu Xiaochun and Mitomen Yan exchanged glances, then came to the interrogation room again, and checked the situation inside through the glass of the iron door.

Danzo had been chained to the wall, but he stood there quietly, with neat clothes, a calm demeanor, and meticulously combed hair, without the slightest embarrassment of a prisoner.

"You're here, Hirizhan." Danzo spoke first.

Sarutobi Hirzen looked at this former friend coldly, and said in puzzlement: "I have always believed that everything you have done these years is for the good of the village, but now, I am starting to doubt it."

Danzang said with a smile: "Doubt? Do you have evidence of my rebellion? Don't make me plead guilty just by guessing."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes.

"Why did you arrest me this time?" Danzo said again.

"You... sent Gennin to assassinate me!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said coldly, "Do you want to deny this too!"

What? !

Assassination Day Slash?

The two people outside the interrogation room looked at each other in disbelief.

"Danzo is crazy!" Mito said angrily.

Turning to bed Xiaochun's face was also dark and blue, and said: "Let's listen to what he has to say first."

In the interrogation room, facing Sarutobi Hiruzen's questioning, Danzo shrugged noncommittally, and said, "Ah, I sent it."

"Assassination of Hokage, this crime, you..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi was interrupted by Danzo before finishing his sentence.

He sneered and said: "Assassination of Hokage? Hey, don't give me a big hat, Hokage is clearly Namikaze Minato! You have already resigned from the position of Hokage, and now you are just an elder!"

"Whether it's Hokage or civilians, this is not an excuse for you to raise your butcher's knife at the people in the village!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said coldly.

"The one I assassinated was not an ordinary elder, he was a hypocritical careerist! He pretended to resign from the position of Hokage, but he never forgot about power! Not only did he not go looking for the whereabouts of the fourth generation when the fourth generation disappeared, but he immediately became ambitious. Bobo wants to regain the power of Konoha! Such a person, do you think I should kill him or not!"

Danzo said quietly.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was very angry: "Are you... talking about me?!"

"Is there anyone else here!" Danzo sneered again and again, "Did I say something wrong? Isn't that the kind of person you are?"

Sarutobi's chest almost exploded with anger.

Unfortunately, he couldn't refute.

Because he did come back as the Third Hokage and returned to power, but why did he become a heinous person when he said this from Danzo?

"Sophistry!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said angrily.

Danzo looked at him disdainfully: "Is that so? Since you are not the kind of person I said, then you can use your actual actions to prove that I am wrong! Hehehahahaha, don't you want to? Can't bear to get the power again ? Hahahaha, Sarutobi Hiruzen, don't deceive yourself!"

Danzo didn't wait for Hiruzaru Sarutobi to refute, and said coldly: "Sidai disappeared before, and you still have a reason to preside over the village government affairs on behalf of Hokage, but now you should know the news of Sidai's death. , Usually the Fifth Generation is elected, Sarutobi Hiruzen, are you really going to do this?"

"If there is a suitable candidate, I will recommend the fifth generation as soon as possible!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said in a deep voice.

"Oshemaru is the most suitable candidate!" Danzo shouted ~www.readwn.com~ Absolutely impossible, with ambition and malice hidden in his eyes, he is not qualified to shoulder the responsibility of Hokage! Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at Danzo coldly, and decided not to talk nonsense with him, "No matter how you argue, the evidence of the assassination is conclusive, this time, you can't escape!" "

Danzo snorted, "I've never denied it, if you want to kill me, just do it!"

At this time, Zhuanban Xiaoharu and Mitomonyan outside couldn't stand up anymore, for fear that Hiruzaru Sarutobi would really kill Danzo in a fit of anger.

They called Sarutobi Hiruza out and tried to persuade him.

"Hizun, although Danzo has selfish intentions, but fortunately you are fine, can you not make this matter a big deal?" Mito Menyan sighed, "We all grew up together, even if we disagree As for cannibalism."

Turning to the bed Xiaochun also said: "Dismiss the roots and let Danzang resign from the position of elder as punishment."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi narrowed his eyes.

Danzo colluded with Yunnin and was sentenced to death, but there is no evidence.

Although the roots were wiped out by him, the elites and a large amount of secret information must have been transferred by Danzo in advance, but there is still no evidence!

A cold light flashed in Sarutobi Hirazan's eyes: It seems that the only thing he can do is to try the mysterious magic of the mountain clan.

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