Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 410: Choose C for all!

As soon as the front foot entered the familiar Konoha Village, Uchiha Shisui decisively dropped the fire seal, and couldn't wait to see Itachi.

Fenghuo suspects that Uchiha Itachi's younger brother was brought out by Shisui.

Then he went directly to Anbu headquarters.

During the time when Fenghuo left, the person in charge of the supervision department was a ninja code-named Feitian. He used to be a captain of the Anbu Security Department and worked with Fenghuo.

"Captain, you're finally back." Fei Tian wore a white bird mask, and acted like a bird. He was very diligent from morning to night.

"Did something happen?" Feng Huo asked.

"Captain, Black Snake is missing!" Fei Tian said.

"Black Snake?" Feng Huo was taken aback, and then realized that Black Snake is the Anbu code name of Masaichi Yoshida!

This guy really betrayed!

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Yoshida Masaichi still chose Danzo after casting such a vicious curse. This loyalty is indeed admirable and disgusting!

Feng Huo narrowed his eyes and asked, "When was the last time you communicated with him?"

"It was half a month ago, the day before the captain left, and after confirming that he was missing, we discovered that there was a loophole in the information transmission. After we completed it, we had lost contact with the captain. Fortunately, the captain came back safely." Feitian obviously relaxed. tone.

When Feng Huo heard about this time, he unconsciously thought of another possibility.

Could it be that after I asked Masaichi Yoshida about Yakushidou's information, I let him expose it, so that Danzo could take advantage of it?

But no matter what it is, the only thing that can be confirmed is that even if Yoshida Masaichi has not been murdered by Danzo, he is destined to be a useless person in this life.

It can be regarded as avenging the WW3 period.

After handing over work to Fei Tian, ​​Feng Huo waved him out, but his brain exploded, and he suddenly remembered something again.

In the original book, Orochimaru created a forbidden technique of reincarnation, which can transfer one's soul to other people, so as to obtain eternal life!

Yoshida Shoichi has become a useless person. According to Danzo's style of doing things, he will either kill all of them, or use waste!

That is to say, Danzo is very likely to give Yoshida Shoichi to Orochimaru as the human experiment material for that forbidden technique.

Feng Huo immediately went to the intelligence department to check if there were any suspicious ninjas in and out in the past two weeks.

Half a day later, he found out a strange mission.

This task is an ordinary caravan **** task, and it can be completed only by escorting to the Land of Earth, only level.

The reason why this mission is weird is because there are actually five Chunin who accepted this mission!

Now is not a time of war, and rock ninjas will not mess around, and wandering ninjas and black market ninjas dare not provoke Konoha's ninjas, so this kind of mission does not require five Chunin at all!

The most important thing is that the rewards for super missions are divided equally between the five Chunin, hehehe.

Fenghuo immediately recalled the identities of these five Zhongnin. They were either born as commoners or came from the small ninja family in the village. They belonged to the role of Xiaoxiami, and no one bothered to die outside. Fenghuo could confirm it almost instantly. All the ninja are root ninja!

Tsk tsk, this is interesting.

After Feng Huo memorized the information of these five people by heart, he eliminated the traces of himself watching the information, and then immediately went to Uchiha to ask Shisui to leave Konoha.

Put a long line to catch big fish?


These five Chunin are probably small roles for Genbu. Even if you follow them every day, you may not get any useful information. Why don't you give it a go this time, maybe you can catch Orochimaru!

Zhishui's face was very constipated, just holding hands with Itachi, he was pulled out by Fenghuo, expressing that he couldn't accept it.

"Captain, what is the urgent matter?" Uchiha Shisui asked weakly.

Feng Huo told him the discovery of the five Gennin.

Uchiha Shisui showed a thoughtful look: "That is to say, these five Gennin are likely to use the name of escorting the caravan to transport Yoshida Masaichi to Orochimaru's secret research institute?"

Feng Huo laughed and said, "Are you afraid? The opponent is the legendary Sannin."

Uchiha Shisui showed a confident smile: "Even if you are Sannin, it doesn't mean you are invincible, not to mention, Captain, your reputation is no less than Orochimaru."

Feng Huo laughed loudly: "Even if your flattery is good and loud, don't expect me to give you a raise."

Uchiha Shisui frowned, and hurriedly changed the subject: "Captain, if you really met Orochimaru this time, what would you do? Kill him, or take him back?"

Feng Huo said: "Oshemaru is a very difficult character, not only powerful, but also full of tricks, and has always been ambiguous with Danzo, so if there is a chance, I will kill him directly!"

Although in this way, Yaoshidou may not be able to reach the heights in the original work, but who made him participate in the Tailed Beast Rebellion?

Uchiha Shisui said: "Captain, if possible, I think it's better to arrest Orochimaru. After all, he is one of Konoha Sannin. He has made a lot of contributions to the village and is a disciple of three generations."

Feng Huo smiled: "It is said that you have a kind heart, and it is true."

"I just think that fearless killing is not advisable." Uchiha Shisui said.

Fenghuo didn't answer the question. His outlook on the world, outlook on life and values ​​have already been formed, and they won't change just because of a few words from others. I believe the same is true for Uchiha Shisui. Wise choice of middle.

A few days later, the two successfully arrived at the border of the Fire Kingdom, and then encountered a problem.

According to the intelligence, the caravan escorted by the five Gennin is going to the Land of Earth, and there are three routes from the Land of Fire to the Land of Earth.

One is across the country of grass, one is across the country of rain, and the other is across the country of taki.

Not surprisingly, Orochimaru's hiding place is in one of these three countries!

It's time to test your character.

"Which one to choose?" Feng Huo asked.

Uchiha Shisui suggested: "Each of the three countries may be the shelter of Orochimaru. The best way is to divide our troops into two groups."

Feng Huo shook his head resolutely: "No, the troops are divided into two groups, what if they are defeated by Dashewan?"

Feng Huo is not worried about Uchiha Shisui, he is worried that he will be ambushed by Orochimaru.

Although he has three tails with yang attributes, but the kaleidoscope is on the verge of darkness, what he fears most is encountering difficult battles, because once there is such a battle, he will use the kaleidoscope if he is not careful.

Therefore, it is impossible to divide the army into two groups, even in this life.

Uchiha Shisui said: "Then the Land of Rain?"

"" Feng Huo remembered that when he encountered multiple-choice questions that he couldn't answer in the previous life exam, he always chose.


Grass? !

He slapped his thigh ~www.readwn.com~ Okay, let's start from the land of grass! "

"Cough!" I mean the Land of Rain.

Uchiha Shisui is so angry.

"Let's go!" Feng Huo rushed to the country of grass first.

Uchiha Shisui touched his own nose, smiled wryly, and followed closely.


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