Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 465: hunt down

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When the fourth generation of Mizukage Yagura came to power, the communication between Kirigakure Village and the outside world was significantly reduced. Firstly, because Kirigakure Village was far away from overseas, and secondly, after the civil strife, the strength of Kirigakure Village was greatly reduced. Reducing communication can prevent Expose the truth and maintain the status of the five hidden villages.

But even so, this retreat policy is limited to Wuyin Village.

It is impossible to completely lock the country in such a huge water country!

The Land of Fire, the Land of Waves, the Land of Thunder, and even the Land of Tea all have trade relations with the Land of Water.

Fenghuo came to the coastal area of ​​the Land of Fire, and it took half a day to find the merchant ship heading for the Land of Water.

In order to conceal his identity, Feng Huo put on some make-up, then put on a non-mainstream ninja uniform, turned into a wandering ninja, and boarded the boat carelessly.

Boat fare?


As Konoha's ninja, in order to maintain the reputation of the village, he naturally had to give money, but Fenghuo is now a wandering ninja, so giving money would be a shame for his non-mainstream tolerance.

Ah hey, what kind of eyes do you have, let's look at you again!

Feng Huo took out Kunai and cursed at him so arrogantly that he scolded all the sailors on board, and no one dared to ask him about the fare anymore.


With the sound of the ship's whistle, the merchant ship slowly left the shore and headed for the land of water on the other side of the ocean.

Land of Rain, Akatsuki headquarters.

Nagato and Xiaonan are checking the information that Jue just sent back about the S-class rebellious Loquat Juzang in Wuyin Village.

"How?" Nagato asked softly, "One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, the strength should be good?"

"It can be recruited." Xiao Nan nodded, "Leave this matter to me."

Nagato pondered and said: "He should be under the pursuit of Kirinin Anbe now, it will be dangerous if you go alone, let Scorpion follow."

"That guy can't be counted on." Xiaonan snorted, "After being defeated by Uchiha Fenghuo last time, he started to transform his body when he came back, and wanted to refine himself into an immortal puppet."

Nagato didn't care much, because no matter how the scorpion transforms, he can't be the opponent of Samsara Eye, so he asked lightly, "Did he succeed?"

"Not yet, he has just started to transform." Xiaonan said.

"I see." Nagato nodded slightly. In this way, the only one in the organization who can help Xiaonan is Jue, but Jue is just a pure perception ninja who cannot participate in the battle at all. He hesitated, "Can you do it alone?"

"Of course, don't underestimate me." Xiao Nan said coldly, "I will be back soon."

As she spoke, she had already turned into countless pieces of paper and drifted away with the wind.

In the land of water, after Loquat Juzo defected, the Fourth Mizukage Yakura sent Anbu to chase after him, and the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost also led his capable subordinate Kanshi Kisame in pursuit.

Of course, those who are determined to win the big sword of beheading are also tightly hanging behind.

And Bai, the little boy who had just been taken in by Bubu, followed behind sullenly.

I don't want to take him with me anymore, but if I leave him alone in Wuyin Village, I don't feel at ease if I don't kill him again. After all, the Bingdun Blood Successor Boundary in Bai's body comes from the Mizuzuki clan. Once someone finds out, there is no protection from him , Bai has only one dead end!

So, I can only take him with me.

Fortunately, with Anbu and Xiguashan Puffer Ghost rushing forward, the situation between him and Bai was not too dangerous.

Just chasing and killing all the way, relying on his understanding of Kirigakure Anbu, Loquat Juzang avoided danger several times in advance, and fled farther and farther dangerously.

The land area of ​​the country of water is not large, and with the footsteps of ninjas like Loquat Juzang, they soon came to the border of the country of water, which is the junction of the continent and the ocean.

But for ninjas, there is not much difference between land and sea.

Whether it is Loquat Ten Zang, Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost and other Anbu, each of them stepped on the sea water, running as if they were walking on flat ground.

Loquat Juzang turned his head back from time to time and slashed out a beheading sword, creating big waves to stop the enemy from chasing. According to this trend, he has enough confidence to escape to the Land of Fire, and then escape through the dense forest of the Land of Fire!


Suddenly, Loquat Shizang was startled, subconsciously leaping high from the sea.


In the next moment, five or six sharks glowing with black light violently drilled out of the bottom of the sea. In the huge mouth, the ferocious teeth gleamed coldly in the sun.


Loquat Shizang cut it down with one knife, and cut one of the sharks in half.

A large amount of blood mixed with the internal organs of the shark poured into the seawater, instantly dyeing the seawater red. In an instant, the other sharks in the sea were stimulated by the blood and fell into a rage. companions, making the sea muddy.

"Dried persimmon ghost shark, your shark seems a bit disobedient!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost showed a disdainful smile, and quickly passed the sharks that were killing each other.

Dried persimmon ghost said: "Sharks chasing blood, whether it is an enemy or the same kind, will drive them into madness, but sharks in this state are even more terrifying."

Before the dried persimmon ghost shark finished speaking, huge black shadows quickly passed through the sea water under their feet, approaching Loquat Juzo at a terrifying speed~www.readwn.com~ Loquat Juzo's perception ninjutsu is pretty good , detected the approach of the shark in advance.

"There is no way to go on like this!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he plunged headlong into the sea water, fighting with a group of sharks in the sea!

The sharks rampage in the sea water, sometimes flicking their tails, sometimes biting, turning the sea upside down, undercurrents emerge, and they are extremely ferocious. If ordinary people fall into the sharks, they will end up in pieces, but when facing ninjas, these sharks are Some are not enough.

In particular, what they were facing was an extremely sharp beheading sword!

Loquat Shizang moves very flexibly in the water, swimming with the help of the undercurrent formed by sharks swimming, and wielding a beheading knife from time to time.

The speed of the huge beheading knife in the water is still as fast as lightning. When the light of the knife passes by, the sea water is cut with white marks, and the foam grows in the white marks. It cuts away like a horse, cutting the body of a shark into two cut.

Soon, the azure sea water was covered with blood, and the coverage became wider and wider, and the color became deeper and deeper!

In the end, a crimson sea area with a radius of 100 meters was even formed.

With the shark's delay, Kiri Ninja Anbe, including Suiguashan puffer ghost, dried persimmon ghost, and others, finally chased here.

Apart from anything else, the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost used the Great Waterfall Technique, a huge waterspout descended from the sky, rushed violently into the blood-colored sea, and set off huge red waves.

A group of Mist Ninja Anbe fluctuated with the waves, each staring at the movement under the red waves.

But as the waves subsided slowly, the figure of Loquat Shizang did not appear.

At this moment, a merchant ship slowly approached from the other side of the sea.

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