Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 446: I, Koto, grab the money!

Jiao unhurriedly put the money into the sealing scroll, put it close to his body, and then smiled coldly, a large number of strange black silk threads gushed out from the fingers of his hands, and swept in all directions like waves in an instant, bursting the entire shop in an instant!

In the broken wall and broken tiles, countless black silk threads surged wildly, tangled wildly towards Taki Shinobi Anbe, who lost his balance due to the destruction of the house.

"Damn it, this is earth grievance!"

"Kakuto, it's this demon who came in!"

"Fire escape - the art of fireball!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

Frightened and furious, Taki Ninja Anbu immediately cast ninjutsu and attacked Kakuzu.

But the overwhelming earth grievances turned into a black line wall, forcefully blocking all these ninjutsu.

"You really haven't made any progress at all, hahaha."

Amidst the sneer, Kakuto tipped his toes, and suddenly exploded. In the air, the grudge between his hands was like a devil's tentacles, rushing towards Taki Shinobi like a stormy wave.

"Dispel the nearby residents and notify Lord Sheyue, hurry up!"

Taki Ninja Anbe frantically resisted Kakuzu's offensive, and within a short while, three or four Taki Ninja Anbe had already died under the ground.

Kakuto fought more and more bravely, relying on his grievances to push around, no ninja could stop him half a step!

At this time, a loud scream attracted Jiaodu's attention, he looked sideways, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

This place was originally near the commercial street of Takinobu Village, and there was a lot of traffic. Once the war started on his side, how could the civilians who were shopping dare to stay? One after another chose to escape, scrambling to leave, Jiaodu was greedy together, killing people while coming to the commercial street, entering shops one after another, crazily grabbing money!

"Hahahaha, I'm rich, I'm rich!" Jiao Du's eyes were red, his breathing was like a cow, his heart was beating like a drum, and he couldn't help but feel exhilarated.

But only two shops were robbed, and the densely packed Taki Shinobi had already gathered from all directions of the village, completely surrounding the commercial street.

Sheyue also rushed here with a gloomy expression.

He never expected that Kakuzu would be so lucky that he would break into the village just as Uchiha Fuho and Uchiha Shisui were leaving, as if he had a mole around him.

He was holding a transparent gourd in his hand, and there was still a small half bottle of Hero's Water in it, but he really couldn't guarantee whether the Hero's Water could deal with Kakudu.

Sheyue is surrounded by four elite Jonin, with outstanding strength, but facing the big devil Kakuto, they are still frightened.

"Hahahaha, Sheyue, do you want to kill me just because of you?"

The corners of his mouth were closed, and he stepped forward with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. On his back, there were four weird masks, each mask had a heart he had stolen and the Chakra attribute of the owner of the heart, so he full of confidence!

"Jiaodu, don't go too far!" Sheyue shouted coldly.

"Excessive? So what?" Jiaodu smiled contemptuously, his smile full of murderous intent, "However, if you can pay me enough, I can let you go!"

Sheyue's face changed: "Absolutely impossible! Kakuzu, you just give up on this idea, Taki Ninja Village will never accept any threats!"

"Really? Hahaha." Jiaodu laughed maniacally, his hands formed seals in an instant, "Huo Dun-head hard work!"

"Damn, stop him!"


A small fireball was thrown on the ground by its horns, and instantly turned into a monstrous sea of ​​flames and swept forward.

The scorching flames set off a wave of seven or eight meters high, rushing towards Taki Shinobi on the opposite side like a sea wave.

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

"Earth Dun-Earth Flow Wall!"

At the same time, a series of earthen walls rose from the ground, pushed up layer by layer, and blocked the fire waves.


The fire waves hit the earth wall, and the terrifying high temperature scorched the earth wall in an instant. Huge scorched black cracks permeated the earth wall. The flames drilled at the cracks and penetrated deep into the earth wall. The earth wall was burned and cracked within a few breaths. Seventeen or eighteen huge stones were scattered all over the place.

Then the fire waves broke free from the shackles, like a fire dragon abyss, circling to cover Taki Shinobi.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

"Water escape-water chaos!"

At this time, more than a dozen Takinobu sprayed out water waves, which turned into huge waves and crashed into the sea of ​​flames. In an instant, a large amount of water vapor evaporated like thick fog, covering the entire commercial street.


Sheyue took the opportunity to hand over the Hero's Water to the four elite jounin behind him.

"Master Sheyue, we must live up to our trust!"

The four of them each took a sip of the Hero's Water.

The next moment, powerful chakra waves surged from their bodies, and the four of them roared in unison, and immediately rushed into the thick fog.

Kakuto didn't dare to be careless at this time, and had already split into four clones, each with a chakra attribute, to meet the four elite jonin.

"Wind escape - oppression!"

"Tudun-Tulong Spear!"

"Water Escape-Water Flow Whip!"

"Thunder Dun - walk!"

As soon as the two sides fought, the Tianleigou started a fire, and the sky was smashed.

The commercial street was torn apart almost instantly under the impact of powerful ninjutsu, turning into ruins.

"Have you drank the hero's water? Hahaha, someone really dares to drink that kind of thing, so die!" Jiao Du's face was also a little dignified.

The four elite Jōnin have multiplied their chakra tenfold, and even he would not dare to fight recklessly if they join forces.

The four earth resentment clones huddled together~www.readwn.com~ used mixed ninjutsu to barely resist the offensive of these four elite jounin.

As for the main body of Jiaodu, it set fire crazily and wreaked havoc.

The surrounding Takijin didn't dare to approach, for fear of being affected by the aftermath of the battle, they could only watch helplessly as Kakuzu destroyed it recklessly.

Sheyue suppressed her voice and asked in a low voice, "Is Fu safe?"

Anbu next to him replied: "It has been sent to a safe place."

"That's good." Sheyue glanced at the gourd, and the hero's water in it was only enough for one person to drink.

"My lord, don't you think so?" Anbu rushed over to hug him, "My lord, don't!"

"As the leader of Taki Shinobi Village, I can't just watch Kakuzu wreaking havoc in the village, and my body..."

The last shisha rebellion left him with serious injuries, and the medical ninjutsu of sealing the fire could not completely heal him!

These days, Sheyue has also felt that his health is getting worse and worse. For him, it is better to die here than to die in the hospital bed!

Without hesitation, he drank all the remaining hero water, then roared and rushed into the battlefield!

Jiaodu hehehe sneered, raising his hand was a big fireball.

The high-temperature fireball with a radius of one meter left an orange tail in the air, and slammed into Sheyue brazenly.

In the next moment, the water splashed in all directions, and then turned into water vapor and dissipated.

"Water body?" Jiao snorted disdainfully, and his hands were about to seal, "Water escape-water curtain!"

A thin layer of water curtain instantly circled around and covered the corners.

"Go to hell!"

Sheyue surged up from the water stains on the ground, and two whips of water condensed out of her hands, and they lashed towards Jiaodu fiercely.

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