Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 455: Encounter the Red Sand Scorpion

Under the heavy rain, Iruka, Akido Dingpeng, Sato and the last wandering ninja are struggling to fight. Hejing and the few servants he hired are shivering under the rocks, while Fenghuo is standing by the side Coldly... rubbing the mirror.

The rain was too heavy, and the rain kept splashing on the glasses, which annoyed him.

As for the battle ahead, Fenghuo didn't care.

These two wandering ninjas are weak chickens. If they can't even deal with them, it's better to give up this mission as soon as possible.

"Water escape-water chaos!"

At the moment of the fierce battle, Iruka spouted a mouthful of salt soda, and directly rushed the wandering ninja five or six meters away. Qiudao Dingpeng seized the opportunity and used the secret technique of the Qiudao clan.

"Partial doubling technique!"

He punched it, and the fist turned into the size of a casserole in the air, and directly hit the wandering ninja's chest, which was not stable on his feet, smashing him into the air brutally.

Not far away, Sato's hands and fingers were already full of shurikens, and seeing the situation, he immediately threw all the shurikens.

"Success!" Qiudao Ding Pengxi said.

During World War Three, although he was in the logistics force to deliver supplies to the front line, he had never participated in a battle, so today's battle was the first real battle for him.

Iruka stepped forward cautiously, and finally heaved a sigh of relief after confirming that the other party was dead.

Qiudao Dingpeng looked around, and soon spotted Fenghuo who was standing on the sidelines watching the play, rushed over happily, and shouted: "Brother, how is my performance?"

"Call me teacher." Feng Huo wiped his lenses desperately, but just after he finished cleaning them, he was soaked by the rain again after a while, and became irritable.

"Great, you are worthy of Konoha's elite!" Seeing that the enemy was defeated by the Konoha ninja, Kawai immediately relaxed, but seeing the heavy rain outside, he couldn't help but sink again. If the rain continues like this, his The goods can't be delivered to the country of the river at all, and I'm irritated.

"Teacher, what should we do with their bodies?" Iruka suddenly ran over.

Feng Huo said: "It's just two wandering ninjas, just find a place to bury them."


Iruka beckoned to Akimichi Thobo and Sato, dragged the two bodies to the other side of the rock, and dug two holes to bury them.

After that, they built a fire under the rocks to cook, and it took a whole night before the rain in the sky finally eased.

He Jing impatiently urged everyone to hurry up, his heart dripping with blood.

After the battle last night, the three of Iruka's confidence has greatly increased, and they walk vigorously, especially Qiu Dao Dingpeng, whose fat body is like waves as he walks, almost floating .

Feeling Fenghuo's fiery gaze, Qiudao Dingpeng said shyly, "Brother, don't look at me like this. As long as you eat more, you can have a good figure like me."

What the hell?

Feng Huo looked confused, do you have any misunderstanding about a good figure?

"Teacher, there is a village ahead!"

Sato, who was exploring the way ahead, suddenly ran back, with a bit of horror in his eyes, "But, it seems that everyone in the village is dead."

"What?" Iruka was shocked.

"Are you here for us?" Qiu Dao Ding Peng possessed a playful spirit, "Damn it, did you really get revenge because you killed someone last night?"

Feng Huo really wanted to despise him by saying 'you think too much'.

Just one middle ninja and two lower ninjas, the whole world really revolves around you, who did you learn your shameless personality from?

Feng Huo asked himself: Absolutely did not learn from me.

Strange, my conscience hurts a bit.

Next to him, Hejing yelled: "You don't want to take a detour, do you? If you delay any longer, I will lose all my goods! Isn't it just that a village has died? This is the land of rain. What's so strange about it? !"

"This..." Iruka looked at Fenghuo, "Teacher, what should we do?"

After the battle last night, he didn't dare to take it lightly anymore. If he was not careful, he would really die.

Feng Huo continued to look up at the sky, then he silently lowered his head, took off his glasses, and carefully cleaned the lenses.

The **** weather!

Just as Iruka was wondering whether to take a detour or go straight ahead, two figures slowly walked towards them.

"Who is it?" Iruka nervously took out Kunai.

Akidao Dingpeng and Sato also stood beside him, looking ahead vigilantly.

But the two people I saw came, one was Bai Saonian, who was about the same age as them, wearing round-frame glasses, and the other was wearing a straw hat and a black coat embroidered with blood-colored red clouds, hunched like an old man. Walk slowly with your back on your back.

Feng Huo put on his glasses again, his eyes narrowed slowly.

'The red sand scorpion... the pharmacist's pocket? '

At the same time, Yao Shidou on the opposite side also saw Fenghuo, but his spy career for several years had already made his acting skills perfect, and from the outside, he couldn't find the slightest disturbance in him.

Even Feng Huo has the feeling that the other party has forgotten him.

"Hehehehe..." The voice of the red sand scorpion came from the crimson liuhu. It was hoarse and thick, with a sinister taste, "Why did Konoha's ninja appear here?"

His gaze skipped over Iruka and the others without stopping at all. Finally, he saw Fenghuo, and his eyes suddenly shone brightly: "It's you, Uchiha... Fenghuo!!"

Pharmacist frowned, but remained calm.

Feng Huo smiled and said, "Who are you?"

"Hahaha, we have met before, but don't worry about it! Hahahaha, today's luck is really good, although the village didn't get any useful material just now, but meeting you~www.readwn.com~everything is worth it Already!"

The red sand scorpion was shocked, and a steel-like tail came out from behind his buttocks violently, turning into an afterimage and shooting at the three of Iruka in an instant.

The enemy must be saved!

Feng Huo sneered, and put his hands together: "The technique of shadow clone!"

Twenty shadow clones immediately bullied them.

"Wind escape-helix pill!"

"Fire escape-helix pill!"

"Thunder Dungeon - Helix Pill!"

"Wind escape - big breakthrough!"

"Thunder Tunnel - Pseudo-Darkness!"

"Fire Escape - Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

The berserk attack was like a turbulent wave, with one wave rising after another, frantically flocking towards the Red Sand Scorpion.

"As expected of the famous Uchiha seal fire in the ninja world, hahahaha!"

Amid wild laughter, the Red Sand Scorpion curled up its tail, and at the same time took out a scroll at a very fast speed, summoning the human puppet sealed inside - Sandai Kazekage!

"Sand Iron Defense!"

Hoo hoo...

Endless sand and iron gathered from all directions, enveloping the red sand scorpion and Medicine Master Dou, turning them into a huge sand ball with absolute defense.


In the next moment, the attacks of the twenty shadow clones came down like a thunderstorm!

Under the terrifying ninjutsu attack, the sand ball burst like a blister, but in the next moment, countless sand and iron gathered to plug the loopholes and block all the aftermath of ninjutsu outside.

I have a dream and everyone votes for me.

I have a dream that everyone chooses to subscribe.

I have a dream, and everyone rewards me.

I have a…

Hey, why did you wake up?

Keep sleeping!

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