Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 457: Learn more about the commission of the task

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Rain Country Dawn Headquarters.

Through Jue's information transmission, Nagato and Konan soon received the information that Uchiha sealed the fire and defeated the Red Sand Scorpion.

"Uchiha seals the fire..." Nagato sat in a wheelchair, his thin body was skinny and skinny.

Xiao Nan snorted coldly, "This guy actually came to the Land of Rain."

Mentioning this name made Xiao Nan feel quite complicated.

Before the Third World War broke out, Uchiha Fenghuo warned her that one mountain cannot contain two tigers, that there must be a war between Akatsuki and Sansho Hanzo, but she scoffed and didn't believe it at all, until...until Yahiko died before her eyes .

If he could have listened to his words back then, perhaps Yahiko would not have died...

Every time I think of this, Xiao Nan is full of regret.

So much so that every time she heard Fenghuo's name, her mood would fluctuate.

Nagato seemed to feel Xiaonan's remorse, and said indifferently: "This person will make you sad forever, let me kill him."

Xiao Nan was startled, then shook his head: "No, let him live, so that I can always remind myself... I must never be as naive as before!"

Nagato sighed and said no more.

After successfully passing through the Land of Rain and sending Kawai to the Land of Rivers, Iruka's team of three finally completed the mission!

"Lord Fenghuo, you three, thank you very much. This is the proof of the completion of the mission. This time I really caused you trouble."

Hejing has been playing the role of hellokitty ever since he saw Fenghuo showing off his power. Although it looks disgusting, there is an inexplicable pleasure in being disgusting and disgusting.

Feng Huo felt that he was going to pervert.

Iruka took the voucher excitedly, said a few words modestly, and then left.

"Teacher, have we completed this mission?" Iruka asked worriedly, he was afraid that their mission completion would be affected by the battle of the Red Sand Scorpion.

After all, if they hadn't sealed the fire, they would have died by then.

Feng Huo put on the appearance of a teacher, and said in a dignified manner: "Well, it's barely finished."

"Great!" Qiudao Dingpeng jumped up. After completing this task, he can get five thousand taels, how many fried chicken legs he can buy, and how much meat he can grow. Happy!


As the saying goes, since ancient times, affection cannot be retained, only routines can deceive people's hearts. Isn't the essence of poisonous chicken soup just to dig a hole for you and bury you in the future?

Feng Huo Zhengyi said awe-inspiringly: "Because I made a move in this mission, so, this is a commission, haha, you understand."

Qiudao Dingpeng suddenly felt that all the chicken feathers had been stripped off his body, and his whole body was not well.

Iruka and Sato can see it openly.

Several people asked Fenghuo about the Red Sand Scorpion, and they all showed horror when they learned that the other party was actually an S-rank rebel from Shayin Village.

"Isn't that the same level of rebellious ninja as Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas?" Qiudao Dingpeng asked.

The news of Orochimaru's defection has already spread throughout Konoha, even children know about it.

Feng Huo nodded and said: "Although they are all S-level rebels, they have different strengths. If there is a comparison, Orochimaru is stronger than the Red Sand Scorpion. At least his ability to escape and save his life is much, much stronger."

Feng Huo remembered the software regeneration of Orochimaru, the reincarnation of immortality, only one head and two big, and as time went by, the more forbidden techniques mastered by Orochimaru, the harder it was to kill.

The few people chatted while hurrying, and soon came to the border of the country of rivers, and then returned to Konoha like the country of fire.

When delivering the task, Feng Huo kept his word and took 70% of the reward, feeling very happy.

Qiu Dao Ding Peng beat the eggplant like frost, all the fat was hanging down listlessly, like fat pork hanging on a clothes hanger.

Helpless, in order to boost their morale, Feng Huo had no choice but to bleed back, and treated them to a meal of chicken drumsticks as a reward.

After that, the ordeal began again.

Naruto lived in Yuhihong's house for a few days, and he was not used to it, and he didn't like it.

Because Kurenai Yuhi had to spare time to visit Kurama Yakumo, and she had to practice herself, she didn't have much time to spend with Naruto.

Naruto went out to find his friends by himself, but all he got was blank stares, which made him discouraged and wronged, and secretly vowed to take revenge on the society when the blind uncle came back!

Back at Fenghuo's mansion, Naruto really did what he said, running all over the yard screaming and pestering Fenghuo all day long, painting everywhere, never resting for a moment.

Feng Huo patiently and earnestly accompanied him for one day, and resolutely used the shadow clone to fool him the next day, otherwise he would really collapse.

Afterwards, Feng Huo went to work in Anbu, and first checked the work of the Supervision Department. The atmosphere in the Uchiha clan seemed to be more and more contrary to this village, as if the coup was not far away, and Danzo was still cunning and cunning, hiding more than a turtle Deep, without revealing a single flaw!

As for Orochimaru, he is also in the 'missing' state, and the members of the three groups can't find him at all.

Then Fenghuo went to visit with Sakumo Hatake and finally let him catch Kakashi, who was so scolded by Sakumo Hatake last time that he despised him severely.

Kakashi's left eye has been turned out of his eyes, and he looked contemptuously: "I knew you betrayed me, bastard, you have completely forgotten the ninja rules!"

"Bah, shameless, who told you to speak ill of me behind my back first." Feng Huo argued hard.

"Is there such a thing?" Kakashi slowly looked up at the sky: "The weather is good today, very suitable for thinking about life."

With that said, he turned around and just left.

"Next time, let's see how I can deal with you." Feng Huo threatened fiercely.

Afterwards, he went to see Yuhi Hongnang for a long time~www.readwn.com~ and then went to visit Kurama Yakumo, and at the same time promised again that he would cure her body in the future, after that, he went to find Obito.

Obito's right half of his body has been completely stabilized after being implanted with the cells of the Senju clan, no different from others.

Because of this, Obito began to train desperately after his body recovered, trying to catch up with Fenghuo and Kakashi, but as a person, he achieved the title of "helping hundreds of old ladies cross the road" An outstanding young man, he always goes out to the street unconsciously while training, and then helps an old woman to cross the road desperately, that kind of pleasure makes him immerse himself in it!

When Feng Huo found him through the Chakra perception technique, this guy decisively helped an old woman cross the road, and even took out some change and stuffed it in her trouser pocket when she was done. The old woman was so moved that she wanted to cross the road again, no, twice... Three times or so!

"Block the fire, you!"

Obito watched the old grandma leave reluctantly, only to find Fenghuo who was standing not far away, and ran over, "It's been a long time!"

Coming up is a big hug, face to face, chest to chest, lower body to lower body!

Feng Huo couldn't stand the grievance, so he pushed him away: "I only hug girls, stay away from me."

"Haha, you are still the same as before." Obito sighed, "I really want to go back to the past."

Feng Huo's heart skipped a beat: "Did Uchiha Fugaku come looking for you?"

Obito shook his head and said: "How could Master Fuyue come to me, I am just a waste who opened Dan Gouyu Sharingan."

Calculating carefully, it has been many years since Obito opened his eyes, but after so many years, Sharingan has made no progress, how could he not be disappointed?

And the dream of Hokage when I was a child was slowly shattered with the passage of time.

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