Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 443: The cunning Uchiha seals the fire

After the Chunin exam, Taki Shinobi and Kusanagi left Konoha one after another. Fenghuo originally wanted to go with Taki Shinobi, but was discovered by Anbu and caught Sarutobi Hiruzen's office.

"Fenghuo, hehe, I'm willing to bet and admit defeat, this task is entrusted to you."

Sarutobi Hiruzen was not polite to him, and directly threw the information in his hand to him.

Sealing the fire feels like picking up a hot potato, neither throwing it nor opening it.

"What are you still doing in a daze! Open it and have a look!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi was enjoying himself while smoking a big cigarette.

Feng Huo opened the scroll in grief and anger, and was dumbfounded when he saw it.

To let him take care of Naruto? !

"Three generations, isn't Naruto being taken care of by Uncle Sakumo? Why do you want me to take care of him?" Feng Huo asked in surprise.

Hiruzaru Sarutobi explained: "After all, Sakumo is the captain of the dark army, and he is usually very busy. Kakashi has been working outside recently, so he has no time to take care of Naruto. It just so happens that you have a good relationship with the fourth generation. Take care of Naruto." You are duty-bound!"

There is nothing wrong with that.


When thinking of Naruto's 'lively and cute' character, Feng Huo's head gets dizzy.

This kind of brat, most people can't hold back.

"Hey!" Sighing, Feng Huo resigned to his fate, "Three generations, I have accepted the task, but before that, I have to go to Longin Village."

"Well, the captain of Taki Shinobu has already told me about the S-rank traitorous ninja Kakuto, right?" Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes flashed coldly.


"If there is a chance, kill him directly!" Hiruzaru Sarutobi said coldly.

"I see."

Leaving from Hokage Tower, Fenghuo thought about it, and found Uchiha Shisui.

"team leader!"

Uchiha Shisui has been doing well recently, because Fenghuo didn't assign him any more tasks, so he has been hiding in the clan to teach Uchiha Itachi's illusion. The two brothers enjoyed a carefree and happy life.

"Zhishui, get ready for a mission." Feng Huo said.

"Yes, Captain!" Shisui Uchiha straightened his face and asked, "Captain, do you have any information about Orochimaru?"

"No, it's the one who betrayed Ninja Kakuto!" Feng Huo said solemnly, "This guy assassinated the first Hokage back then, and now he's harassing our good neighbor, Taki Ninja Village. Auntie can endure what Uncle can't bear, this time we must catch this guy Slice research!"

The two left Konoha that night, chased the stars and chased the moon all the way, and it took nearly half a month to arrive at Taki Ninja Village!

The leader of Longin Village, Sheyue, was overjoyed when she learned that Fenghuo and the two had arrived, and came to the village gate to greet them in person.

After exchanging pleasantries for a long time, the two parties entered the village, and then they ate and drank a lot of fish and meat until late at night before the host and guest had a good time and left separately.

In the middle of the night, Feng Huo stretched himself and got up.

"Captain, where are you going?" Uchiha Shisui is still underage, so he didn't drink at the banquet, and he woke up when he heard the sound of Fenghuo getting up.

Feng Huo washed his face and said, "I'm going to practice at the holy tree, you can continue to sleep."

Uchiha Shisui yawned, and smiled wryly, "Captain, why do I feel like I was cheated by you?"

"It must be an illusion." Feng Huo said seriously, "You must be tired after driving for so many days. Go to sleep, and you won't feel this way when you wake up the next day."

Shisui Uchiha didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Captain, in fact, it's fake for you to come to Taki Ninjutsu Village to catch horns, and it's true to practice ninjutsu?"

"Huh? Is it so obvious?" Feng Huo was startled, then turned around and asked in surprise.

Uchiha Shisui nodded: "Captain, you obviously have obtained the permission of Taki Ninja leader Shegetsu-sama to practice freely on the sacred tree, so why don't you wait until the day to practice, but why do you want to go secretly in the middle of the night? I'm too impatient Bar."

Feng Huo's face turned cold, and his tone was cold: "You...know too much!"

Uchiha Shisui was possessed by a play spirit, closed his eyes, and immediately started snoring.

Feng Huo shook his head and laughed, then left the hotel and went directly to the holy tree.

Not long after Fenghuo left the hotel, Sheyue received the news.

"Uchiha Fenghuo, with your strength, what kind of ninjutsu can attract you so much?"

Sheyue squinted her eyes and asked, "Is everything arranged?"

In the dark, Taki Shinobi Anbe's voice came: "My lord, everything has been arranged."

When Fenghuo arrived at the holy tree, the moonlight was hazy, sprinkled with silver light, and turned into a layer of silver gauze covering the holy tree, and the lake under the holy tree reflected the moonlight, dotted with the holy tree, making it more beautiful Beautiful.

Suddenly, Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat, remembering what Uchiha Shisui said just now.

He thought about it, then squatted on the ground, touching the ground with both fingers.

"Chakra Perception!"

As the chakra poured into the earth and spread in all directions, one after another chakra fluctuations appeared in Fenghuo's mind. Counting carefully, there were no fewer than ten!

He jumped onto the holy tree calmly, and sensed more than 20 chakra fluctuations on the tree, all of which were hidden very secretly, but he watched every corner of the holy tree under his eyes, no matter what happened to the fire seal, No matter what ninjutsu you practice, you can't hide from their eyes!

Sealing the fire felt like eating a bunch of flies, and I felt very uncomfortable.

"I set my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch."

Feng Huo sighed in disappointment, and then ignored Taki Shinobu Anbu, went straight to the top of the sacred tree, sat down cross-legged, let his mind go, and began to sense the natural energy around the sacred tree.

Half an hour later, Fenghuo opened his eyes again, formed a mudra with his hands, and summoned twenty shadow clones, scattered them around, and sensed natural energy together.

The nearby Taki Shinobu Anbu walked back and forth between Fenghuo's shadow clones with bright eyes, trying to find even the slightest clue.

The night passed, until the sky was bright, and the civilians who got up early in Taki Ninja Village had already started their day's work, and there was a slight lively sound.

Feng Huo opened his eyes, put away twenty shadow clones, and then went down the tree and returned to the village to catch up on sleep.

As for Taki Shinobi Anbe on the sacred tree, he looked at each other in blank dismay, and then went back to the village to report to Sheyue~www.readwn.com~ Sheyue also stayed up all night, and sent Anbu to monitor Uchiha's sealing fire. He also struggled for a long time, for fear of Uchiha Bo Fenghuo turned his face, but he really couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart. The ninjutsu that can attract Uchiha Fenghuo, who is famous in the ninja world, is absolutely extremely powerful. If Taki Ninja Village can master it... it must be very happy.

"What's the matter?" Sheyue asked with dark circles under her eyes.

An Anbu hesitated for a moment, and replied, "My lord, we don't have any findings."

"What does it mean that there is no discovery?" Sheyue frowned, "It is impossible for Uchiha to practice ninjutsu without doing anything. What seals did he make? What actions did you do? Didn't you see anything?"

"Master Sheyue, Uchiha Fenghuo really did nothing. He climbed into the sacred tree and created twenty shadow clones, and then sat on the tree withered all night." Several Anbu said one after another.

"We stared at Uchiha Fenghuo and twenty shadow clones all night, and really didn't do anything."

"There are no seals!"

"No action was taken either."

"It feels like a monk."

Sheyue narrowed her eyes and said coldly, "Could it be that you all fell into his illusion?"

"Absolutely impossible!"

"Master Sheyue, Uchiha Fenghuo's Sharingan is closed, and without using the power of Sharingan, it is impossible for him to hypnotize all of us in an instant!"

"Apart from summoning twenty shadow clones, he didn't mobilize Chakra at all other times!"

Hearing them arguing sentence by sentence, Sheyue's face gradually became serious.

Could it be that Uchiha Fenghuo found their traces, so he deliberately did nothing?

How cunning!

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