Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 458: Set up Nibitu

Seeing Obito's lost and discouraged appearance, Feng Huo felt very uncomfortable.

If it weren't for him, Obito would have followed the old path of the original book, transformed himself into Uchiha Madara, and traversed the world with a kaleidoscope, what a sight!

Uh, thinking about it this way, is it pretending to be disgusting?

Feng Huo touched his nose and shook his head, laughing, but a certain thought from before suddenly became stronger again.

If you want to evolve Sharingan into a kaleidoscope, as long as it is exciting enough, you can achieve continuous jumps, especially as it has been confirmed on Obito in the original book.

Therefore, as long as Lin and Kakashi play a scene, or directly use illusion to hypnotize Obito and let him experience the scene where Kakashi kills Lin in the original book, it is very likely to help Obito evolve into a kaleidoscope.

However, Feng Huo used to use illusion to stimulate himself, let his Sharingan evolve from single-gou jade to double-gou jade, and then to three-gou jade. Although this is an extremely fast shortcut, the sequelae are also very large. At that time, he almost fell into the illusion and couldn't wake up!

If it evolved into a kaleidoscope, the strong mental stimulation, I'm afraid...

Therefore, acting is more reliable.

Anyway, Obito now only has a Shan Gouyu's Sharingan, and his perception skills are average, and the distance is a little farther away, so he can use the shadow clone to fool him.

Obito standing beside him didn't know why, but suddenly a chill came from his back, and he felt a deep malice emanating from Feng Huo.

"Block the fire, bastard, what the **** are you planning!" Obito jumped aside and said vigilantly.

"Obito, what are you talking about? How could I have set your mind on you? Who do you think I am?" Feng Huo said angrily, "Or, that's the kind of person I am in your heart!"

Obito was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "Well, no, I didn't mean that, just, just, feeling you..."

Obito that tangled ah.

Feng Huo sighed: "Don't say anything, I want to be alone quietly, don't ask me who is Jingjing?"

Obito was at a loss as he watched the actor Fenghuo leave with a dejected expression on his face, feeling inexplicably as if he had done something heinous.

What should I do if I do something bad? Of course it is to do more good deeds to make up for it!

Obito saw the old lady who had been sent away before reappeared in front of him, as if I was about to cross the road, Obito's body couldn't help but rushed over to support her: "Grandma, let me help you."

"Hey, what a good boy, ha ha." The old woman smiled openly.

After leaving Obito, Fenghuo immediately went to Kakashi and told him his plan. Of course, he only said that he had evolved to Sangouyu, and he didn't dare to talk about the kaleidoscope.

Kakashi was noncommittal: "Fenghuo, you are so stimulating Obito, do you really want to help him evolve Sharingan? Why do I think you just want to punish him."

"So that's the kind of person I am in your heart!" Feng Huo said angrily.

"Well, almost." Kakashi said heartlessly, and stretched out a paw to scratch the silver-white hair that was rippling in the breeze, so coquettish.

Feng Huo said in his heart: Sure enough, Kakashi's conscience has been greatly broken.

"Anyway, it's settled."

As he said that, before Kakashi could refute, Feng Huo went to find Lin again, Lin was very talkative, and when he heard that he was acting for Obito, which stimulated him to evolve into Sharingan, he agreed without thinking.

So the next day, the show opened.

Lin followed the script to find Obito to do the task.

When Obito heard that he and Lin were going to go outside to do a mission, they stayed together and flew together, did their mentality explode in an instant?

"Lin, is it really the two of us? Isn't that idiot named Kakashi?" Obito blushed and became very excited.

Lin gave a wry smile and said, "Ah, it's just the two of us."

"Great!" Obito roared, and hurriedly said, "Lin, let's go to pick up the mission and leave right away!"

He didn't want Kakashi to intervene halfway and ruin his 'date' with Lin.

After receiving the task, Obito and Lin hurriedly left the village.

Soon, Fenghuo and Kakashi quietly followed.

"Feng Huo, can this really be successful?" Kakashi scratched his head, a little displeased, after all...the indescribable manga has been serialized and updated, and he said he hasn't finished it yet.

Feng Huo snorted and said seductively: "Kakashi, your Sharingan and Obito's eyes are a pair. If his Sharingan evolves, your Sharingan will definitely evolve simultaneously!"

"That's it." Kakashi touched his left eye. The Sangodama's Sharingan will definitely improve his strength greatly, but the Sangoudama's Sharingan that cannot be closed must also consume a lot of Chakra. Over Dan Gouyu.

Therefore, the evolution of Sharingan to Sangouyu, for him, has both advantages and disadvantages.

But he thought of Obito again, sighed silently, and thought to forget it, just treat it as helping Obito.

"When do we do it?" Kakashi asked.

Feng Huo glared at him: "Didn't I tell you the plan yesterday!"

Kakashi shrugged confidently: "I was thinking about life at the time, so I didn't listen carefully."

"I..." A sip of salt soda won't kill you!

Feng Huo resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and gritted his teeth: "In order to prevent Obito from arousing suspicion, we have to wait for their mission to be completed ~www.readwn.com~ on the way back."

"Ah, I see." Kakashi said as he took out a brand new, indescribable manga that had just been torn off the cover, and read it with relish. After a while, his right eye was already narrowed. The thin crescent moon slit.

Looking at it from the perspective of Fenghuo, it is particularly wretched, obscene and shameless.

He sneaked half a body behind Kakashi, his eyes flicked.

Kakashi seemed to be aware of it, and turned half of his body silently, blocking Fenghuo's sight with his body.

"Kakashi, you can easily be beaten by your father like this, you know?" Fenghuo threatened.

Kakashi turned his body back calmly.

Feng Huo hurriedly cast his eyes over it, and looked at it with joy.

At this time, Obito is also sticking to Lin's side, telling cold jokes, and asking for warmth, caring like a spare tire for thousands of years.

As she grew older, Lin could already feel Obito's strong courtship information, which made her quite uncomfortable. After all, she had a stronger affection for Kakashi than Obito, so facing Obito's Being attentive, she inexplicably felt a sense of guilt and guilt, which made her subconsciously want to escape from Obito, but remembering the arduous 'task' she was shouldering, she still persevered calmly.

The task the two accepted was a simple **** task, which was successfully completed in just a few days.

Obito was a little dissatisfied. The mission went too smoothly, which meant that they had to go back immediately.

I can't bear it.

Obito walked behind Lin listlessly, wondering if he should confess his love?

But if Lin refuses, will he not even have to be friends in the future?

So tangled.

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