Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 459: 3 magatama!

Just as Obito was struggling, there was a suspicious rustling sound from the left side.

Lin's eyes lit up, she rushed over without looking back, and shouted at the same time: "Obito, I'll go over and check, you wait here for me!"

Obito was startled, and shouted, "Lin, be careful!"

In the dense forest, towering trees can be seen everywhere. The dense branches and leaves are entangled in the air like spider webs, blocking most of the sunlight in the sky, and only fragmentary sunlight falls. In the air, a smell of muddy green grass slowly permeates , bringing an ominous breath.

Obito waited for a while, but he didn't see Lin coming back, and felt a little anxious.

He hesitated for a while, and decided to look for Lin. His right eye slowly rotated and turned into a Shan Gouyu sharing sharing eye. Then he closed his left eye, jumped onto a tree easily, and walked along the road where Lin left. direction to chase.

The more he chased, the more ominous he felt.

This forest is huge, and there are rivers running through it, so there are many insects, snakes, birds and beasts. He and Lin came together before, saw beetles, heard birdsong, and even wild beasts attacked them, but at this time, he saw There was not a single insect, not a single bird song, and even the wind seemed to be still.

The huge forest is as silent as **** at the moment, even the fragmented sunlight that falls from the lush branches and leaves seems to have no temperature.

Obito stopped on the branch of a giant tree, slowly took out a handful of kunai, and the Shan Gouyu Sharingan in the right eye kept wandering around, but no matter what, he couldn't detect the slightest abnormality.

"Damn it, what happened? Where is Lin?"

Obito scolded himself for being careless, how could he let Lin act alone?

If Lin had an accident...

Obito gritted his teeth, feeling like he was about to lose control.

At this moment, Sharingan suddenly noticed a fleeting figure in front of him. He seemed to grasp the last straw and chased after him.

"That is…"

Under the dynamic vision of Shan Gouyu's Sharingan, he felt that the figure in front of him was somewhat familiar, especially the long silver-white hair...


Why is he here?

Did Lin go to see him?

Obito chased after him closely while thinking wildly.

Kakashi seemed to sense that someone was following him, so he turned his head slightly.

At this time, Kakashi had already pulled up his forehead, revealing the single Gouyu Sharingan in his left eye.

The eyes of the two intertwined, and Obito immediately confirmed that the other party was Kakashi.

He was about to speak, but he staggered and almost fell off the branch.

"what happened?"

Obito looked up and could only see Kakashi's back.


Obito jumped and ran quickly among the branches again, but for some reason, there was always a strange surge of darkness in his vision, which affected his choice of jumping point, and he almost stepped on the air several times.

In this way, he couldn't catch up with Kakashi even more.

Just when he was desperate, he finally saw Kakashi stop, and Lin's figure finally appeared in his sight.

But before he had time to be happy, he saw a horrifying scene. Kakashi's right hand emitted a dazzling thunder. Accompanied by the melodious chirping of birds, it seemed that even this dense forest was revived.

"No, Kakashi, what are you doing!"

Obito wanted to speed up, but there was more and more weird darkness in his field of vision, seriously affecting his vision, and as a result, his feet stepped on the air and he fell directly.

Obito rolled twice on the ground in embarrassment, he didn't dare to hesitate, jumped up from the ground, and ran forward quickly.

"Kakashi, Kakashi, what are you doing, stop!"


A burst of thunder came from the front, and a large amount of sawdust drifted away in the fragmented sunlight, and a slight smell of blood slowly permeated.

Obito was anxious and kept running, but the darkness came, he couldn't see the ground under his feet, he tripped over a tree root, and fell to the ground fiercely!


Obito got up and continued to run, bypassing several towering giant trees. Finally, he saw Kakashi and Rin confronting each other between two big trees two hundred meters away.

At this time, Kakashi opened his single gouyu to leak, his right hand flashed with lightning, and he stared at Lin indifferently in front of him.

And Lin knelt on one knee, blood seemed to overflow from her chest and abdomen,

"Kakashi, Rin, what are you doing? Don't joke with me?"

Obito was panting heavily, and was about to step forward to stop it, but Kakashi had already launched an offensive again.


chirp chirp chirp...

The violent thunder roared in an instant, like a sharp blade that opened up the world, piercing all the darkness, that dazzling thunder streaked across the air with cruel traces, and directly pierced Lin's heart!

Obito lost strength all over his body, and his forward body rolled awkwardly on the ground once, twice, three times...

But no matter how his body rolled, his gaze was fixed on Kakashi, his Sharingan, and his hand that radiated lightning.


Why did you kill Lin?

Why? ! !

The turbulent and violent emotions exploded crazily in his mind, and strange chakras were quickly generated from his mind, and directly poured into his Shan Gouyu writing wheel eyes.

In an instant, the shape of the Sharingan in his right eye changed.

The single gouyu turned into a double gouyu, then turned into a three gouyu, and then...stopped.


Evolved from a single gouyu to a three-gouyu, Obito's Sharingan eyesight and ability are already excellent, and he instantly noticed the strangeness ahead.

Although Lin's body looks normal, but under the eyes of Sangouyu Shulun, there is nothing to hide.

"That's... the shadow clone?"

The strong mood swings in my mind~www.readwn.com~ subsided slowly.

Obito got up from the ground and looked at the motionless Kakashi and Rin with his eyes open. The atmosphere at the scene became more and more embarrassing.

"Hey, are you done?"

Kakashi turned his head slightly, looking at Fenghuo and Lin who were hiding not far away.

From his point of view, Lei Qie didn't stab Lin's shadow clone at all, otherwise the shadow clone would have exploded long ago.

Feng Huo covered his head, wanting to cry but no tears.

The pants were all taken off, and it turned out...

"Kakashi, your eyes?" Lin exclaimed, looking at Kakashi's left eye in disbelief.

Kakashi was stunned, remembering what he said before sealing the fire, he hurriedly took out a small mirror, flung his long silver-white hair coquettishly, and saw in the mirror, a pair of sharing sharing eyes shining brightly .

"Really...successful?" Kakashi blinked his eyes twice, wondering if Fenghuo was using illusion to fool him.

At this time, Obito ran over with a dark face, and when he saw Fenghuo and Lin who were hiding aside, he immediately realized that he had been dumped!

"Fenghuo Kakashirin, you are going too far!!" Obito's aggrieved eyes turned red.

Kakashi put away the mirror, shrugged, and sold people directly: "Obito, this matter has nothing to do with me, it was Fenghuo who asked me to do this... Eh? Obito, your Sharingan has evolved to Sangoudama ? Why do I only have two hooks in my eyes? Fenghuo, didn’t you say that my eyes would evolve with the evolution of Obito? Why only evolve to double hooks?”

"Fenghuo, what the **** is going on here? Why do you want to do this kind of thing with Kakashi, and Lin, you, you..." Obito wanted to say a few harsh words, but when he saw Lin's guilty face, he immediately I lost my temper at all.

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