Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 382: Asma ran away from home

"Asma, I know you are at home, don't hide, let's have a youthful battle without regrets!"

The passionate Kai blocked the door of Hiruzaru Sarutobi's house, clenching his fists with both hands, and he could hardly control his own small universe.

Clap clap!

He hammered on the door forcefully, anxiously wanting Asma to come out and change his life through fighting!

"Kai, why are you here!"

The bad boy Asma opened the door and looked at Kai with a displeased face.

"I heard Hokage-sama say that you are getting emotional, you can't waste your youth on such things, Asma, you..."


Asma directly closed the door.

clap clap.

Clap clap!

Kai was furious and shouted: "Asma, how can a man's youth shrink back, come out quickly!"

Asma made a "cut" sound, went straight to her room, and sat on the tatami.

The next moment, Kai appeared directly in front of him, with a grim expression on his face: "Asma, you guys, make up your mind!!"

A black line appeared on Asma's forehead: "Hey, who let you in, you bastard!"

"You are the bastard. You are not satisfied with having such a good father as Hokage-sama. Today, I will teach you a lesson instead of Hokage-sama!"

Kai's eyes were burning with flames.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's love for Asma reminded him of his father Maitedai ​​who died on the battlefield to protect him. As soon as his emotions got agitated, the small universe exploded.

"Whirlwind of leaves!"


Asma gritted her teeth, turned her head to avoid the attack, and at the same time ran outside with a stand-in technique.

"Where to run!"

Kai pursued closely, and the fighting method of pure body art was abnormally overbearing. Asma was overwhelmed and fell into a disadvantage soon after being close to him.

Although both of them are Chunin, when it comes to instant combat power, Kai is obviously superior. Of course, in terms of balanced strength, Asma is one step ahead.

"Kai, you bastard, get out of here!" Asma fiercely took out the kunai, and slashed at Kai's waist.

"Konoha Goriki Whirlwind!"

Kai sent Asma flying with a roundabout kick, and then he tapped his toes to pursue the victory.

"Wind escape - breakthrough!"

Asma rolled twice on the ground, and when she got up, she had already completed the seal, blowing out a gust of wind.

Kai quickly changed direction, dodged the gust of wind, and continued to pursue from the side.

Asma knew she couldn't be approached by him, so she stepped back and continued to make seals: "Wind escape-big breakthrough!!"


The gust of wind this time was like a wall of wind, directly surrounding Kai.


Kai stood on the ground with horse steps, screaming in the strong wind, but was finally thrown by the strong wind, rolled on the ground more than a dozen times in embarrassment, and then hit a wall.

"Damn, careless." Kai's body was dripping with blood and bruises. Of course, compared to the injuries he suffered during training, these were skin injuries, and he didn't care at all.

"Next, I will use all my strength!"

Kay scowled and began...undressing.

Well, it was to throw away the weights tied to him one by one.

Huh, huh!

The weight of the feet is four thin pieces of metal, which are not only tough, but also extremely heavy, and can be thrown into two shallow holes on the ground at will.

There are also the iron plates on the arms, and the iron plates on the waist and abdomen, which are all piled up in a pile.

Asma's eyelids twitched, she cursed the madman in her heart, and ran out without turning her head.

"Where to go!"

Kai rushed up with a howl, and after lifting the weight, his speed was more than doubled, and he came behind Asma with half a breath, and kicked him.

Asma remained calm in the face of danger, and at the critical moment, she ran to the corner of the wall with a teleportation technique, and then jumped over the wall and ran out.

Kai just got excited, how can he let him run like this, he raised his foot and chased after him.

At this time, Fenghuo and Yuhihong had just finished watching Naruto, and just came out of Hatake Sakumo's house, when they saw Asuma with a pale face, red, green and purple, being chased around the world by Kai with glowing eyes.

"Are they... practicing physical skills?" Xi Hihong asked Feng Huo strangely.

"No, they are messing around." Feng Huo said solemnly.

"Huh?" Yu Hihong didn't understand.

Feng Huo shook his head and said, "Muyeyin Village is good, Muyeyin Village is good, those who attack are chased, those who are attacked run away, and after they are chased, press them on the ground to make a fuss, huh, that's what it means to make a fuss."

Xi Hihong frowned, although she didn't understand it very well, but the girl's intuition told her that this was definitely not a good word, she quietly stretched out her delicate hand to the soft flesh of Feng Huo's waist and began to make trouble.

"Heh, heh, heh heh heh..." Feng Huo felt bad all over.

Even worse is Sarutobi Hiruza.

With Kai's help, his relationship with Asma becomes even more estranged!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi couldn't tell because he was suffering, so he could only find something for Kai, so that he could go and play with his son if he had nothing to do.

But in doing so, he only treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

Within a few days, Asma had the idea of ​​leaving here.

As soon as this idea appeared, it took root in his heart and thrived.

The prejudice against his father gradually gave him the illusion that "Hokage" is superfluous, thinking that the name of the Fire Land is enough, so after another quarrel, Asma finally made up his mind to run away from home and resolutely went to join Hokage. The country is famous!

After this battle, the tragic Sarutobi Hiruzam became much older, and the white hair on his head grew wildly like weeds.

At the same time, Anbu, who was chasing Orochimaru, finally made progress.

After Orochimaru escaped from Konoha Hidden Village, he headed towards Tianzhi Country~www.readwn.com~ But along the way, he went to the Ibri clan on a whim.

The Ibri family is a magical race. People of this family can turn their bodies into smoke and enter the human body in the form of smoke to control the actions of the opponent's body. Therefore, Orochimaru attaches great importance to the blood of this family.

Orochimaru felt that since he was leaving the Fire Nation, it would be troublesome to come and go here in the future, so he slaughtered the Ibri family once and for all, and sucked all the blood of everyone!

In this way, his whereabouts were inevitably revealed, and a large number of Anbu attacked and killed him. After a fierce battle, Orochimaru was seriously injured and fled.

At this time, A also found it smoothly, and left secret marks of the roots everywhere, wanting to join Dashewan.

But it is a pity that he came a step late, and Orochimaru has left here with the blood of the Ibri clan.

At the same time, Kakashi followed A to find here, and successfully tracked A through the secret mark left by A.

When the two met, they fought hard immediately, and the fight was thunderous. While fighting back, Kakashi instilled the will of fire, trying to use his mouth to persuade Jia to abandon the dark and turn to the light.

A was indeed a little moved when he heard that, what happened to him when he was a child made him have the determination to protect his companions, but in the end, he still decided to live by the rules as a 'root'.

Kakashi was not happy anymore, he showed his left eye Sharingan with a sullen face, and with all his big moves, he took Jia down with a heavy beating, and then happily carried him back to the village.

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