Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 381: Put eye drops on the group

After several months of deep sleep, Isota Mio, who is a yang attribute, finally woke up.

Fenghuo was so excited that when Jiji woke up, his safety was guaranteed.

Feeling the gradually filling chakra in the sealed world, Fenghuo entered the sealed world without saying a word and had a friendly exchange with Isata, which deepened the relationship between the two parties.

As we communicated, we could hear the sparks in the pool, the explosion of electric lights, and the screaming of the rocks. There was a bit of joy in the pain, which made people feel creepy.

This time the yang attribute Sanwei woke up, and his temper really rose a lot.

The last time Fenghuo took Namikaze Minato and Kushina across thousands of miles with reverse spirituality, under the pressure of the terrifying space, Fenghuo desperately absorbed Isota's chakra, which directly caused it to fall into a deep sleep.

Almost died.

The yang attribute Sanwei Isota is full of resentment in his heart, and that faint one-eyed eye is also full of grief, indignation and desolation. He can't wait to directly set off a revolution, turn over and sing as a serf!

Fenghuo was furious at the time, and ruthlessly trampled Jiji, and finally suppressed its signs.

One side is suppressed, but the other side cannot be suppressed.

After the death of Sarutobi Lake Biwa, Asma, who lacked maternal love, felt sad, but as his father, Sarutobi Hiruzen was always busy with the affairs of the village and had no time to care about him. Moreover, after Sarutobi Lake Biwa died, Asuma Sima didn't even see his father shed tears, which caused his mentality to explode gradually, and before he knew it, his rebellious period completely broke out!

I don't like this, and I don't like that, I have to interrupt everything, and he will belittle everything that Sarutobi Hiruzen agrees, and he will give a big thumbs up to Sarutobi Hiruza who disagrees. With these two "everythings" as the guideline, he successfully confronted Hiruza Sarutobi head-to-head, and killed the Quartet, making Hiruza Sarutobi ashamed!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi is angry and helpless, there are too many things in the village, he has no time to discipline Asma, his wife died again, and there is no one to accompany him, what can he do?

It can only be stocked.

As for the rebellious period, he felt that everyone would go through it, so he didn't pay much attention to it. This made Asma even more unhappy, and the rebellious years gradually turned into bad social youths!

The conflict between father and son increased day by day, and even other people heard about it.

This made Hiruzaru Sarutobi very embarrassed.

Asma is at it again.


Your face is valuable, I Sarutobi Asma don't want face? !

So he pulled Hiruzaru Sarutobi for a while.

On the road to death, Asma is far ahead of Fenghuo and others, going further and further.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious, but his son could not be beaten or scolded, so he had no choice but to find Fenghuo, Kai and others, hoping that they could help and straighten Asma, so as not to cause a catastrophe.

As soon as Feng Huo rolled his eyes, he immediately applied eye drops to Tuan Zang.

"Master Sanhokage, as far as I know, the conflict between you and Asma was originally due to your comeback." Fenghuo sneered, "Master Hokage, aren't you curious? Asma is a Chunin, How did you know the information about your comeback? Before you got an appointment from the daimyo, this matter should have been kept secret, right?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi heard it, and it made sense. Apart from him, the only ones who knew about this matter were Hatake Sakumo, Kanju Koharu, Mitomon Yan and...

"Shimura Danzo!!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi started to grit his teeth.

You are everywhere.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was so angry that a fire was burning in his chest.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression, Feng Huo instantly felt relieved.

Kai shouted at the side: "Master Hokage, leave it to me, I will use my passionate youth to infect Asma and make him become..."

"Hey, please spare us." Feng Huo stretched out his foot and tapped Kai's butt, "You are enough for our village to have you."

"Damn it, what do you mean, are you looking down on me?" Kai clenched his fists excitedly, and challenged Feng Huo in a fateful battle in the sunset without saying a word!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi suppressed the fire pressure, but he felt that what Kai said made sense. Asma, it was the lack of a hot-blooded young man like Kai that made him become like this.

So he solemnly entrusted Asma to Kai.

Kai's blood boiled, and he rushed out of Hokage Building screaming, and went to find Asma Tiaoji.

Feng Huo shrugged and turned to leave.

Naruto is still fostered at Sakumo Hatake's house, and Fenghuo finds Yuhihong to visit Xiao Naruto leisurely.

"so cute!"

When Yuhihong saw the six beards on Naruto's face, his eyes lit up, "Like a little fox!"

"Wow, wow~"

Little Naruto didn't recognize his life, and when he saw someone coming, he yelled and was full of energy.

Kureni Yuhi teased Naruto, while Feng Huo pressed one hand on Naruto's abdomen, and his spirit was instantly projected into the sealed world of Nine Tails.

This sealed world is a bit like an underground waterway, and Nine Tails is locked in the deepest part of the underground waterway, separated by a huge iron gate. There are many sealing chains tied to its body, and its range of action is only a semicircle.

"Roar..." Kyuubi opened his scarlet eyes, with murderous intent, fixedly staring at Feng Huo who suddenly appeared here, and growled, "It's you, Uchiha!"

"My name is Uchiha Fenghuo! Nine Tails, no, I should call you Nine Lamas, right? Not seeing each other every day is like three autumns."

Feng Huo looked Nine Tails up and down, and snorted, "It's so pitiful, tsk tsk tsk."

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!!"

Nine-Tails rushed to the iron gate frantically, but the sealed iron chain on its body tied it tightly.

It struggled non-stop, making the seal chain rattle loudly.

Feng Huo walked up to the iron gate without fear, and looked up at the huge nine-tailed head.

However, this nine-tailed body, like the three-tailed one in his body, has been castrated by Namikaze Minato~www.readwn.com~ only has half of the yang attribute.

Feng Huo said: "Nine Lamas, why bother, in fact, Tailed Beasts can also get along peacefully with Jinchuriki, look at me, I get along very well with Isota."

Isota couldn't pretend that he didn't hear these words, its chakra gushed out instantly, bringing its voice over.

"Despicable Uchiha, I will not live in peace with you!"

"Haha, this tsundere little turtle is like this, don't worry, don't worry." Feng Huo waved his hand, a little embarrassed, and said to himself: It seems that I have to practice hard when I turn around, otherwise I will always embarrass me like this and make me lose face. I am very embarrassed.

Jiu Lama sneered again and again: "Isai, you bastard! I will kill you first when I go out!!"

Isata was so aggrieved that it felt that it shouldn't be responsible for the blame, so it said, "Kurama, I can't blame me for this. It was Uchiha Fenghuo who controlled me with Sharingan. If you want to kill him, just kill him." .”

"It's really spineless."

Kyuubi has stopped struggling, and slowly turned around to hide in the darkness, "Get out, I don't want to see you!"

"I think we can still talk about it, Nine Lamas, don't go into a dead end, the world has begun to change, a new era is coming, you..."

After sealing the fire for a long time, there was no sound from inside.

Hehe, he's even more arrogant than Isota.

It is estimated that only Naruto can surrender.

After all, mouth escape is invincible.

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