Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 460: keep secret

In the dense forest of Jingshi, Fenghuo, Obito, Kakashi, and Lin sat together in a group, having friendly exchanges on what happened before.

After Fenghuo confided his motives vividly and emotionally, and then sincerely apologized, and with Lin beside him looking at Obito pitifully, Obito couldn't get angry no matter how angry he was.

After all, it was enough that Lin was sitting next to him.

"But seal the fire, don't do this kind of thing again in the future, I really..." Obito still had lingering fears when he thought of the previous scene.

If there is no Lin in this world, then what's the point of his life?

If Kakashi really killed Rin, how would he face Kakashi?

Obito thought more and more confused, couldn't help shaking his head to get these messy thoughts out of his mind, and then he was startled suddenly.

"Eh, wait?"

Obito finally remembered his Sharingan belatedly, hurriedly took off the ninja forehead, and with the help of the reflection of the forehead, he saw the three hooked jade in his right eye. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Three Gouyu Sharingan?

This is my Sharingan?

Obito's whole body trembled with excitement.

‘As expected, I am destined to be Hokage! '

With the opening of the Sangou Jade, the dream of his youth burned fiercely in his heart again.

Kakashi had covered his left eye with the forehead protection again, and looked at Fenghuo with the other eye coldly, and hummed, "Hey, give me an explanation, why didn't my Sharingan evolve to the three-god jade? "

Feng Huo explained to Kakashi: "The evolution of Sharingan requires strong emotional stimulation. Obito saw 'Lin' died in your hands, and under the emotional stimulation, he evolved Sharingan to Sangouyu, but you didn't, you Knowing it’s all fake, so there’s not enough emotional stimulation to influence the evolution of Sharingan.”

Speaking of this, Kakashi's forehead turned dark. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"But!" Feng Huo hurriedly turned around, "Your Sharingan and Obito's Sharingan are a pair, so when Obito's Sharingan evolves, your Sharingan will also be affected, and evolve simultaneously. But after all, they are not in the same body, so the degree of evolution has been affected."

Speaking of this, Fenghuo heaved a sigh of relief, probably Yuan came back... right?

However, Feng Huo glanced at Obito and couldn't help but sigh.

His plan is perfect, Kakashi and Lin's shadow clone scene is also full marks, but after all calculations, he never expected that Obito's Sharingan would see through Lin's shadow clone after evolving into Sangoudama, and the result was perfect The evolutionary path collapsed suddenly.

And after this time, it might be impossible for Fenghuo to stimulate Obito in this way in the future.

Because no matter how stupid Obito is, it is impossible to fall twice in the same place. After all, this is not helping the old lady cross the road. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

It's a pity, but things have come to this point, and we can only take one step at a time.

Kakashi didn't bother anymore.

Anyway, the purpose of this trip was to help Obito, and he also successfully evolved the Sharingan from a single hook jade to a double hook jade, um, it consumed a lot more chakra.

It seems that after going back, it will take more time to condense the chakra.

As for Obito, he was already silent in his own three hook jade and couldn't extricate himself.

"It's really Sangouyu Sharingan, I actually evolved to Sangouyu, that's great!"

Well, this guy didn't listen to Feng Huo's explanation at all.

For Obito, Lin is fine, and his Sharingan has evolved to Sangouyu, and after the anger in his heart subsides, the joy gushes out so much that he can't stop it.

Although Fenghuo is unreliable in doing things, it is still very reliable! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Obito thought heartlessly.

"Bring soil, bring soil!" Feng Huo yelled twice before pulling him back from the masturbation.

"What's the matter?" Obito deliberately put on a straight face, to show that he was still somewhat dissatisfied.

"After evolving to Sangouyu, you must pay attention." Feng Huo reminded, "You should know what I'm talking about!"

Obito was startled for a moment, his face couldn't help but become depressed, and said half-paid: "Feng Huo, is the clan really going to break with the village?"

Feng Huo said: "It's not that far yet, but just in case, you must not mix it too much, remember to keep a distance!"

Kakashi snorted, "Just move out, wouldn't it be nice to live with Fenghuo?"

Obito's eyes couldn't help but brighten up.

Since his grandmother passed away and moved to a corner of the village with the Uchiha clan, for him, living in the clan is better than living in Fenghuo's house. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"But, will Patriarch Fuyue agree?"

Obito was a little hesitant. When Fenghuo moved out from the Uchiha clan, there were three generations as backers, but in this situation, will Uchiha Fugaku still give face to the three generations?

If not, this matter may directly detonate the conflict between the two parties.

This is definitely not what the third generation is happy to see.

Kakashi and Fenghuo looked at each other, thinking of this level.

"It seems that we can only play by ear." Kakashi sighed.

"Obito, except for us, no one knows that your Sharingan has evolved to Sangouyu, so as long as you don't spread it, Uchiha Fugaku will not entrust you with any important tasks. Stay away from this vortex." Fenghuo said.

Of course, there is another option, that is to follow Uchiha Itachi's old path~www.readwn.com~ and let Obito become the undercover of the third generation, but this is too dangerous. It is possible to survive, so it is better to let him lurk. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"This, this...can't you really say it?" Obito asked cautiously, and he planned to become famous in Konoha, and then compete with Hokage.

Feng Huo and Kakashi looked at Lin at the same time.

Lin immediately persuaded: "Obito, this matter must be kept secret. We can't control the affairs of the Uchiha clan, but you are our friend. No matter what happens in the future, I don't want to see you get hurt."

Obito's blood was boiling, his eyes were full of tears, and he nodded vigorously: "I see, Lin, I promise you, I will definitely keep the matter of writing sharing eyes a secret!"

After the agreement was made, everyone stopped staying and set off to return to the village.

The country of water, hidden fog village.

The five ninja swords that were seized by Konoha back then were re-channeled back to the village some time ago, and the reputation of the fourth Mizukage Yagura couldn't help but rise again.

But Loquat Shizang and Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost were a little unhappy.

The return of the five ninja swords means that the village will reorganize the seven ninja swords again, which is quite unfavorable for the two old men.

After all, in the battle with Matt Dai, five of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen were directly killed, and the other two also returned in embarrassment. The crowd, the two of them, are likely to be kicked out of the seven people, and then hand over the ninja sword in their hands.

This is absolutely not allowed!

So the two of them worked together and decided to stop this kind of thing from happening.

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