Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 394: Thunder, fire spiral pill

"Yu Muren, this is not the place for you!"

Ai's eyes were like lightning, staring at the two Yumu figures, and said coldly, "Get out!"

"Lord Ai!" The two Yumu men said anxiously, "I..."

"Get out!" Ai said angrily, "Don't forget that this is a battlefield, do you want to question the commander's order!"

"I..." The two wooden figurines felt aggrieved, and almost gritted their teeth.

"Master Ai, it's the first time for Yumu to go to the battlefield, so don't be familiar with her." A dark-skinned person in the camp smiled and said, "Let's listen to what she wants to say."

Only then did Ai put away his anger.

"Lord Ai, why did you send me to cut off Konoha's supplies? This kind of task, can any jonin do it?" Yumu said.

"It is precisely because of this that I let you go!" Ai Hen said, "Do you know the Fourth Hokage?"

"Golden Shining Namikaze Minato, no one in the ninja world knows his name, but isn't he already dead?" Yukito asked puzzled.

"What is his battle for fame?" Ai Nai tempted her.

"For the battle of fame, the battle of Shenwu Kunqiao!" Youmu's eyes lit up, "I know! Master Ai, I promise to complete the task and never let Konoha's supplies flow into the front line!"

Ai snorted and said, "Be careful, don't be careless."

"Understood, Master Ai is really long-winded!" You Muren raised his head proudly, turned and left, "Master Ai, just wait for my good news!"

When she left, the dark-skinned Jōnin from before frowned and said, "Master Ai, is this arrangement inappropriate? After all, Yukito is an important Jinjuriki, what if something unexpected happens?"

"It is precisely because of the importance of Jinzhuli that Konoha's ninja will never think that I will send her to the rear of Konoha, and I believe she can successfully complete the task!" Ai said.

"I'm still not in favor of this risky approach."

Ai dignifiedly said: "Don't forget how deep Konoha's heritage is, not to mention the three Inokacho families in front of us, Konoha also has the Uchiha family, the Hyuga family, and the Nine-tailed Jinchuriki, as well as that hateful The three-tailed Jinchuriki Uchiha seals the fire! Now the death of the Fourth Hokage Minato has caused a rift between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, so that all these combat powers are suppressed in Konoha. If we miss this opportunity, we want to defeat it again in the future Konoha is even more impossible!"

At the same time, the two wooden men also set off with light clothes, quietly bypassed the Konoha camp, and got into the rear to cut off all the supplies of Konoha!

As for Matsushima and Tian's supply troops, they swayed into the perception of the two Yumu people.

"Huh? Ten boxes of detonating symbols, twenty boxes of medical supplies?"

The wooden man's face beamed with joy, "It's you!"

In the next moment, her face changed, and her proud eyes suddenly showed seriousness.

"This chakra is..."

At this time, Fenghuo also sensed the powerful Chakras of the two wooden figures.

'Is it Rabbi Riki the Eight-tailed Jinzhu? '

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes slowly, 'No, that's not the case with Kirabi's Chakra! '

So, besides Kirabi, is there anyone else in Cloud Ninja who has a chakra like a tailed beast?

There was a sneer on the corner of Fenghuo's mouth.

This is really giving pillows when you just want to fall asleep. The service is so considerate.

Two-tailed Jinchuriki, Yumu!

Feng Huo said to Matsushima Tian: "Captain Matsushima, stay a little further away later."

"Ah? What?" Matsushima and Tian were a little puzzled.

"There are enemies coming." Fenghuo pointed his toes and flew directly towards the powerful chakra.

At the same time, the faces of the two wooden figures changed drastically, and they retreated quickly.

"This chakra... can't be wrong, it's Mio Isota!" Yuki's eyelashes kept shaking, showing the violent emotional fluctuations in his heart, "Three-tailed Jinchuriki Uchiha...seal the fire!"

How could this pervert appear here? !

Possessing a powerful Blood Successor Limit Sharingan, and also Tailed Beastman Churiki, its strength is beyond doubt, not to mention her who can barely control the Two-Tails just now, even her predecessor Eight-Tailed Jinchuriki Rabbi came in person, But Uchiha can't help but seal the fire!

Although there is not much difference between the two in terms of age, it has to be admitted that Uchiha Fenghuo has already left all his peers behind with his powerful strength, and has stood tall at the pinnacle of the ninja world!

Although the Yuki man is proud, he is not stupid, and he will never prove himself with a suicide attack by hitting a pebble on a rock.

"Want to run?"

The voice of sealing the fire came from afar, "You two Yumu people, at least give me a chance to get to know each other."

In the next moment, there was a violent sound of breaking through the air from far to near, falling like a meteor in front of the wooden man.


Feng Huo broke through the eight Dunjia and three Dunjia gates, and arrived through the air.

Then he unlocked the three gates, and at the same time used the illusion of writing sharing eyes with three hooks to lure the wooden man, and then bullied himself up, with a spiral pill in each of his left and right hands, and at the same time, Isota's chakra also instantly turned into four tails and entwined towards the wooden man. .

"Don't underestimate me!"

As the two wooden figurines yelled, they transformed into tailed beasts in an instant. Two tails full of strange flames wrapped around Isota's tail, and at the same time, they spewed a small tailed beast jade towards Fenghuo with one mouth.

"It's really violent."

Fenghuo tapped his toes, jumped directly over the wooden figurine's head, and came behind her.


The Tailed Beast Jade exploded in front, and a terrifying air wave mixed with countless sparks swept over, like a tropical storm.

But at this time Yumuren was no longer in the mood to appreciate this scene.


Two spiral pills hit her waist and abdomen directly, and the terrifying spinning force directly tore off the tailed beast coat on her body, blasting two big **** holes in her delicate skin.


Gritting his white teeth tightly, the wooden man held back the severe pain, flicked his two tails on the ground, and jumped out of Fenghuo's 'embrace' instantly.

"Rat tail ball jade!"

At the same time, the wooden man released ten chakra groups in the air, controlled their direction with the chakra lines of the ten fingers, drilled into the vicinity of the sealing fire at a tricky and strange angle, and detonated them at the same time.

After a series of explosions, a powerful flame attack was triggered, wrapping around Fenghuo's body.

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

Fenghuo's left and right hands each grabbed a water whip and waved it left and right. The water collided with the fire, and a large amount of steam rose out.

In the steam, Fenghuo in the coat of a tailed beast is looming.

"Not bad, but that's it!"

Wearing a tailed beast coat, Fenghuo directly stepped over the flames~www.readwn.com~ and rushed towards the Yumu figure who had just landed. At the same time, he rubbed two spiral pills again with his left and right hands.

It's just that the two spiral pills this time have already added property changes.

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

"Thunder Dungeon - Helix Pill!"

"Don't underestimate me, Uchiha Fenghuo!" Chakra, who was driven by the wooden figure, used the hair mouse flame jade.

However, under the Thunder Fire Helix Pill, the wooden man's counterattack was too weak.

The fire and the thunder collided in the air, turning into a tornado of thunder and fire, which distorted, violently and unscrupulously shattered the Maoshu Yanyu.


The wooden man was forced to fly nearly a mile by the thunder and fire tornado, and then passed out in embarrassment after rubbing on the ground for tens of meters.

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