Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 442: Arrogant 18-member coalition

In the center of the death forest, on the top of a towering stone tower, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Sakumo Hatake stood together. In front of them was a small crystal, reflecting the competition of the participating teams here.

I don't know what I saw, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face became more and more blue, then turned red, then purple, and finally it was soy purple soy purple.

Hatake Sakumo scratched his scalp in distress, showing a helpless expression.

"Uchiha... seal the fire!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi growled, "You bastard!"

In the crystal ball, the three-person team of Iruka, Akimichi Thobo, and Sato, under the **** of six Taki Shinobi, are rampaging, overcoming thorns and thorns.

Later, the **** team of Taki Shinobi has expanded to nine people, and with the addition of three Iruka, the team of twelve people is already invincible!

Hiruzaru Sarutobi was furious: "Cheating, Uchiha Hienhuo definitely cheated, I want to disqualify them from the exam!"

Hatake Sakumo said with a wry smile: "Three generations, apart from Iruka and the others, other teams have already started to cooperate. If they are disqualified from the exam in the name of cheating, then other teams will also be affected."

"But they have been cooperating from the very beginning, and they clearly colluded before the exam!" Hiruza Sarutobi gritted his teeth, "The three of Iruka are good boys, and they will never do such a thing, it is definitely Uchi Bo Fenghuo, this little bastard..."

creak creak...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi gritted his teeth and penetrated so hard that Sakumo Hatake couldn't take it anymore, and persuaded: "Three generations, the matter has come to this point, we can only wait and see how things change."

creak creak...

Sarutobi Hiruza didn't listen and continued to grind his teeth.

Outside the Death Forest, Feng Huo and Captain Taki Ninja were standing together, chatting.

"Master Fenghuo, this time is really thanks to you, otherwise half of our Longin Village would have been eliminated in the first exam." Captain Longin was grateful to Dade, thinking that Fenghuo was helping them pass the Chunin exam with advice. , and going to Taki Ninja Village to help them deal with the S-class rebellious Ninja Kakuto, he is really a good person.

Feng Huo waved his hand and said, "It's not a big deal! Later, you write it down in a small notebook and show it to your leader Sheyue, and let him know. Don't make it so that the whole world knows, don't you?"


Captain Taki Ninja responded with an awkward smile.

At this moment, an Anbu suddenly descended from the sky, knelt down on one knee respectfully, and said, "Master Fenghuo, Master Hokage has sent an order, please meet us at the Tower of Death."

Feng Huo frowned, Sarutobi Rizhan, why does this old man love to look for him when he has nothing to do?

He greeted Captain Taki Ninja, and then followed Anbu into the death forest.

For Genin, the death forest is a dangerous place, but for such existence as Fenghuo, it is no different from the back garden.

Those giant snakes and wild boars who don't open their eyes and want to trouble him, just release a little bit of Sanwei's breath to scare them out of their shit.

So his journey here is really full of shit.

When he came to the Tower of Death, the assessment of Genin was coming to an end.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi had already regained his emotions, looked at Fenghuo calmly, and hummed, "How did you convince Takinobu to help you?"

Feng Huo was stunned, then realized something, and said with a smile: "Three generations, look at what you said, our village and Longin village have a friendly relationship, we are all friends, shouldn't we help each other?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi snorted coldly: "Don't lie to me with such nonsense!"

Fenghuo shrugged.

Hatake Sakumo said: "Fenghuo, your behavior has indeed affected the fairness of the Chunin exam."

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, and said as if pointing: "There is no fairness in this world."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of his cigarette and said, "It is precisely because of the lack of fairness in this world that we must achieve the utmost fairness!"

"Three generations, I support you spiritually and morally." Feng Huo expressed his position immediately.

"Get lost!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi roared angrily, pointed at the crystal ball, and said, "Look at what you've done!"

Fenghuo looked over and saw that a great battle was happening inside, but it was the eighteenth ninja coalition formed by the three-person team of Iruka, Akimichi Dingpeng, and Sato, as well as the five teams of Taki Shinobi Village. A total of nine Ninja's "Allied Forces" robbed them of the "Heaven" and "Earth" scrolls they collected, and unceremoniously eliminated the nine Ninja.

What's interesting is that the nine eliminated ninjas all wore Konoha's ninja forehead protectors.

"Ha, haha." Feng Huo laughed dryly.

So embarrassing.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi glared at him: "You still have the nerve to laugh!"

"I can't cry either." Feng Huo felt wronged.

creak creak...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi pursed his lips tightly, but secretly gritted his teeth again.

It didn't take long for Iluka's 18-member coalition force to enter the Tower of Death and successfully passed the second assessment.

After them, there were scattered renunciations who came in, and they were full of fights, and there were only about thirty people.

In other words, Iruka's 18-member coalition occupies more than half of the quota!

At this time, in the Tower of Death, Captain Taki Ninja and Captain Kusanagi were also there, but the latter had a bitter expression, because Kusanagi didn't even pass the assessment of the Death Forest.

As for Captain Taki Shinobu, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is smiling.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi is MMP in his heart, but he praises Taki Ninja for his unity, mutual assistance and friendship, and he will definitely grow into an excellent ninja in the future.

Captain Taki Ninja hurriedly waved his hands and said a few words of humility, laughing until he couldn't close his mouth.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stared at the fire, then stepped forward to give a speech, and then announced the third round of tests.

Mix singles!

It means that each person draws a lot, and those who are against each other start fighting, the loser is eliminated, the winner advances, continue to draw lots, and continue to work until Hiruzaru Sarutobi calls to stop!

Simple, direct, rough, and capable of manipulation.

Fenghuo bet fifty cents, Hiruza Sarutobi would definitely make a small move.

What happened afterwards also proved his fifty cents.

Seeing Taki Shinobi being eliminated by Konoha Shinobi just enough to restrain them, Feng Huo curled his lips, Captain Taki Ninja wanted to cry, but Sarutobi Hiruzen just kept laughing, thinking that he could finally get his place back up.

In the second and third rounds, Fenghuo was also sadly reminded.

Iruka, Akimichi Dingpeng, and Sato were all beaten up and eliminated by the ninja from the same village.

Feng Huo looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with grief and indignation, MMP! Just now he said that he should be as fair as possible, but now he turns his face to this virtue.

Does your face hurt? Just ask if your face hurts!

In the end, only Taki Shinobi and three Konoha Shinobi were left standing in the arena.

But to Fenghuo's surprise, when the results were finally announced, besides the four winning ninjas, Hiruza Sarutobi also allowed Iruka to pass the assessment!

That is to say, in this chunin exam, five people successfully advanced to become zhongnin!

Seeing Iruka hugged by Akimichi Dingbo and Sato, Fenghuo fell into deep thought.

Could it be... this is the legendary consolation prize?

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