Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 462: Loquat 10 hidden VS no longer chopped

Zaibu chopped a piece of meat into Bai's bowl, and said, "From now on, just use it as my tool and live well!"

Bai looked at the meat in the bowl, the happiness came too suddenly, and he burst into tears instantly, even if it was used as a tool, he was useful after all!

Bai put the meat into his mouth, and secretly vowed in his heart that he must work hard for Zai Buchou, even if it means dying!

At this moment, Bai suddenly discovered that the sunlight above his head was blocked by a figure, casting a lot of shadows.

"So it's you, Pipa Shizang!" Zai Buzhan stood up slowly, staring greedily at the big knife in the opponent's hand, and said with a sneer, "What do you want from me!"

"kill you!"

Loquat Shizang showed a cruel smile, "Don't you really want my big sword? You should be satisfied if you die under this sword!"

"You are not allowed to kill Zabuzhan!" The weak Bai bravely stood up, with his hands open to protect Zabuzhan. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Little devil, get out of here!" Loquat Shizang swung the two-meter broadsword in his hand and slashed fiercely at Bai.

"It's really in the way." With another cursing inwardly, he grabbed Bai's collar and jumped back.

"Want to run?" Loquat Shizang brandished his sword, regardless of whether it was a crowded restaurant, he pushed all the way across and killed him directly.

"It's a ninja, run!"

"These **** ninjas have no law."

The diners did not dare to stay, and rushed out like the wind.

The poor restaurant owner's eyes were choked with tears, it was a disaster.


The Zhan Dao cut huge cracks on the ground, countless dining tables were cut to pieces, and a large number of wood fragments turned into sharp blades, stabbing Zabu Zhan and Bai quickly. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Buzhan's face is gloomy, and with the burden of Bai, he can't let go of his hands and feet at all, and can only defend passively, but he will lose if he defends for a long time. Besides, Buzhan is an offensive ninja, and blindly defending is definitely not his style.

"If you don't behead your lord, let me go." Bai said very consciously, "A burden like me is not worthy of being saved by you."

"Hmph, just stay on the side!" Zabu Zhan threw Bai to the corner, then took out two kunai and charged forward.

"Hahahaha, if you don't cut it again, what are you holding in your hand?" Pipa Shizang laughed exaggeratedly, contemptuously, and swung the big knife in his hand even more vigorously, turning into a blade of light and slashing down. .

Ding Ding!

After a few clear sounds of gold and iron clashing, the bitterness in his hand was cut off by the big knife. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

Not only was he not discouraged, but even more excited.

‘As long as I kill him, the sword will be mine! '

"Water Escape - Fog Concealment Technique!"

Hoo hoo...

A large amount of dense fog enveloped the hotel in an instant. In the dense fog, people with poor sense of direction will be unable to tell the difference between east, west, north, front, back, left, and right.

"Blinking Body Technique - Fog Blinking Body!"

The figure of Zai Bu Zhan flashed like a ghost in the dense fog, and with the dense fog where one's hands could not be seen, it was impossible for ordinary people to spot his figure.

"This is my own homicidal ninjutsu, Loquat Juzo, die!"

Loquat Shizang's eyes lit up, and he immediately slashed towards the place where the sound came from: "Broken knife - cut!!"



The Zhan Da Dao cut a hollow knife mark in the dense fog. Through the knife mark, Loquat Shizang saw the figure of Zabu Zhan disappearing like a ghost. Kunai

"Damn it!"

Loquat Shizang was frightened and angry, and his whole body was in a state of rage. He spun on the spot, waving the big sword frantically back and forth, and the huge blade hummed in the air, creating a hurricane.

He wanted to rush into the swirling blade light without chopping a few more times, but the blade was too long, so he could neither rush in nor attack.

A ruthless look flashed in Bu Zhan's eyes, and he directly took out a handful of detonating talismans, tied them to Ku Wu, and threw them over.



The continuous explosion exploded crazily in the dense fog, directly blowing up the hotel to the sky. &1t;i>&1t;/i>

And if you don't cut it, you will find Bai quickly, and grab him away from the dense fog.

The huge red mushroom cloud directly dispersed the thick fog, revealing the appalling hotel inside.

As for Loquat Shizang, there was no one left.


No longer frowned, he immediately pushed Bai out violently, and at the same time he also used the counter-thrust to dodge backwards.


A burst of bright sword light violently rose from the ground, the cold sword energy cut the air into two sections, and a white mark was faintly visible in the air.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell, go to hell!!" Loquat Shizang held the slashing sword in his hand, and Jie Jie sneered and attacked wildly without slashing.

No more cuts, while backing away, quickly forming seals: "Water escape-water chaos!"

Loquat Shizang did not dodge or dodge, and directly used the chopping sword to forcefully split the oncoming large amount of water, strode forward, and chopped Zabu in half with one blow! &1t;i>&1t;/i>

"Don't behead me again!" Bai who fell to the ground burst into tears instantly.

But Loquat Shizang did not have the slightest joy in his eyes. Seeing that the two halves of the corpses that would not be chopped turned into water and fell to the ground, he snorted coldly, looked around, and slashed at Bai behind him.

No matter how despicable you are in your heart, you can’t just watch the Bingdun boy you just accepted die unexpectedly, you have to show your body to save him~www.readwn.com~ If you don’t cut, you won’t be able to escape, hahahaha ! " Loquat Shizang dragged his big knife and strode like a shooting star, chasing after him closely.

At the same time, in Sidai Mizukage's office, the Xiguashan puffer ghost broke in brutally, and shouted: "Sidai, it's not good, Loquat Juzang is crazy, and he wants to kill him if he doesn't kill him, go quickly!" Stop him!"

The Fourth Mizukage Yagura sat cross-legged on the Mizukage seat, his face was pale and distorted, when he looked closely, it seemed that there were bubbles surging under his cheeks, sometimes expanding, sometimes shrinking, and His face seemed to be weird.

"The loquat and ten treasures don't cut their hands anymore? It's because of the big sword."

Thinking of his temptation to him yesterday, Yakura showed a slight disdainful smile on his thin face, "It's really beyond your control! Fugu ghost, you take a few Anbu to stop him, and then catch him back."

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost did not immediately respond, he felt that the state of the fourth generation was a bit strange at this time, if...

His eyes flickered, and he asked softly, "Sidai, are you... all right?"

The shark muscles on his back seemed to sense the master's intentions, trembling and twisting his body, as if he wanted to choose someone to eat!

Yakura raised his eyelids slightly, and in an instant, a majestic aura soared from him, sweeping in all directions like wind and clouds, the air seemed to be suppressed and motionless, there was an illusion of silence.

"Go and bring Loquat Ten Zang back!" Yakura ordered coldly.

A few drops of cold sweat dripped from the forehead of Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.

'This is the aura of Six Tails, he has become Six Tails Jinchuriki! '

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost hurriedly put away the little thoughts deep in his heart, then bowed respectfully and saluted: "I see!"

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