Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 388: We are different! ! !

Back in Muye Village, Fenghuo thought quietly for two days.

The third ninja world war, which affected the five major countries and even many small countries around it, has ended. It can be said that the ninja world at this time is like a lake that has gradually calmed down after a stormy sea. Although there are occasional ripples, it has returned to tranquility on the whole.

And the ripples caused by Yunin and Konoha are absolutely impossible to muddy the whole lake again.

As for Konoha Hidden Village, Orochimaru has become a rebellious ninja, and it is impossible to return to Konoha in a short time. Danzo, now being cut to the end by Hiru Sarutobi, although the roots he created by himself are still there, he can no longer come to power openly , otherwise Sarutobi Hiruzen will be annoyed, and Danzo's comeback will be far away.

From this point of view, Fenghuo is full of goodwill no matter whether it is the big environment or the small environment!

So he began to practice hard!

When it comes to cultivation, so many shadow clones have to be understood!

Before, the chakra of sealing fire was more than ordinary ninja, so after learning the shadow clone, he didn't have to look forward to seeking the technique of multiple shadow clones. Now, as a three-tailed jinchuriki, the chakra is full, and he can't learn multiple shadow clones. I'm so sorry baby Isabel.

Moreover, Fenghuo really needs this level of ninjutsu.

Chidori's various derivative ninjutsu, such as Chidori Blade, Chidori Senben, and Chidori Sharp Gun require a lot of time and energy to research and develop, and only the shadow clone can shorten the time.

Chidori's upgraded version of Leiqie, and even Leiqie's derivative ninjutsu also need research and development!

There is also the ninjutsu "Laiying-Thousand Hands Killing" learned from the abbot of the Temple of Fire, Kongshan. Fenghuo guesses that you need to realize the Buddha-nature to master it, and the fastest way to realize the Buddha-nature is to read a lot of Buddhist scriptures. It took the old life of Fenghuo, so I had to ask the shadow clone.

There is also mixed ninjutsu of various attributes, which is powerful and can be understood, but this thing is easy to explode, so it also needs to be understood by the shadow clone.

There is also the sealing technique. He has read all the sealing books presented by Namikaze Minato, but he still has some doubts about the last part of the content, so he is still unable to use the sealing chains.

The sealing iron chain is a sealing technique developed by Kushina based on the unique ability of the Uzumaki clan to restrain the tailed beast. It is extremely advanced. If you want to learn it, you must thoroughly understand the contents of the sealing book!

This also depends on the shadow clone.

There is also the chakra perception technique. At present, Fenghuo can only perceive a range of two kilometers, which is more than two hundred times worse than the second generation's range of a thousand miles. It takes a lot of time to practice.

There is also the technique of dark action, this illusion technique of sealing fire is going to be practiced to the point of Muji ninjutsu, and it also requires a lot of practice.

If there is no technique of multiple shadow clones, the above training tasks will have to torture Fenghuo insanely.

So he picked an auspicious day to go to Hokage Tower to find Sarutobi Hiruzen, expressing his eager desire to learn the technique of multiple shadow clones.

"The technique of multiple shadow clones is a technique developed by the second generation. It can separate multiple shadow clones at one time. However, this technique not only requires a large amount of chakra, but also needs to balance the chakra among the shadow clones. Harm yourself, so the second generation listed it as a forbidden technique." Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarettes, narrowed his eyes and said, "But you are now Sanwei Jinchuriki, and Chakra has already met the requirements of this technique. As for the balance As for the problem, you need to find out by yourself, but when you first start practicing, don't summon too many shadow clones at once, so as not to hurt yourself."

Sarutobi Hiruza didn't make things difficult for Fenghuo, he took out the seal scroll while talking, and quickly untied the first technique on the scroll, which is the seal of the multiple shadow clone technique, and let Fenghuo watch.

Fenghuo looked it over carefully, and found that the knot seal of this technique is exactly the same as the shadow clone, but there are differences in the running route and distribution of Chakra, but for Fenghuo, it is not difficult to learn.

"Thank you, Hokage-sama, for your fulfillment!"

After watching this technique, Feng Huo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"No, you deserve this, Fenghuo... If you can, don't use those eyes to fight in the future." Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the deep glasses on Fenghuo's face, and couldn't help but said.

"Ah, I see. Then, Hokage-sama, if it's okay, I'll leave first."

Feng Huo was eager to experiment with the technique of multiple shadow clones, so he ran away in a hurry.

Back at the mansion, Fenghuo began to practice the multiple shadow clone technique.

He followed Sarutobi Hiruzen's suggestion, and only summoned two shadow clones for the first time, but because the chakras were not allocated properly, they exploded directly.

While Fenghuo blackmailed Chakra from Isota, he continued to experiment. When the moon was in the sky, he could finally summon five shadow clones at a time. If there were more, there would be an imbalance.

"Naruto, I always thought you were an idiot. I was wrong. It turns out that you are the real genius!"

Feng Huo was dejected. In the original book, Naruto directly divided up hundreds of shadow clones as soon as he got started, and beat up Minato with ease.

Why did I get here, only five after practicing for a long time?

Why is the gap between people so big?

But complaints are complaints, and life is still going on.

In the early morning of the next day, Feng Huo woke up early and continued to practice the technique of multiple shadows.

Although five shadow clones can be separated, sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood, and there are no more than seventeen or eight shadow clones, which are not enough for Fenghuo's daily practice.

After cultivating like this for more than a month, Feng Huo finally cultivated the number of multiple shadow clones to twenty, which can satisfy his daily basic cultivation.

The next morning, the first thing he did when he woke up was to separate out twenty shadow clones, and then assign names and tasks to them.

"You, Flower Boy No. 1, are in charge of developing Chidori-ryu ninjutsu."

"You, Flower Boy No. 2, are responsible for the research and development of Leiqie and Leiqie's derivative ninjutsu."

"You, Flower Boy No. 3, are in charge of reading Buddhist scriptures."

"You, Flower Boy No. 4, are in charge of..."

Feng Huo went on talking one by one, only feeling that the shadow clones in front of him were more beautiful than the other, and they all looked better than Pan An, and only Song Yu.

"The main body is really shameless."

"That's right, we don't look the same as him yet, how can we praise ourselves so much?"

"I blush for him."

"Smelly shameless~www.readwn.com~ Shh, keep your voice down, don't let him hear you."

"..." Already heard it.

Feng Huo's face darkened.

"You, you, you, Ugly Man No. 1, Ugly Man No. 2, and Ugly Man No. 3! Responsible for training Chakra perception skills!"

"You, you, you, Ugly No. 4, Ugly..."

This shadow clone is not happy anymore.

"He even said I was ugly, and he didn't even look at himself in the mirror."

"That's right, we all look the same, how can anyone say that about themselves?"

"You forgot to take your medicine in the morning."

Feng Huo's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and he roared: "We are different!!"


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