Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 456: Scorpion of the Red Sand

Behind Fenghuo, Iruka, Akidou Dingpeng, and Sato looked at Fenghuo who showed great power, with strong admiration in their eyes.

Those ninjutsu exuding terrifying fluctuations pierced their hearts like sharp arrows, stopping their blood from flowing.

"Amazing!!" Qiu Dao Ding Peng's teeth chattered with excitement.

"As expected of a teacher, he's so powerful!" Iruka's eyes glowed with envy.

Sato was already on his knees: "Such a powerful ninjutsu, even a jonin can't handle it?"

As for He Jing and the servants he hired, they were already paralyzed on the ground. The ninjutsu performed by Fenghuo's shadow clone was simply a natural disaster for them!

"It's so powerful, he's so powerful..." Hejing swallowed desperately, his legs trembling, recalling the little things they had gotten along with before, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, "It's a good thing I didn't offend him, or it would be over .”

Standing behind the twenty shadow clones, Feng Huo's main body frowned and thought for a while, if he fought the Red Sand Scorpion to the death at this time, it would only be Medicine Master who was in trouble.

He calmly took off his eyes, wiped off the rain on the lenses, then turned his head and said to Iruka and the others: "Let's go, get out of here as soon as possible."

"Eh?" Qiu Dao Ding Peng was taken aback, and said, "Boss, what about them? Why don't you defeat them?"

Feng Huo said: "Call me teacher."

Qiu Dao Ding Peng said aggrievedly: "Teacher."

"My shadow clone will hold them back." Feng Huo said with satisfaction, "As for the others, you won't understand even if I tell you."

After Feng Huo spoke, He Jing didn't dare to refute, he hurriedly yelled at the servant to drive the carriage, and quickly moved away.

Qiudao Dingpeng was a little unhappy, he still wanted to watch Fenghuo show off his might and defeat a powerful enemy.

When Feng Huo led them away, his twenty shadow clones were still outputting crazily.

The powerful ninjutsu blasted into the sand ball crazily like money, and the terrifying fluctuations spread in all directions like ripples. Before the falling raindrops approached, they were directly shaken by the ripples into finer sprays, scattered all over the sky.

At this moment, the constantly fluctuating sand ball suddenly vibrated violently.

"Magnetic Escape-Sand Iron Shiyu!!"


The huge sand ball turned into countless flying stone-like sharp sand and iron in an instant, overwhelming the twenty shadow clones ahead!

"Tudun - Earthflow wall!"

Twenty shadow clones formed seals at the same time, and slapped the ground with a slap.

In an instant, huge high walls rose up one after another, and turned into a thick 'city wall' that was 100 meters long and 20 meters wide in an instant!

ding ding...

Countless sand and iron bombarded the 'city wall', smashing small pits under the rain curtain, and fine cracks gradually appeared between the small pits, and the fine cracks gradually merged and turned into huge gaps. A lot of sand and iron bombarded down, and this thick city wall quickly fell apart.

In the next moment, black sand and iron came crushing with a bang.

The twenty shadow clones immediately dispersed with a blast.


The red sand scorpion danced with ten fingers, and by manipulating the three generations of Kazekage, turned the sand and iron into twenty strands, chasing after him.

"Water Escape - The Art of Great Waterfall!"

The Huameinan No. 1 shadow clone formed seals with both hands, and quickly used a huge waterspout towards the location of the red sand scorpion.

Under the rain curtain, the waterspout swept past and involved countless raindrops, with a majestic momentum, like the Milky Way falling, unstoppable!

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion frowned, but had no choice but to summon Sand Iron, which turned into a slanted iron wall to block in front of him.


The huge water flow rushed down, directly pressing the iron wall out of a huge notch.

At the same time, the other nineteen shadow clones also made their own moves, either resisting the sand and iron chasing behind, or directly bombarding the red sand scorpion.

Under the heavy rain, sparks flew everywhere in an instant, the hurricane raged, and the earth cracked like an earthquake.

Pharmacist backed away again and again, dodging the waves of terror, with a strong strange light in his eyes.

‘It’s just that the shadow clone is so powerful. '

Fenghuo was famous in the ninja world at the Battle of Kikyo Mountain, and he was also sent to Konoha after the Battle of Kikyo Mountain and became a prisoner. The technique of condensing.

I didn't expect to meet him after being displaced.

Destiny is amazing.

The pharmacist showed a wry smile.

At the same time, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion could hardly bear it anymore.

He controls the Three Generations of Kazekage with one hand and Fei Liuhu with the other, but in the face of twenty shadow clones, he is quickly stretched and dangerous.

"Damn it!"

The red sand scorpion was quite annoyed, Uchiha had already forced him into a mess before he could even seal the fire, which made the arrogant scorpion unbearable.


A huge lightning spiral pill exploded in the rain, and the hurricane roared, blowing countless sand and iron to the east and west, while the densely packed fine thunder light rushed towards the red sand scorpion like an electric snake along the rain.


A huge gap suddenly opened in Fei Liuhu's stomach, and the handsome red-haired young man fled directly into the ground.

In the next moment, the thunder light filled the air and exploded crazily on Fei Liuhu's body. The red cloud coat on the black background was instantly shattered, revealing the body of Fei Liuhu inside.

"Scorpion of Red Sand, you are still far behind!"

The flowery boy No. 1 shadow clone sneered, and then untied the shadow clone, which turned into smoke and dissipated.

The other nineteen shadow clones also turned into smoke and dissipated on the spot.

"Damn Uchiha Fenghuo, I will never let you go!" The red sand scorpion came out from the ground, and the rain drenched his red hair into a little red snake, writhing ferociously~www.readwn. com~ The pharmacist felt a warm feeling in his pocket, and realized something.

‘If it wasn’t for me, I’m afraid the Scarlet Sand Scorpion would have died. '

Although there is no evidence and it is difficult to prove it, Yao Shidou is inexplicably confident.

"What are you still standing there for? Don't leave!" The Scarlet Sand Scorpion stared coldly at Medicine Master's pocket.

"Yes!" Pharmacist replied respectfully.

The shadow clone dissipated, and Fenghuo's main body also received the memory of the battle. His brain was confused for a moment, but he recovered quickly.

‘Dou, don’t let me down. '

"Teacher, is the battle over?" Iruka has been paying attention to Fenghuo's expression, and seeing him smiling, he couldn't help asking.

Feng Huo nodded: "It's over, don't worry, they won't catch up."

"Brother, uh, the teacher is indeed the strongest!" Qiu Dao Ding Peng patted his belly and laughed, extremely proud.

"Stop flattering, the teacher is not happy at all, hahahaha..."

The corners of Iruka's three mouths twitched: You are clearly so happy that you are about to float!

With great difficulty, Feng Huo suppressed his laughter, regained his teacher's unique solemn expression, and said, "Although the Red Sand Scorpion has been defeated, the water in the Land of Rain is very deep. We must speed up!"

Feng Huo knew who was behind the Scarlet Sand Scorpion, so he didn't dare to be careless.

He thought that letting go of the red sand scorpion might lead Nagato out, but he calculated that when Nagato received the information from here, the group of them would have almost arrived in the country of the river. The border of the kingdom of fire is back to the country of fire, so even if Nagato wants to move, he will not be able to catch up.

So, next, whether it is heavy rain or light rain, you must hurry on the road as fast as possible!

Send warmth slightly.

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