Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 445: daring Kakuto

The coastline of the country of Taki is actually not long, and it happens to be surrounded by the coastlines of the country of soil and the country of iron. From the map, the junction of the coastlines of the three countries looks like a letter u.

After Fenghuo, Uchiha Shisui, and the guide came to the coastline, they quickly found the traces of Kadotsu, or in other words, the wreckage of a commercial ship!

"Captain, this ship should have docked here to replenish supplies in a nearby village, but was attacked by Kadotsu and robbed the ship's cargo." Uchiha Shisui checked and came to the above conclusion.

"It's the sea ship of the Iron Kingdom!" The guide said, referring to the logo on the side of the sea ship, "This is the warrior logo of the Iron Kingdom."

"The Iron Country is a neutral country, why do their ships appear here?" Feng Huo looked at the Anbu guide and asked.

The guide hurriedly explained: "Master Feng Huo, although the Iron Country is a neutral country, there are many powerful warrior groups in the Iron Country. From time to time, they will also trade with the Ninja Country in exchange for the supplies they need."&1t; i>&1t;/i>

Feng Huo nodded slightly. Indeed, as long as there are people, there are benefits. The so-called neutrality is just that the benefits are not enough.

As for whether the destination of this ship is the Land of Earth or the Land of Taki, it doesn't make much sense.

Because their goal is only Kakudu.

"Zhishui, it's time to test you!" Feng Huo said with a smile, "Where do you think Jiaodu will be at this time?"

"This..." Uchiha Shisui fell into deep thought, and said half-paid, "Captain, if Kakudo has no other accomplices and robbed the goods of a sea ship, he will definitely find a way to sell these goods and exchange them into money!"

"Then where can I sell all the goods quickly?" Fenghuo tried to induce.

"It's a black market!" The guide next to him said excitedly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Uchiha Shisui asked him: "Do you know where there is a black market nearby?"

The guide immediately said with a bitter face: "My lords, due to the terrain, the country of Taki rarely communicates with other countries, so that the villages in the country are relatively poor. If it is a black market..."

As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs, black market merchants are not philanthropists, they are vampires, if there is no rich village, it is absolutely impossible to attract these merchants to station.

So Feng Huo directly asked, "Which village is the richest in your country?"

"Of course it's our Takinobu Village!" the guide said proudly.

Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui looked at each other.

The guide was also taken aback, and tremblingly said: "No, can't you?"

Feng Huo glanced at him: "Is there a black market in your village?"


"This..." The guide was a little shy.

"If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't. What the **** are you shy about?" Feng Huo kicked him away angrily.

"Yes, there is a black market." The guide lay on the beach, his mouth full of fine white sand.

Uchiha Shisui couldn't believe it: "Captain, does Kakudo dare to enter the black market of Taki Ninja Village alone to trade?"

Feng Huo sneered: "Hehe, you don't know his character."

Jiaodu is greedy for money, as long as he has money to make, he can do any **** thing.

During World War Three, Konoha hired him, but he turned around and hooked up with Kirinin, making money at both sides, and talking about the bottom line... No, he has no bottom line at all.

"Zhishui, in this world, people who fall into the trap of money can do anything!" Feng Huo said earnestly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Uchiha Shisui glanced at Fenghuo, hesitant to speak.

"If you fart, let it go." Feng Huo said angrily.

"Captain, I heard that you... are more..." Uchiha Shisui smiled a little strangely.

"What is the comparison, huh? Didn't I get beaten when I was young, didn't I, didn't I!" Feng Huo got angry instantly, pointed at his dumpling nose and said angrily, "For such an old man, can you be more careful when you talk? !Look at me, do I look like the kind of person who is greedy for money? Believe it or not, I will fill you up into the sea!"

Uchiha Shisui was sweating coldly, nodded hurriedly and said: "Captain, I believe your words now, people who are greedy for money really can do anything!"

This sounds strange.

Feng Huo's gloomy and cold eyes swept over him back and forth.

"Master Fenghuo, Lord Shisui, let's go back quickly!" The guide ran over, with a few white sands on his face, but he couldn't care less. If Kakuzu really entered the black market in Takinobu Village, he would definitely There's going to be a big fuss! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Okay, let's go back." Feng Huo said.


The black market in Taki Ninja Village is in the depths of the alley of the most prosperous street in the village. There are about three or four black market shops, because they are usually very low-key, and Taki Ninja Anbe also buys kunai, detonating charms and other ninjas here from time to time. tools, so Sheyue turned a blind eye to these black market shops.

Kakuto's guts were really fat, and in broad daylight, wearing a black overcoat with a hooded head, he arrogantly entered Taki Ninja Village and headed straight for the black market.


Jiao Du was brief and concise, then took out the seal scroll that he was carrying, opened it and poured out all the sealed sea ship goods, filling a black market shop by half~www.readwn.com~ The owner of this black market shop Looking at these goods with bright eyes, the eyes turned around sneakily from time to time, and said: "These are all ironware from the country of iron." &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Among this batch of ironware, there are kunai, shuriken, samurai sword, some elbow pads, knee pads, and other messy ninja equipment, all of which are made of refined iron and are very valuable.

But since it was traded in the black market, it means that this batch of goods definitely came from wrong sources!

You can lower the price.

The black market boss happily quoted a figure of 20% off, 20% off and 20% off.

When Jiao Du heard this, he made a calculation in his heart, and suddenly became furious, and slapped the iron door of the shop to pieces.

"Are you looking for death!" Jiaodu's eyes were fixed on the black market boss like a ghost.

The black market boss is not afraid: "Your batch of ironware is of good quality, but it's a pity that it's not from the right place. At this price, you can sell it or not. If you dare to make trouble, believe it or not, I will call Taki Shinobi Anbu!"

"Taki Shinobi Anbe? Hahahaha..." Kakuzu looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "Then just try it!"


Jiaodu punched the black market boss directly into the wall.

"Hand over the money!"

Jiaodu strode forward with big feet, and made enough food and clothing by himself, directly turning from selling goods to stealing goods.

The collision of the black market boss had already broken seven or eight ribs, he was spitting out blood, he was taking in more air than he was exhaling, he could only watch helplessly as the horns did whatever they wanted.

Fortunately, most of the shops in the black market are in the same spirit, and the boss next door immediately gave a signal when he heard the movement here.

After a while, I heard the sound of trampling on the roof.

But it was Taki Shinobu Anbe who arrived.

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