Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 395: Catch 2 Tail Jinchuriki

Feng Huo came to the side of the two Yumu people, but the smile on his face suddenly disappeared.


The two Yumu men who had fainted on the ground exploded in an instant, and the violent fire wave squeezed to Fenghuo's eyes almost instantly.

The three-pointed jade in his pupils instantly turned into a black and red pentagram, and then the deep purple Susanoo covered his body in an instant.

The fire wave is like a tide, but Susano is almost like a rock, let the fire wave surge to the sky, he will not move.

"I underestimated you."

After the fire wave dissipated, Feng Huo hurriedly turned off the kaleidoscope. After such a short time, he felt that his eyesight had deteriorated again, and he couldn't express his distress.

"Cats have nine lives. If you want to catch me, be prepared for death!" The wooden man's arrogant voice came from the front, two long legs were hidden in the grass, only half of his body was exposed.

The chakra that sealed the fire instantly poured into the ground through the soles of the feet. Under the chakra perception technique, you can feel that there is a more powerful chakra 30 meters away from this 'Yumu figure'!

"Very good avatar technique, I was almost fooled by you!"

Feng Huo chuckled, then rushed towards the hidden person.

The two of you Muren were startled, they quickly jumped up and back, and at the same time controlled the avatar to fly over, and detonated the avatar along with the goods.


The explosion rolled up blue flames, and the sunlight reflected a sea-like brilliance.

Feng Huo knew that the flame was Erwei Youlv's flame, so he didn't dare to catch it, and jumped away.

But these blue flames are like maggots attached to the bones, entangled tightly behind Fenghuo, becoming more and more intense, and cannot be extinguished!

If he didn't know that Amaterasu's fire is black, Feng Huo would have thought it was Amaterasu.

"Uchiha seals the fire, my flame cannot be extinguished, so be prepared!"

Having said that, the momentum is also very strong, but the body of the wooden figure retreats frantically and honestly.

But she was not idle when she was running, she frantically created clones, and then detonated them when Feng Huo came after her. The excited look on her face showed that she was having a good time.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, you are nothing more than that, haha, come on, catch me if you have the ability!"

"It's been a long time seeing you!"

Fenghuo dodged; while the blue flame sealed and summoned twenty shadow clones, he roared, "Take her clothes off!"

"Ho **** ho ho!"



"Wow woof!"

The twenty shadow clones each made abnormal voices, rushed over like wolves and tigers, chased and intercepted, seized and seized, and did everything they could, and soon they would be surrounded by wooden figures!


The beige-colored long braid flicked back by the wooden man also summoned more than a dozen clones to confront Fenghuo's shadow clone.

"Uchiha seals the fire, you..."

As soon as the wooden man opened his mouth to speak, he was ruthlessly interrupted by Fenghuo.

"It goes without saying if you beg for mercy, kneel obediently and sing Conquer, so that you will not die!"

"Arrogance!" The wooden man gritted his teeth and said coldly, "In that case, let me see how powerful you are!"

After the words fell, more than a dozen clones of the wooden man quickly rushed to Fenghuo who had just spoken, and then detonated.

Boom boom boom...

A series of violent explosions exploded the sealing fire and the seven or eight shadow clones around it. The next instant, other shadow clones also exploded one after another like dominoes being toppled.

"Did it succeed?" Yumuren's face showed joy, "The next thing is to beat the top, and Uchiha will seal the fire. This is the price you pay for looking down on women!"

The next moment, a strange feeling that cannot be described in words surged from the bottom of her heart. When she looked down, she suddenly saw a blood hole in her abdomen, and the blood flowed down, and she could even see the internal organs and intestines. , she was terrified, and was about to scream, but she reacted suddenly.

"No, this is an illusion!"

She was just about to run Chakra to break the illusion, when a sharp pain came from the back of her head, she rolled her eyes and passed out.

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a cat just like you!"

He sealed the fire and threw away the bricks in his hand, and then made a mudra with both hands, and saw five groups of flames of different colors appearing on the fingertips of the five fingers of his left hand, and then pressed them on the abdomens of the two Yumu figures.

"Five elements seal, seal!"

Roar! !

Feng Huo seemed to hear a strange roar of a beast, like a cat but not a cat, like a beast but not a beast.

"Is Erwei Youlu calling?"

The spirit of Fenghuo projected into the sealed world within his body.

Sanwei Jitian's head came out of the pool, and said: "It is it, it said not to hurt this girl."

"Tell it to rest assured that she is of great use to me, and I will not hurt her."

Regardless of how Ji Tan communicated with You Lu, Feng Huo took out the rope and **** the two Yumu men shamelessly with great effort.

Then he picked her up and walked towards the supply team.

As a result, when he went back to take a look, there were no shadows of people, not even the shadows of cars.

Using the chakra perception technique, he found that within a range of five kilometers, he didn't even sense the slightest bit of chakra!

Feng Huo was taken aback, what's going on?

Could it be that the two Yumu people had powerful companions who killed Matsushima and Tian and others?

But where did the dozens of boxes of supplies go?

The fire is messed up.

But if he wanted to see the dead, he couldn't just leave, so he looked around, and soon found a clue not far away. It was a fork in the road, and the end was a meadow full of wheels. Track traces after rolling.

The corners of Feng Huo's mouth froze, he was in a bad mood, he rushed along the track, farther and farther, he started to run, spent half a day, finally caught up with Matsushima, Tian and others who were marching in a hurry .

"Huh? Lord Fenghuo, you are finally here!" Matsushima ran over excitedly, "I was really taken aback when you told me to go quickly, for fear of dragging down Lord Fenghuo!"

Matsushima and Tian burst into tears, looking up at Fenghuo's face from time to time, with an expression that moved you, Uchiha Fenghuo, so moved.

Fenghuo is so happy, this guy is really...shameless!

Except when looking in the mirror, Feng Huo has never seen such a brazen person!

Although I did say that there was an enemy and let him stay away, then there is no need to be so exaggerated, right?

The entire battle process between him and Yukito lasted half an hour at most, and in such a short time~www.readwn.com~ this fellow ran for more than ten miles with a group of ninjas and dozens of carriages full of supplies land!

And it took him a long time to catch up, this speed...

Hehe, it's really a black pill!

Sure enough, Matsushima-da has the 'real' ability to be the captain of the supply unit!

"Master Fenghuo, is this the cloud ninja who sneaked up on us?" Seeing Fenghuo's face turning green and then pale, Matsushima quickly changed the subject, pointing to the female ninja on Fenghuo's shoulder in a slightly flattering way.

Feng Huo squinted: "You better shut up!"

Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself and beat you up!

Inuzuka Claw: Kuromaru messed with you, so I'm going to **** my Kuromaru every now and then!

Kuromaru: Woof woof!

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