Konoha: Fire Up the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 466: Isota and shark muscle

Facing the sea breeze and the scorching sun, Fenghuo, who turned into a wandering ninja, stood motionless on the bow of the merchant ship, looking at the ninja standing on the sea in front.

However, his eyesight has deteriorated so much now that even with glasses, he can't see clearly what is nearly a thousand meters away.

‘Chakra Perception! '

Feng Huo squinted his eyes, using perception to detect the situation over there.

But before he could take a closer look, within the range of his perception, he felt a familiar chakra wave approaching him.

'Have I been discovered? No, this chakra fluctuation is... Loquat Ten Zang! '

The killing intent in Feng Huo's heart was instantly detonated, like a puff of smoke rising into the sky!

I see!

Feng Huo showed a sneer, those ninjas in the distance should have hunted down Kirigin Anbe of Loquat Juzo.

It seems that I came here by coincidence!

Feng Huo didn't hide his killing intent, after all, he came out this time to kill someone!

In the third Ninja World War, Fenghuo killed many people, and even fought against the strong one after another, so his murderous aura has already been trained very well, not inferior to Orochimaru's killing intent!

The sailors on the merchant ship felt the murderous intent of sealing the fire, and all of them felt weak legs and trembling at that time, and could not stand up straight.

And the Loquat Shizang who was lurking in the sea water was also trembling.

"This murderous aura... is aimed at me?"

As soon as he thought about it, he saw a small fuzzy fireball looming and falling on the sea surface.

The moment the small fireball touched the surface of the sea, it instantly sparked a prairie fire, turning into a huge sea of ​​flames, roaring and exploding, and the terrifying high temperature turned into hot currents, rushing violently into the bottom of the sea.

Loquat ten hides in the bottom of the sea, looking around, the whole sea seems to be covered by a sea of ​​flames, with a large red halo imprinted on it!

There is even more scorching warm current whipping like a 'fire whip'!

Loquat Shizang didn't dare to be careless, quickly formed a seal with both hands: "Water escape - the art of water dragon bullet!"

The surrounding sea water was condensed by his chakra, turning into a huge water dragon, roaring and soaring into the sky.


The huge water dragon shattered the warm current of the seabed, broke through the shackles of the sea of ​​fire, rolled up a waterspout more than ten feet long into the air, and then exploded, turning into countless streams of water and falling down, instantly extinguishing most of the sea of ​​fire on the sea.

Such a huge movement has already alarmed Kirinin Anbe not far away. Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost, Dried Persimmon Kisame and other Anbes all surrounded them one after another, and Zabuza, who was behind, also rushed here with Shiro on his back.

"If you don't kill your lord, look quickly, the sea of ​​fire, there is fire that can burn on the sea water!" Bai Shuang looked ahead.

Don't cut your footsteps again.

"What a powerful fire escape ninjutsu!"

As far as he knows, no one in the Kirin Anbu seems to be able to perform such a powerful fire escape ninjutsu!

Are there ninjas from other hidden villages?

Do not cut cautiously and do not move forward.

Suddenly, a cold and emotionless voice came from far in front.

"Wind escape - oppression!"

Afterwards, gusts of thin wind slowly blew from the merchant ship, blowing faster and faster, and finally turned into a white halo like a substance, sweeping across the sky and covering the sky.

Bu Zhan's face changed drastically, he stretched out his hand to grab Bai tightly, and immediately dived into the bottom of the sea.


The white halo flashed from the sea surface, but set off ferocious waves more than ten feet high, like a huge sea wall, pushing away horizontally, and in the sea wall, a few unlucky figures of Kirigin Anbu struggling could be vaguely seen.

But if you don't cut it, you don't have the mood to pay attention to it, because there is also a constant undercurrent under the sea, like ripples coming in waves one after another.

Bai was almost knocked unconscious by the undercurrent in an instant, and subconsciously swallowed a lot of seawater.

If you don't cut it, you can't help yourself, and you will be washed away gradually with the waves.

At the center of the storm, the merchant ship under Fenghuo's feet was already blown far away by the wind and waves. The sailors on the ship dared not stay, and immediately started the merchant ship and ran back.

As for Feng Huo himself, standing on the surface of the sea, ten meters away in front of him is Loquat Juzo carrying a slashing knife on his shoulders, and behind Loquat Juzo is a group of Wunin Anbu such as Xiguashan puffer ghost.

"Who are you?!" Loquat Shizang held the chopping sword tightly, with a gloomy expression.

"The person who killed you!" Feng Huo said indifferently, "It has nothing to do with others, step aside."

A stern look flashed in Xiguashan puffer ghost's eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Kiri Ninja Anbu is doing business, you should be rolled aside!"

Feng Huo's eyes fell on him, and his murderous intent was instantly overwhelming: "Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost, hahahaha, what a providence!"

Feng Huo never expected that the one chasing and killing Loquat Ten Zang this time would be the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost!

In this way, the only two surviving members of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen who killed Maite were all in front of his eyes!

‘Uncle Dai, today I will avenge you! '

As for the other Mist Ninja Anbu, Fenghuo doesn't take it seriously at all.


Wait, that guy looks so familiar.

Feng Huo stared at the cheeks of Qianshi Guishui, like a shark, looking rather intrusive.

'This face...'

He couldn't help but move: Could it be dried persimmon ghost shark?

This guy is in some trouble.

I remember the records in the original book, this person has a huge chakra in his body that is no less than that of a tailed beast, and his strength is extremely powerful. However, the dried persimmon ghost shark at this time should not have grown to his peak period~www.readwn.com~It shouldn’t be able to stop it he!


Suddenly, the shark muscles on the back of Xiguashan puffer ghost trembled with excitement.


The Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost was startled, and hurriedly grabbed the shark's muscle, but it still couldn't stop its trembling.

"what happened?"

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost looked surprised, "Shamrock, what happened?"

Shark muscle can't speak, so naturally it can't explain the reason for its excitement.

As for Fenghuo, he guessed a bit.

At the same time, in the sealed world inside Fenghuo, in the depths of the pool, a huge turtle shadow slowly emerged.

"Is that the little fish?"

The yang attribute three-tailed shark muscle shook his head, "I can feel its breath."

The spirit of sealing the fire is active in the water pool of the sealed world.

Others don't know it, but he clearly knows the identity of the shark muscle. Although it is one of the seven ninja swords, its predecessor is the younger brother who follows Isao Mio and is responsible for digesting and absorbing chakra!

Feng Huo asked directly: "Isata, is there a way to subdue the shark muscles?"

"That guy likes my chakra very much, as long as you use my chakra, it will become close to you." Isata calmly sank his upturned buttocks into the bottom of the pool, and continued, "As for it Whether I will follow you or not, I cannot guarantee."

Feng Huo nodded slightly, the shark muscle is very difficult to deal with, it is almost a bottomless pit, even a chakra at the level of a tailed beast can absorb a lot, but fortunately he is a three-tailed jinchuriki, and with Isato, the cool shark muscle can also absorb it. Don't dare to be mad at him.

Thinking of this, Feng Huo slowly stretched out his left and right hands, and two spiral pills slowly formed in his hands.

One of them was as bright red as fire, while the other was glowing with purple light, and the thunder exploded.

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