Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 463: Shark muscle VS beheading sword!


Leaving the Water Studio, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost squinted his eyes and thought, "Sure enough, it was a wrong decision to join forces with Loquat Ten Zang to deal with the fourth generation. Hehe, luckily I'm smart!"

As for catching loquats and ten possessions alive, there is no such thing!

What Xiguashan puffer ghost said before to sow dissension was originally intended to stimulate Loquat Ten Zang, make him make mistakes, and then... kill him!

He can finally take revenge for the Three Wars!

He endured humiliation these years, but it was because Loquat Juzo, who was also a member of the Ninja Seven, was powerful. The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost fought alone, and he was not sure of killing him. Has been forbearing until now.

Then, the Xiguashan puffer ghost ordered a dozen Anbu ninjas, and drove to the village dozens of miles away.


The huge beheading sword fell heavily from the sky, creating a huge crack in the ground, which spread more than ten meters away.

No more embarrassment, he hugged Bai Roll to the side, and then continued to run for his life.

"If you don't behead me again, let me go, I don't want to be your burden!" Bai was so moved that tears filled his eyes.

"Shut up!" Zabu Zhan yelled angrily, "No one in this world can kill you except me!"

"But..." Bai looked at Loquat Shizang who was chasing after him, feeling both moved and guilty.

"No but!" Gritting his teeth again, "Pipa Shizang, that bastard, I wanted to kill him a long time ago, but this time he took the lead, I was careless, **** it!"

"If you don't behead your lord, what should we do now?" Bai asked worriedly.

Zai Buzhan's eyes flashed, and he said: "Waiting for rescue, it is impossible to hide what happened here, once it is reported back to the village, the fourth generation will definitely send people to stop Loquat Ten Zang!"

It would be a pity not to be beheaded. If he is strong enough to kill Loquat Ten Zang on the spot, then not only will he not be guilty, but he will also get the long-awaited beheading sword, killing two birds with one stone. Unfortunately, his strength is not enough after all.

"If you don't kill me, you arrogant brat, you killed all the students in the same year and coveted my beheading sword. I thought you were so strong, but it turns out that you are just a bug that can only jump up and down, hahahaha..."

Loquat Shizang taunted while slashing horizontally and vertically. Wherever he passed, the buildings on both sides of the street, street lamps, etc. were all cut in half, even the ground under his feet could not bear the blade and kept cracking.

Zabu Zhan's face was cold and he gritted his teeth, but he never looked back.

"If you don't want to kill me again, turn around and fight with me like a man!" Loquat Shizang continued to taunt.

"Shut up, you are a real man if you don't behead your lord again!" Bai couldn't help retorting.

"Hahaha, if you don't want to be beheaded again, it's ironic for you that such words need to be said from the mouth of a brat." Loquat Shizang brutally killed several nearby civilians who were in the way. He jumped into the air again, and slashed down fiercely.

"Be careful, Mr. Zabuchou!" Bai was being carried by Zabuchou with his head behind him, and happened to see this scene.

Without chopping off the toes, immediately roll to the left.


The ground he was standing on was split into two by the beheading sword, revealing deep cracks.

At this moment, a cheerful laugh came from the front.

"Hahahahaha, Loquat Ten Zang, you finally fell into my hands!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost appeared on the stage, waved his big hand, and shouted, "Give it to me!"

A dozen or so Anbu who followed him immediately surrounded Loquat Ten Zang.

"What?" Loquat Juzang was startled, "This is... Anbu? Pufferfish ghost, what is going on with you?"

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost slowly loosened the bandages wrapped around the shark's muscles, and said with a sneer, "What's going on? Don't you know in your heart?"

Loquat Shizang looked at the murderous intent that could not be concealed in the eyes of the Xiguashan puffer ghost, and the shark muscle in his hand that was ready to move, and felt a chill in his heart.

"You really haven't forgotten what happened back then!"

"How could I forget, Loquat Ten Zang, I have really endured so hard these years, hehehe!"

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost stepped forward and attacked and killed it instantly.

At this time, Loquat Shizang was already surrounded by more than a dozen Anbu, but he relied on the advantage of the beheading sword to block all their attacks outside.


"Shark Muscle - Slash and Slash!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost leaped high and chopped off the shark muscle in his hand heavily.

Bang! !

The shark muscle and the beheading sword collided forcefully in the air, and sparks flew everywhere in an instant.

The ground under Loquat Shizang's feet couldn't bear such a strong impact, and it split into pieces in an instant, spilling a lot of dust.

"It's not over yet, hahahaha!"

After the watermelon mountain puffer ghost landed, it laughed wildly and raised its shark muscle again, and chopped it down viciously.

Loquat Shizang didn't dodge or evade, he raised the beheading knife instead, and brutally slashed towards the crotch of Xiguashan puffer ghost from bottom to top!

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was startled, and hurriedly shouted, "Shark Muscle - Flying Chain Slash!"

The handle of the shark muscle in his hand stretched in an instant, and then he chopped on Loquat Ten Zang's beheading sword first.

At the same time, the shark muscle suddenly opened its mouth, and bit the blade of the beheading sword. In an instant, the chakra in Loquat Tenzo's body was swallowed by the shark muscle through the beheading sword.

"Hahahaha~www.readwn.com~ Loquat Ten Zang, go to hell, go to hell!"

The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost held the shark muscle in one hand, and punched Loquat Shizang viciously with the other, causing his skin to bruise and blood to flow all over his face in an instant.

One punch, two punches, three punches, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost is so sour.

Loquat Shizang let out a growl, and with brute force, raised the beheading knife in front of him, but Sharkis's mouth was firmly biting the blade of the beheading knife, and he had no intention of letting go.

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost punched down again, and it landed directly on the body of the beheading sword.


There was a crisp sound on the blade, and he was punched into two pieces!

"What?" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was startled, and hurriedly backed away.

But he was still a step too slow, Pipa Shizang had already turned around quickly, swung the broken beheading sword fiercely away, and cut a hideous wound on the chest of Xiguashan puffer ghost, blood flowed profusely in an instant, and was caught Beheading Broadsword Absorption!

"Damn it!" The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost screamed in pain, and the shark muscle in his hand hurriedly spit out a section of the beheading sword in his mouth, and at the same time fed back the Chakra he had absorbed to the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost to help him heal his wounds.

Loquat Shizang kept walking, pressing on the watermelon puffer ghost step by step. The broken knife in his hand cut a series of hideous wounds on his body, but the strange thing is that no blood flowed from these wounds, no, it should be the blood just spilled out In an instant, he was instantly absorbed by the beheading sword!

The beheading sword is said to be an unbreakable sword, because it can absorb blood and repair itself. No matter how damaged the blade is, as long as there is blood, it can be completely repaired!

In just a short while, with the support of the blood of the Xiguashan puffer ghost, the beheading knife has been restored to its original state, and the blade is as bright as a bright moon, as bright as frost.

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