Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 441: Cheating, they cheating!

As an upright and honest person, Feng Huo would never see others bowing his knees, so he cut to the chase: "If you have anything to say, just talk about it, don't go around the bush."

While talking, he pulled the gift from the other party behind him.

Captain Taki Ninja hesitated for a moment, rubbed his hands together and said, "Master Feng Huo, I wonder how your ninjutsu is doing?"

Feng Huo frowned.

That ninjutsu?

The ninjutsu related to Taki Shinobi?

Is it fairy mode?

Before sealing the fire, he helped Longin Village to quell the hookah rebellion in exchange for the condition of practicing a ninjutsu in the holy tree of Longinin Village. However, after practicing for a while, he did not make any progress. In addition, he suddenly received information about Orochimaru. So just leave.

At this time, Captain Taki Shinobi mentioned this matter. Could it be that Sheyue, the leader of Taki Ninja Village, wants to go back on his word?

Captain Taki Shinobu noticed that Feng Huo's expression was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Master Feng Huo, don't misunderstand, Master Sheyue has no intention of going back on his word."

Feng Huo said unhappily: "I respect your leader Sheyue very much, I believe he will not renege on his promise and become fat, hehe!"

The word humming fully embodies Fenghuo's unhappiness and threatening meaning. It is short of saying that if you dare to go back on your word, I will dare to copy your Longin Village!

Captain Taki Shinobi is a smart person, and after hearing the subtext of Fenghuo, he broke out in cold sweat.

So he didn't go around in circles, and said directly: "Master Fenghuo, in fact, after the shisha rebellion, most of the hero water in our village was consumed, but what I didn't expect was that not long after you left, our village was attacked by a The attack by the traitorous ninja caused heavy losses, and the water of heroes is almost exhausted, we are worried that the traitorous ninja will come again, so, so..."

"So you want to invite me to visit your Taki Ninja Village?" Feng Huo understood.

"Yes, yes, Lord Fenghuo, after the Chunin assessment, if you have time, please go to Longin Village as a guest, we will definitely treat you well!" Captain Longin said excitedly.

Feng Huo wondered: "Your Long Ren Village is considered a Da Ren Village after all, why can't you even deal with a traitor?"

"Master Fenghuo, that is an S-rank rebellious ninja with great strength. The ninjas in our village can only use the water of heroes to fight against it, but the water of heroes..." Captain Taki Ninja felt wronged.

Feng Huo shook his head, this Taki Ninja Village is too miserable, right?

Also, the S-rank rebellious ninja, could it be...Kakuto?

If it's him, it's really possible.

Jiaodu has five hearts, five lives, proficient in five-attribute ninjutsu and mixed ninjutsu, plus possesses earth grievances, whether it is life-saving or escape, it is top!

Moreover, he was born in Longin Village, so he is very familiar with Longin Village!

So for Kakuzu, attacking Taki Shinobi Village is really like playing!

"That S-level traitorous ninja, is it Kakuto?" Feng Huo asked.

"Yes, that's him!" Captain Taki Shinobu said anxiously, "He was the one who assassinated the first Hokage-sama, Fenghuo-sama, you..."

"Okay, okay, stop beeping, I agree."

Feng Huo agreed directly.

After all, he and Jiaodu also have several accounts to settle.

"Thank you, Lord Fenghuo!" Captain Taki Shinobi finally breathed a sigh of relief after completing the task.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing." Feng Huo suddenly asked, "How many people from your Longin village participated in this Chunin exam?"

"There are five teams in total, with a total of fifteen ninjas." Captain Taki ninja replied.

Feng Huo's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help hooking Captain Taki Shinobi's shoulders, hehehehe laughed strangely.

Captain Taki Shinobi couldn't help but shudder, shuddering.

The Chunin assessment finally officially started two days later!

Nearly a hundred ninjas from Konoha, Taki Ninja Village, and Kusanagi Village gathered at the Ninja School to prepare for the exam.

Iruka, Akimichi Dingbo, and Sato stood at the gate of the ninja school. All three of them had black circles, no, two black circles, and two dark circles under their eyes, so they looked a little depressed.

"Did you not sleep well last night?" Feng Huo asked them strangely.

Qiudao Dingpeng sniffled, and said bitterly: "Big... Teacher, I have slept very well these few days, but I have not slept enough."

"Arrange your work and rest time reasonably, Sao Nian." Feng Huo shook his head, young people nowadays like to go to bed late, and sooner or later they will explode!

The three of Iruka's eyes were blurred instantly, and they were so wronged that they were so wronged. Under the training of the devil who sealed the fire these days, how could they have any work and rest time! Except for sleeping, they have already spent all their time on training, even so, it still takes up a lot of their sleeping time.

"Look at you guys! It's really up to you that I won't be cheated to death by you, don't worry, teacher, I've already arranged everything for you, hehehe." Feng Huo winked at them.

The three of them felt apprehensive, not understanding what it meant to seal the fire.

But soon, they will know.

The first item of the Chunin assessment is the exam, which tests all kinds of ninja knowledge, theoretical, practical, useful and unnecessary, all kinds, all types.

Qiudao Dingpeng and the three of them were dumbfounded when they saw it.

The past few days of training hard, almost used the muscles of the brain, and suddenly such a test came, and the hearts of the three of them sank.

Just when the three of them were at a loss, an answer came from someone around them.

Through small notes, through ants~www.readwn.com~through little bees, various methods emerged one after another, and the three of them filled up the exam papers.

The three looked at each other, You Zi couldn't believe it.

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed at the three of them and shouted: "Examiner, I want to report that the three of them cheated!"

The voice was sharp and ear-piercing, scaring Qiudao and Ding Pengs to bend their necks and pretend to be ostriches.

The examiner was a special jonin, and he glanced at the junin who reported it, but didn't speak.

"Examiner!" He was quite unwilling at that time, and couldn't help standing up.

When he was standing, the Chunin who was in charge of monitoring next to him immediately rushed forward, and directly threw him out of the classroom, disqualifying him.

In this way, even a fool would understand that cheating is allowed in this exam!

"I see, the so-called exam is actually to collect information!"

"If you collect information, there is no difference between cheating and not cheating."

All the ninja immediately showed their special abilities and plagiarized crazily.

The three of Qiudao Dingpeng realized it later, but what made them strange was why those ninjas who obviously didn't know each other helped them?

Suddenly, they remembered what Teacher Fenghuo said before the exam, and immediately understood what was going on. The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and they were all determined.

After the first test, brushed down nearly half of the ninja.

What's interesting is that because all the ninjas of Longin Village have received the task of 'cheating', they have prepared their cheating methods in advance.

Afterwards, the ninja who passed through went directly to the death forest, and then each group of three was assigned a scroll of 'sky' or 'ground', and started the road of 'cross-country death'.

Of course, this is only for the sub-nin of other groups.

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