Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 387: 2 collaborations with major families

The person who received Fenghuo was an elder from the Nara clan named Nara Deer Grass. He was in his seventies and eighties, with white hair all over his head, but he was in good spirits. He was currently in charge of the Nara clan's medicinal materials all over the mountains and plains, and his achievements in medicine were also outstanding.

The relationship between Fenghuo and Nara's family has been maintained well because of Shikahisa Nara, so there are no such ostentatious politeness, and it's just a dry thing!

"Haha, Elder Deer Grass, these are two salted fish pickled by my own hands. Please accept them with less courtesy and more affection."

Nara Deer Grass took the salted fish with a smile, looked at the trademark on the tail of the salted fish, and recognized that it was from the salted fish shop half a mile away from his home. Question: "Fenghuo, if you have anything to say, just tell me, I will help if I can."

"Yes, I can help!" Feng Huo rubbed his hands and asked, "Elder Deer Grass, do you know if there are any herbs or pills that can promote the rapid growth of creatures?"

Nara Deer Grass closed her eyes and recalled, then opened her eyes and nodded: "There is indeed a herb that can accelerate the growth of organisms, but this herb has a lot of sequelae."

"Sequelae, what are they?"

It's about making a fortune, so I dare not slack off the fire.

"We have tested this drug on rabbits, and the effect is very good. The growth rate of rabbits is more than three times that of ordinary rabbits, but the life span is three times lower than that of other rabbits, so most of the rabbits in the test do not die when they become adults. It died in a few days." Nara Deer Grass said, "Besides this, this herb has no other effects, so our Nara family did not cultivate this herb on a large scale, but just stored some seeds according to the usual practice."

Feng Huo is happy, he is selling chickens, not raising tortoises, life span is not important at all.

Afterwards, Fenghuo decided to add the Nara family to the fried chicken business.

After all, this medicinal herb comes from the Nara clan, and only the Nara clan has the ability to breed this medicinal herb on a large scale to supply the huge market demand in the future.

After hearing about Fenghuo's great fried chicken business and Sarutobi Hiruzachi's platform, Nara Deergrass nodded in agreement without thinking too much about it.

"Then, I will arrange for the tribe to plant this medicinal herb now."

The land of fire is sparsely populated, and there are many mountains and rivers. There are many dense forests near Konoha Village. Nara deer grass can be planted on any hill.

Moreover, not all members of the Nara clan can become ninjas. Most of them are ordinary people. Their daily work is related to medicine, so there is no need to worry about manpower.

However, Nara Kakusa did not discuss with Fenghuo the issue of the share dividend of the fried chicken industry, because he knew that if this matter was really done, it would be more profitable than the Konoha newspaper. Families such as the Yi Clan, the Mountain Clan, and the Younv Clan will definitely join in, so it is completely unnecessary to talk about shares now.

Fenghuo also knew this, so he didn't plan to eat alone at the beginning. After running to Nara's house, he went to the Yamanaka family, Akimichi family and other shareholder families of Konoha newspaper, and delineated the staunch allies of the fried chicken industry.

Afterwards, the major families contributed their efforts, sealed the fire and commanded it remotely, and gradually became the hands-off shopkeeper.

Of course, just in case, in order to test that fried chicken can also be loved by the general public, Fenghuo specially asked them to open a small fried chicken shop, which became very popular within two days of opening, and a group of little kids drool every day. At the entrance of the fried chicken shop, as a parent, naturally you can't watch from the sidelines, and you can only take out your wallet to pay for the children.

Moreover, food like fried chicken has nothing to do with age or gender. After a long time, teenagers, beautiful girls, and even middle-aged uncles also patronize, and the business is very hot.

In this way, the hearts of Fenghuo and other shareholders have also been strengthened, but it will take half a year for the seeds of the Nara family to mature, and after they mature, they will also give priority to picking seeds to expand the planting area. It takes more than half a year to put this herb into use.

Moreover, fried chicken also consumes a lot of vegetable oil, but fortunately, the soil in the Land of Fire is fertile, and there is plenty of land. The major families either contribute people, effort or money, directly buy land everywhere, and hire people to grow cauliflower that can be squeezed out of oil , which solves the problem.

After delineating all the details, Fenghuo happily acted as the hands-off shopkeeper.

As for shares and dividends, Hiru Sarutobi will cut 20%, Hiruchi Sarutobi will cut 20%, the three clans of Inokacho, Yuu, Inuzuka, and Hatake will get 10%, the fire will be closed for 10%, and Hiru Sarutobi will take another 10%. Divide into dozens of copies and prepare to reward other ninja families who have made contributions in this war.

Of course, the idea of ​​this fried chicken came from Fenghuo. In return, all the major families gave Fenghuo a sum of money as funds for buying shares.

Each of these sums of money was quite a lot, and together they were multiplied nine times. Feng Huo's eyes were filled with gold, and he hurried to the black market to exchange all the money into detonating charms, and then went to the snowy mountains of the Snow Country through reverse psychic spells.

After hiding the detonating talisman, Fenghuo went to the ice cave of Qingtian Xuefeng.

"Chakra Perception!"

Fenghuo once again touched the ground with two fingers, and carefully sensed the vitality of Namikaze Minato and Kushina, but he still didn't feel it.

"It seems that Taoism is not enough."

Just as Feng Huo was about to leave, his heart skipped a beat, and he projected his spirit into the sealed world within his body.

In the pool, Fenghuo stomped his feet, and circles of ripples emerged from his feet.

"Ichiji Iji Iji Iji Iji Iji Iji..."

"Roar! There's no end to it!" The yang-attributed three-tailed violently got its head out of the pool, perfectly protecting its tortoise buttocks.

"Isaac, can you feel it for me?" Feng Huo raised his eyebrows and looked over.

Isota received the eyebrows and returned a super big white eye.

"Perceive what?" For the sake of his own Kamemon, Isato reluctantly replied, with a reluctant tone on his face.

"It's the two frozen in front of me, can you feel their breath of life?" Feng Huo said solemnly ~www.readwn.com~ Remember, the ice outside their bodies must not be destroyed! "

"Damn it, I haven't agreed yet!" Ji Ji became emotional.

"Hurry up!" Feng Huo rubbed his fingers into a sword, pointing at Xinghua, no, Chrysanthemum Village!

Isota grimaced and agreed in a muffled voice.

Then, a huge chakra turned into soft fingers, and gently poured into the huge ice snake, as well as Namikaze Minato and Kushina.

With half the salary, Isao took back the chakra and hummed: "It's not dead, but it's almost the same as death."

Feng Huo breathed a sigh of relief, it's good that he didn't die, as for what is similar to death, that's not a problem.

After getting the answer to Chaosi's dream, Feng Huo couldn't help adding another seventeen or eight layers of seals outside the ice cave, and then he left satisfied.

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