Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 386: This is going to be sent

Kakashi's suggestion quickly caught Hiruzaru Sarutobi's attention.

In fact, when the medical ninjas in Anbu received Obito's treatment, they were already discussing whether to add another type of cell to balance, or simply replace it with other cells, but before the discussion was over, a tailed beast riot occurred.

Then the Uchiha clan, as important suspects, was driven to a corner of the village by Sarutobi Hiruzen.

As Obito of the Uchiha clan, he was naturally affected, and the discussions about his body gradually came to an end without a problem.

But this time Kakashi's old story was brought up again, and the medical ninjas in Anbu naturally followed suit and started the "consultation" again to continue the previous discussion.

As for using the cells of the Senju clan, Hiruzaru Sarutobi did not resent him at all.

Although the Thousand Hands Clan has fallen, there are quite a few of them. Borrowing a few cells is just a trivial matter, like a blood transfusion.

Of course, if the first-generation cells were involved, Hiruza Sarutobi would definitely turn his back on him.

After knowing from Kakashi that things went well, Fenghuo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In this case, as long as Obito cooperates with the treatment, I believe his right half of the body will be stabilized soon. Of course, it is not ruled out that there will be rejection, but compared to the powerful cells of the first generation, the rejection of ordinary Qianshou clan's cells should not be too strong .

Then when Obito recovers physically, Fenghuo will prepare for an Oscar-level drama to help Obito open the kaleidoscope!


When he was happy, Fenghuo took the initiative to invite Kakashi to have a barbecue, and wanted to see Kakashi's beauty by the way, but unfortunately, Kakashi was so cunning that he took a piece of barbecue while eating, and then He pulled down the mask a little quickly, threw the barbecue into it, and pulled the mask back up. The action was done in one go, without giving the slightest chance to seal the fire and peep.

Feng Huo was also drunk, too lazy to complain.

At this moment, Feng Huo actually saw a familiar figure walk into the barbecue restaurant.


By the way, this guy who has maintained his envy, jealousy and hatred for decades has not appeared for a while.

Fenghuo tapped the table with a fork, and Nunu asked, "Kakashi, what is that guy doing lately?"

Kakashi looked back and said, "Mizuki, you should be a guard in the prison, what's wrong?"

"Prison?" Feng Huo was taken aback.

"Yeah, I remember that before the Battle of Mount Kikyo, everyone was assigned to logistics. Mizuki didn't seem to like it, so he was assigned to be a prison guard, but..." Kakashi quickly picked up a piece of barbecue, and pulled He lowered the mask, stuffed the barbecue into his mouth, and then pulled the mask back on, saying, "But since he appeared here, he should have retreated from his guard position."

Seal the fire and nod.

Mizuki has a personality problem since he was a child, he is easily jealous, greedy, and a bit unscrupulous in order to achieve his goals. He guessed that the reason why Mizuki didn't want to go to logistics was because he was afraid of death.

After all, doing logistics is also dangerous. Didn't Kai, Shiranui Genma, and Ebisu meet the Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

Mizuki also noticed Fenghuo and Kakashi at this time, but instead of saying hello, he left the barbecue shop with a cold snort.

"Kakashi, you say this guy..." Feng Huo was startled suddenly.

Konoha Prison?

In the original book, there seem to be two big guys in Konoha Prison.

The name is still very arrogant, what is the name of the gods.

Yes, Fengshen Leishen!

They are twin brothers with well-developed limbs and a simple mind, and they are born with supernatural power. It is said that they have the strength of the shadow level, but judging from their being subdued by Tsunade, their strength should be weaker than Tsunade.

Thinking about it this way, Tsunade is really a hero!

Is it possible to find out?

If you can subdue it...

But I have no money in my pocket, these two fat people eat more than the fat people of the Qiudao clan, can I afford them?

Most of Konoha newspaper's dividends are used to subsidize Yakushi Nonou's orphanage, and he has to keep buying detonating charms. The usual pocket money is drawn from the D-level missions of Iruka, Akimichi, and Sato.

"It seems that it is urgent to open up a source of income."

Feng Huo rubbed his chin and whispered to himself.

"Financial resources? Didn't you say that you are not short of money?" Kakashi said angrily.

"You have good ears!" Feng Huo said angrily, "Please treat me with this meal!"

"Ah? Are you still unreasonable?" Kakashi looked weak and rolled his eyes.

"It's such a happy decision." Feng Huo waved to the boss not far away, "Boss, two more plates of beef!"

After coming out of the barbecue shop, Feng Huo had already thought of a way to make money.

Since barbecue can be popular in the ninja world, there is no reason why fried chicken will be unknown.

Thinking of fried chicken, so what kind of rolls, what kind of buns will naturally come out.

And Fenghuo can refer to the model of kfc in the previous life, and open his own fried chicken shop in the five major countries and even the entire ninja world!

This is going to be posted!

Feng Huo's heart is beating like thunder, but he probably can't afford to eat alone for such a big business. After all, the ninja world is not a modern legal society, and various accidents will occur. If a strong interest group is not established, how can we deter those who covet fried chicken? Ninja of interest?

Feng Huo immediately went to Hokage to find Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and proposed to open a fried chicken restaurant.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was not interested at first. After all, a fried chicken restaurant is similar to a barbecue restaurant. Although he can make a lot of money, who is he? Third Hokage, how could it be possible to waste time opening a fried chicken restaurant?

Then Fenghuo mentioned the expansion and franchise model of the fried chicken restaurant.

When Sarutobi Hiraku heard this, his eyes suddenly shone with golden light, as if he saw a golden mountain falling from the sky.

Then here comes the problem, according to this model, Fenghuo needs to provide a large amount, even a huge amount... chicken.

Yes, where did the chicken come from?

There is no such thing as hormones in the ninja world.

Facing this arduous historical problem, Feng Huo was at a loss what to do, thinking to himself that the title of the Little Fried Chicken Prince would be aborted before he even started?

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen pointed out a clear way for Feng Huo to be as witty as a fox.

"Go, go to Nara's house to find the answer." Hiruzaru Sarutobi waved his hand and sent Feng Huo away.

After leaving Huo Ying Studio, Feng Huo's eyes became brighter and brighter.

In addition to being a ninja family~www.readwn.com~, the Nara family is also a family of medicine. They have raised deer for Konoha for generations and provided high-quality medicinal materials such as antlers. It controls the operation of the entire Konoha medical system!

Accumulated from generation to generation, the achievements of the Nara clan in medicine are already among the best!

Immediately afterwards, Feng Huo's heart moved, and he made a bold guess.

Why is Nara Shikahisa so smart, why is his son Nara Shikamaru so smart, and even the IQ of most of the Nara clan is generally higher than the average?

Just good genes?

Thinking of their great achievements in medicine and the medicinal materials all over the mountains and plains, Fenghuo couldn't help sighing that the water in Konoha was really too deep.

It's another day, please vote!

Do you think I'm talking about recommendation tickets and monthly tickets?

Haha, so naive.


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