Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 454: 1 blood

Feng Huo was wearing a large raincoat with a hood, and walked with his head down. The lenses of his glasses were full of water droplets, which seriously affected his vision.

But fortunately, it does not affect his use of the chakra perception technique. Under the perception, within a radius of five kilometers, no chakra fluctuations have been found so far.

"Hey, let's find a place to shelter from the rain, my goods are almost soaked by the rain!" He Jing shouted from the carriage.

Qiu Dao Ding Peng said dissatisfied: "Didn't you say you are in a hurry!"

"If we keep going like this, my goods will be completely soaked before they reach the River Country!" Kawai said urgently, "Damn it, the weather in this country is really annoying!"

What else can Iruka and others do if the employer speaks?

"I'll go and find a place to shelter from the rain," Sato said.

"be careful!"

"I know."

Sato tiptoed, quickly rushed into the rain, and gradually disappeared from everyone's sight.

Feng Huo shook his head with emotion: "I knew this earlier, so why bother?"

Iluka also said: "Yes, if you walk from the border of the Fire Nation, although it will be farther, but because of the weather, you may be able to go faster."

Hejing snorted displeasedly and said, "Just taking shelter from the rain temporarily, we will set off immediately when the rain calms down!"

Not long after, Sato found a few huge rocks and hurried back to inform everyone to go to shelter from the rain.

The boulder is huge, as high as a two-story building, but the space below it is not that big. When three carriages drove in, it was a bit crowded.

He Jing squeezed into the innermost place and said, "I can tell you, as soon as the rain subsides, we will set off immediately, and my shipment cannot be delayed any longer."

"Understood, long-winded." Qiu Dao Ding Peng was still very dissatisfied with him, but it was the first time he came out on a mission, and he still controlled his temper well.

Hei kept his mouth shut.

But it seemed that even God couldn't get along with this small businessman, Hejing. The heavy rain started to rain endlessly, with no intention of stopping at all.

Kawai is that anxious.

"I knew it was like this, I..." He tugged at his raincoat, blue thin mushroom.

Seeing his appearance, even Qiu Dao Ding Peng couldn't bear it, so he comforted him a few words.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sound of messy footsteps from far to near.

"No, it's a ninja!" Iruka subconsciously took out Kunai.

Akidao Dingpeng and Sato were startled, and hurriedly stood on both sides of Iruka, forming a triangle to protect Hejing and the three carriages behind him.

Feng Huo silently stood aside, in the rain, his figure seemed to melt into the giant rock, watching everything indifferently.

Soon, two wandering ninjas rushed over in the rain. Their hair and clothes were tightly attached to their bodies under the heavy rain. They could vaguely see the strong muscles under the clothes. Although they were embarrassed, they were full of momentum.

"It turned out to be a few brats, hey!"

The two wandering ninjas looked at Iruka and the others with a sneer.

"Get lost, we want this place!"

"Who are you?" Iruka asked nervously, "Do you want to rob?"

"Pfft, hahaha, so I'm a novice, haha!"

"Huh? Look at their forehead protectors!"

"Interesting, it turned out to be Konoha's ninja!"

The two wandering ninjas looked at each other, both a little excited and a little wary.

Konoha is the largest hidden village in the ninja world, and is a well-known 'local tyrant', who must carry a lot of knives!

It is rare to meet these three weak-looking little ghosts. It would be a pity to give up, but the opponent is Konoha's ninja after all, and it will be bad if they have any cards.

During the confrontation, the atmosphere in the arena became more and more tense.

He Jing was terrified and desperately hid behind the carriage.


In the thick dark clouds, a bright lightning flashed across the sky in an instant.

At the same time, the two wandering ninjas shot almost at the same time.

The wandering ninja on the left shot dozens of shurikens, drew a strange arc in the air, and shot at the three of them.

The wandering ninja on the right performed ninjutsu with seals: "Water Escape-Water Whip!"

A finger-thick water whip quickly formed in the rain, biting the strongest Iruka like a poisonous snake!

"Fire escape - the art of fireball!"

When Iruka saw the other party using Water Dungeon, he subconsciously used Fire Dungeon, but the next moment he realized his mistake.

In thundercloud weather and the outside is humid, the power of the Fire Dungeon cast at this time will definitely drop a lot. On the contrary, the power of the Water Dungeon will be slightly increased. In this case, how can his fireball stop the opponent's water whip?


Sure enough, the water whip blasted the fireball in an instant, and it was drawn towards Iruka unabated.

On the other hand, Akimichi Dingbo and Sato were in a hurry to wave Kunai to resist the shuriken thrown by the opponent, and they had no time to reinforce Iruka.


The water whip struck Iruka's left arm fiercely, a bloodstain overflowed instantly, and at the same time, the huge force also pulled Iruka onto the rock.

"Damn it!" Iruka stood up in embarrassment, his body was covered with muddy water, he quickly formed seals, and also used the water whip, and whipped it fiercely.

"Your fighting skills are really too weak!" The wandering ninja sneered, and was whipped by Iluka's water whip!

But before Iruka had time to be happy, the opponent had already turned into a stream of water and fell to the ground~www.readwn.com~The next moment, an arm suddenly sprang out from the rock wall behind Iruka, turned into a palm knife and slashed neatly On Iruka's temple.



The palm knife hit him accurately, but the touch felt extremely hard, as if hitting a piece of wood.

"So that's the case, substitute technique?"

The wandering ninja sneered, and emerged from the rock, but directly attacked Qiudao Dingpeng and Sato who were suppressed by another wandering ninja.

When Iruka saw it, he became anxious immediately, and hurriedly jumped off the top of the rock, and at the same time sprinkled a piece of kunai.

The wandering ninja smiled contemptuously, instead of retreating, he rushed forward, and the kunai in his left and right hands accurately knocked the kunai flying away. When he was close to the jumping Iruka, his hands stabbed at Iruka like a butterfly.

Seeing that Iruka was about to be stabbed by Kunai, at the critical moment, Iruka stared at his feet and stomped **** the rock wall, turning into a black shadow and crashing into the arms of the wandering ninja , and at the same time handed out kunai with both hands, and directly pierced into the opponent's abdomen!

A sweet fishy smell hits the nostrils instantly!

With a roar, Iruka pulled out Kunai and then stabbed fiercely. When he landed, the wandering ninja was already dead.

The first time he killed someone, Iruka panted heavily, feeling a little dazed.

"What? Damn, **** Konoha brat!"

Another wandering ninja saw the death of his companion, and became murderous, turned around and killed Iruka who was distracted.

Akimichi Dingpeng and Sato hurriedly entangled from left to right, calling out to Iruka at the same time.

Iruka woke up like a dream, under the heavy rain, he clenched the kunai in his hand, a stern look flashed in his eyes, and rushed up with a roar.

I received a lot of rewards this month, I got rich and I got rich

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