Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 447: Wronged Taki Shinobu

The two water whips turned into water snakes, entwined around the horns, getting tighter and tighter.

But Jiaodu's face was full of disdain and sneer: "Sheyue, even if you increase your chakra by ten times, you are still just a waste in front of me!"

Although the water curtain surrounding him was weak, it was extremely tough, no matter how hard the water whip strangled him, it would not be able to break through its defense.

"Thunder Tunnel - Pseudo-Darkness!"

Jiao Du sneered and made seals with both hands, and the huge thunder and lightning were directly printed on the water curtain, and spread wildly along the water whip in an instant.

Sheyue's expression changed, and she immediately threw away the water whip in her hand.


The water whip fell to the ground, and a huge current poured into the ground, spreading in all directions, like a purple spider web, and Sheyue hurriedly retreated when he saw it.


Suddenly, a violent hurricane and raging flames came from the left, but it was the horrific destruction caused by the mixed ninjutsu of Kakuzu's two earth grudge clones.

"Damn it, if this continues, the village will be destroyed by him!"

Sheyue's face was livid.

"Hahaha, Sheyue, your expression is really exciting!" Jiaodu laughed and jumped to a roof, condescendingly making seals with his hands, "Huo Dun-head hard work!"

Sheyue's eyes narrowed slightly, and she immediately used the water escape ninjutsu to cover fire with water.

‘As expected of an S-rank traitor, if I hadn’t taken the hero’s water, my water escape wouldn’t be able to suppress his fire escape at all, **** it! '

The more he fights, the heavier Sheyue's heart is. Every ninjutsu in Kakudo is extremely powerful. If Chunin and Genin rush forward, the aftermath will kill them, so using crowd tactics is completely giving away their heads!

And the four elite jounin of the village had already swallowed the water of heroes and were fighting the four earth grievance clones of Kakuto, and there were only twenty or so jounin left that Sheyue could use.

But half of them need to protect the village's important combat force Nanao Jinchuriki, and the rest can be sent to fight, at most ten.

Once there is a loss of these junin, the village will really let the jonin do whatever they want.

While Sheyue fought with Kakuzu and Chakra, which had increased tenfold in her body, she frantically thought about countermeasures.

But he didn't know that the opposite corner was also the same.

Kakudo seems to be fierce, fighting against the entire Taki Ninja Village with his own power, but there is no tailed beast in his body. Chakra is not endless, and the weakness of the four Earth Resentment clones is also obvious, that is, the mask on the clone , once the mask is pierced, the avatar will die completely!

Therefore, if Utaki Shinobu accidentally pierces a mask, the dominoes will crush him in an instant!

As a result, the more you are afraid of something, the more you will come.

In Taki Ninja Anbu, a ninja suddenly called out: "Master Sheyue, I led five groups of ninjas to Konoha to take the Zhongnin Exam. He said that the weakness of these avatars is actually..."

The person who spoke was the Captain Taki Shinobi who hooked up with Fenghuo before. The two cheated together in the Chunin exam, and almost killed Sarutobi Hiruzaru.

When Jiao Du heard this, his face changed drastically.

He fought against Fenghuo and Hatake Sakumo before, and for some reason they discovered the secret of his avatar mask, so he fled in embarrassment after several battles, but he didn't expect to run to such a remote village of Takinobu. Still can't escape!

Captain Taki Ninja continued to shout: "It's a mask, as long as the mask is broken, these avatars will die!"

When the four elite johnin heard this, their adrenal hormones surged crazily, and they rushed forward with injuries for injuries and death for death.

What luck is there in Kakudu? At that time, he fused the four Earth Resentment clones two by two, and then blasted out a violent mixed ninjutsu again. While repelling the four elite jounin, he also destroyed the entire commercial street. destroy!

A large amount of dust mixed with mud was flying all over the sky, sweeping past like a sandstorm, blocking all Taki Shinobi's sight.

"Hahaha, Sheyue, I'm here today, I'll be back, hahaha!" Jiaodu's voice sank into the ground and dissipated.

"Damn it!"

Sheyue was shocked, and quickly formed a seal, "Wind escape-big breakthrough!"

The rest of Taki Shinobi also formed their seals and cast wind escape, blowing away all the dust in the air.

But Jiaodu has already escaped into the ground and fled.

Sheyue and the four elite jounin glanced at each other, nodded in unison, and chased and killed at the same time!

Now that he knows Jiaodu's weakness, how can he be polite to him?

If you don't kill him to the bum, you'd be sorry for the hero's water you drank.

At the same time, Sheyue also felt dissatisfied with Fenghuo.

Kakuzu's weakness, since it can be snooped by Taki Shinobi who is going to take the Chunin exam, it means that it is not a big secret, but Uchiha Fuho has never revealed it. For this, Sheyue paid the entire business Street price!


The five chased and killed along the chakra traces left by Jiaodu, crossing mountains and ridges, crossing countless waterfalls, and finally...they chased and lost Jiaodu.

"Damn it!"

"Let him run away, **** it!"

The four elites couldn't hold back their anger.

But Sheyue had already calmed down, and the stern expression on his face gradually relaxed, and said: "Everyone, now that you know the weakness of Jiaodu's avatar, his threat has been reduced by half, I believe he will not come to the village easily in the future Yes, cough cough!"

While speaking, Sheyue coughed twice ~www.readwn.com~ A mouthful of old blood spilled from his lips.

"Master Sheyue!"

"Are you hurt, my lord?"

Sheyue shook her head: "It's okay, let's go back first."

When the group of five returned to Taki Ninja Village, they discovered that Uchiha Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui had returned.

The five of them looked at each other in blank dismay, and their sadness flowed like a river in an instant.

If they had known that Fenghuo and Fenghuo would come back, why would they take the Heroic Water and exchange their lives for ten times the chakra?

Wouldn't it be better to delay until Fenghuo and the two come back?

With a dark face, Sheyue couldn't help it anymore, and immediately asked directly: "Uchiha Fenghuo, Kakuzu's weakness, you should be very clear, why didn't you tell us?!"

Feng Huo looked surprised, and said: "Ah, yes, I discovered Jiaodu's weakness, and later I let people spread it on the black market. Why, you don't know?"

"I..." Sheyue was discouraged for a while, she couldn't express her suffering, she couldn't let go of her anger, she was wronged!

Uchiha Shisui had a very good attitude, and apologized when he came up: "Master Sheyue, I am very sorry, we did not think carefully about this matter. Since the weakness of Kakuzu was spread through the black market, we have not paid much attention to it, so we don't care about it. I don’t know that you haven’t received relevant information yet.”

Having said that, what else can Sheyue say? Say they don't hear anything outside the window, and only accept heroic water?

Sheyue said a few words with a dark face, and ran directly to deal with the aftermath.

Fenghuo and Uchiha Shisui have already learned about what just happened in Takinobu Village. Four or five Takinobu were killed, as well as seven or eight civilians. The worst thing is that the most prosperous commercial street in Takinobu Village was also destroyed by Kadotsu. up!

In such a miserable situation, Feng Huo couldn't bear to stay in Taki Ninja Village, so he felt that he took Uchiha Shisui to the sacred tree and felt the natural energy.

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