Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 409: Konan VS Scorpion

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"It's such a desolate village, there are almost nothing that can be used as puppet materials!"

In a barren sand dune, Xie walked slowly in the black smoke. Behind him was a small village that had just been destroyed by him!

The strong wind howled, messing up his red hair.

For the sake of art, Xie kept collecting puppet materials, but after the defeat of the Wind Nation, he compensated a large amount of resources to the Fire Nation, so his harvest was not good.

"I hope the next village will be rewarded."

Scorpion groaned, stepping on the sand dunes expressionlessly.

Suddenly, a gust of wind whipped up bursts of golden sand and blew on his body.

"Villages scattered in the Land of Wind were slaughtered overnight by ninjas. It seems to be your masterpiece, Scorpion of Red Sand."

A cold and proud voice came from the air.

Scorpion squinted his eyes and looked up, and it was a 'paper woman' with a pair of huge paper wings behind him, gusts of wind blew up while flapping.

Xie noticed that the other party's right **** was wearing a ring with a clear word 'white' engraved on it.

"What's your purpose!" Scorpion said coldly.

"Join Xiao!" Xiaonan said.

"Xiao? I haven't heard of it, what kind of organization is it?" Xie asked.

"We need to use your strength in the future, so come help us." Xiao Nan said to himself.

The corner of Xie's mouth twitched: "Hehe, look at your tone, you are quite contemptuous, sorry, I won't go!"

"You can regard Xiao as a refuge for rebellion." Xiao Nan said.

Heijing appeared on Xie's forehead: "Hey, are you listening to me?"

Xiao Nan slowly landed from the sky, and the huge paper wings behind him shook, turning into pieces of paper flying in the sky.

"As long as you complete the task, no one will care about what you want to do." Xiao Nan was still immersed in his own world.

Xie had already calmed down at this moment, sneered, and said, "It doesn't sound bad, but!"

With a flick of his right hand, he took out a scroll and opened it, "I refuse!"

Then he bit his finger and slapped the scroll with his palm.

Accompanied by a puff of gray smoke, a strange puppet with gray skin appeared in the air.

It's three generations of Kazekage!

"It seems that my luck is not bad. Although I missed the village just now, I have good quality materials delivered to my door."

Xie was in a great mood, smiling broadly, "Be happy, I will make you into a work of art of the same level as the third generation!"

He waved the ten fingers of both hands lightly, and the puppet of the Third Kazekage immediately galloped towards Xiaonan like a fierce eagle pounced on a rabbit.

Two sharp long knives drilled out from both sides of the third-generation puppet's body, and cut Xiao Nan into three sections with lightning speed!

But, no blood!

Scorpion frowned.

But seeing Xiao Nan's three 'corpses' shake in the wind, they turned into pieces of paper flying wildly in the sky.

"What kind of ninjutsu is this?"

Scorpion murmured.

The next moment, the flying pieces of paper seemed to be attracted by some kind of attraction, and instantly flew towards the back of Xie.

The scorpion's fingertips moved slightly, and the puppet of the third Kazekage returned to his side in an instant.

At the same time, Xiao Nan's figure also appeared from the paper again.

"In this case, I have no choice but to take you away by force." Xiao Nan said lightly.

Xie smiled coldly: "You are so loud, hehe, let me get to know you thoroughly first!"

It's raining with sand and iron!

With a twitch in the scorpion's heart, the three generations of Fengying puppet immediately released their magnetic escape, arousing countless sand, iron and stone needles!

Xiao Nan's figure shook slightly, and turned into pieces of paper again, flashing directly past the sand, iron and stone needles, and rushed to the front of the scorpion, and then the pieces of paper turned into two huge paper wings, smashing them hard.

Scorpion crossed his arms and drove the three generations of Kazekage puppets back to help at the same time, but then countless pieces of paper flew around him, cutting off the connection between him and the puppets, that is, the chakra lines!

"Shikipaper Dance!"

Xiao Nan's cold voice came from the air.

Xie looked over the countless pieces of paper flying around, and saw a sharp spear made of pieces of paper taking shape in Xiao Nan's hand, and then galloped towards him.

The scorpion was hit by the paper gun without even having time to react!

"Although this is the first time I have seen the ninjutsu of manipulating paper, it is indeed worthy of admiration."

Scorpion climbed up from the ground, with blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, and he was seriously injured, but with his hands inserted into the sand dune, he had successfully passed the chakra line through the sand to connect the three generations of Kazekage puppets, and then gritted his teeth and launched a berserk offensive.

Sand and iron attack!

The black sand and iron turned into a huge awl and blasted towards Xiaonan.

But in the face of the powerful magnetism of the three generations of Fengying puppets, Xiao Nan completely ignored it, turned into a piece of paper to avoid it, and then rushed to Xie's side, attacking him fiercely.


Xie gritted his teeth and wanted to distance himself from Xiao Nan, but the pieces of paper were flying in the air so fast that he couldn't dodge them at all. As for the magnetic escape of the three generations of puppets, they couldn't hit Xiao Nan at all!


bang bang!

In just a few minutes, Xie was hit dozens of times by Xiao Nan, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his flowing red hair was messed up in the wind.

"I said I would use my strength to take you away, so I won't lose."

After a fat beating, Xiaonan opened up again, and with a move called Paper Dance, he turned thousands of pieces of paper into hammers and knocked the scorpion unconscious.

She walked over slowly, waving her bare hands, and picked up the unconscious scorpion with pieces of paper, and then followed Xiao Nan into the distance.

Fenghuo and Zhishui spent half a month visiting the villages of Tianzhiguo, but unfortunately they didn't find anything, and finally they went to the capital of Tianzhiguo.

When he arrived at the capital of Tianzhi Country, Feng Huo first went to the place where he met Yaoshidou before, but things were already different.

Then he found the human trafficker organization. Unfortunately, the leader of this organization had changed, so he couldn't ask any useful information at all.

"It seems that Orochimaru is not in this country." Uchiha Shisui said, "Tanokuni can be ruled out."

Feng Huo nodded, then shook his head violently.

Indeed, according to ordinary people's thinking, the entire country has been searched and there is no trace left by Orochimaru, which only shows that Orochimaru is indeed not here.

But there is a saying in this world that things must be reversed when they are extreme, it is called darkness under the lamp, and it is called... well, Feng Huo has read the original work, and knows that the Otonin Village that Orochimaru will establish in the future is in Tianzhi Country!

Therefore, no matter what the result of the inquiry is, Fenghuo has already targeted Tian Zhiguo!

"Let's go."

Feng Huo said calmly, "Go to the neighboring country to see."

"Shouldn't you go back first?" Shisui Uchiha missed Itachi~www.readwn.com~Feng Huo pondered for a while, and said, "Alright, let's go back then."

Thinking of the assassination half a month ago, Feng Huo's eyes slowly narrowed.

After returning, he must give a severe reprimand to the intelligence transmission work of the supervision department to see which link went wrong!

Of course, there is also the **** Yoshida Masaichi. If this guy really betrayed himself, uh, if he really betrayed him, then he is probably useless by now!

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